tipping是什么意思 tipping的中文翻译、读音、例句

tipping是什么意思 tipping的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:tipping point(转折点,突破点),tipping scale(天平的臂杆,比喻某种因素决定某一方向的力量),tipping fee((垃圾等)处理费)

短语:tip off(暗示,告诉),tip over(翻倒)



1. She left a generous tip for the waiter who had been so attentive.(她留下了很多小费,以感谢那名服务员的周到服务。)

2. The tipping point of the situation was when the CEO announced his resignation.(形势的转折点是CEO宣布辞职。)

3. The company charges a tipping fee for the disposal of hazardous materials.(公司会对危险废物的处理收取处理费。)

4. Someone tipped off the police about the illegal activities in the warehouse.(有人向警方举报了仓库内的非法活动。)

5. Be careful not to tip over the vase on the edge of the table.(小心别把桌边的花瓶打翻。)




1. In some countries, tipping is expected for good service in restaurants.


2. The tower is tipping dangerously to one side.


3. The arrow was pointing in the wrong direction due to the wind tipping it.





例句:I believe we're at a tipping point where this is now something that we can't avoid. (我相信现在正位于一个转折点, 我们无法避免。我们无法避免。)


例句:And that's exactly what we're doing right now, as we're in this tipping point. (那也正是我们在做的事情 因为我们处在这样一个临界点 )


例句:Tipping is not permitted, nor is money of any kind. (这里是不允许收小费的 任何金钱形式都不行)


例句:I think SVG is close to its tipping point, where use of SVG will grow rapidly. (翻译:我认为SVG正在接近它的临界点,在这一点上,SVG的使用将快速增长。)


tipping一般作为名词、动词使用,如在forward tipping((向)前倾)、gear tipping([网络] 齿轮倾斜)、propeller tipping(螺旋桨包梢)等常见短语中出现较多。

forward tipping(向)前倾
gear tipping[网络] 齿轮倾斜
propeller tipping螺旋桨包梢
root tipping(下拗植物茎端着地时的)茎端生根
rubble tipping抛石
side tipping侧转疤翻卸
table tipping[网络] 神力使桌子转动
tipping angle[机] 顶锥角,顶圆锥角;顶端角,顶尖角
tipping apparatus翻车机;倾卸机
tipping arrangement翻转设备


1. Tipping is not permitted, nor is money of any kind. (翻译:这里是不允许收小费的 任何金钱形式都不行)

2. I think SVG is close to its tipping point, where use of SVG will grow rapidly. (翻译:我认为SVG正在接近它的临界点,在这一点上,SVG的使用将快速增长。)

3. And I think not only individuals, but perhaps nations, too, have their own tipping points. (翻译:我想不仅是个人 也许国家也是一样,有属于它们的临界点 )

4. Meet professor Nick Cutter, a fascinating study in the tipping point between inspiration and lunacy. (翻译:这位是Nick Cutter教授 是展示天才与疯子有多接近的活标本)

5. Podunk, cow-tipping, Minnesota Hickville where you grew up. (翻译:毫无名气 人们喜欢推牛的 你从小生长的明尼苏达乡巴佬村)

6. All these failed attempts, along with the ever-sinking foundation, moved the tower closer to its tipping point. (翻译:所有失败的尝试, 伴随沉降的地基 使得倒塌一触即发。)

7. Once I looked up "tipping" in a dictionary. (翻译:有一次我在字典里查了“tipping”这个词。)

8. He's leveraging David's murder, tipping the scales of public sentiment. (翻译:不惊讶 他在利用David被谋杀作为借口 利用公众的情绪)

9. Compared to the total amount of global warming pollution in the atmosphere, that amount could double if we cross this tipping point. (翻译:如果突破顶点,温室气体排放量 将是现有大气层中的全球温室污染总量 )

10. Did they like the promotional plan sponsoring the cow-tipping contest? (翻译:太好了 告诉我他们喜欢那个挤牛奶比赛吗?)

11. So I looked up and I noticed Stephen's wheelchair was slowly tipping backward. (翻译:所以我向上看 注意到史蒂芬的轮椅在慢慢地向后滑)

12. The pattern is the same in most such rebellions, with a cascade of events leading to a tipping point. (翻译:该模式是在大多数这样的叛乱一样,导致了一个临界点级联事件。)

13. The tipping point for my romance was uh, after we were injuncted and then reinstated and then reinjuncted. (翻译:我的浪漫的转折点 是呵,在我们有 injuncted,然后 恢复,然后reinjuncted。)

14. And Jeff came up beside me and said, "So, have you ever been cow tipping?" (翻译:杰夫走到我身边说: “你让牛翻过跟斗吗?”)

15. And so we built a model, leveraging the petabytes of data we sit on, and we solved for the tipping point. (翻译:于是我们建造了一个模型, 利用我们掌握的海量数据, 我们解决了这个转折点的问题。)



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