canvas是什么意思 canvas的中文翻译、读音、例句

canvas是什么意思 canvas的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. canvas painting:油画

2. a piece of canvas:一块帆布

3. canvas shoes:帆布鞋

4. canvas bag:帆布袋

5. canvas tent:帆布帐篷

6. canvas print:帆布印刷品

7. canvas material:帆布材料


1. on canvas:在帆布上(绘画)

2. primed canvas:打底帆布

3. stretched canvas:涂胶帆布

4. blank canvas:空白帆布

5. canvas painting technique:帆布油画技巧



1. The artist is painting on canvas.(那位画家正在帆布上作画。)

2. The tent is made of canvas.(这个帐篷是由帆布制成的。)

3. I love wearing canvas shoes in the summer.(夏天我喜欢穿帆布鞋。)

4. I carry my groceries in a canvas bag.(我用帆布袋装我的杂货。)

5. We set up our canvas tent for the camping trip.(我们为野营旅行搭起了帆布帐篷。)

6. The canvas print of the landscape was beautiful.(风景的帆布印刷品很漂亮。)

7. The canvas material we bought is thick and durable.(我们买的帆布材料又厚又耐用。)


1. She likes to paint on canvas.(她喜欢在帆布上画画。)

2. This artist used a large canvas for this painting.(这位艺术家为这幅画使用了一块大帆布。)

3. The sails of the ship were made of canvas.(这艘船的帆是用帆布制作的。)

4. We need to buy a new canvas for our tent.(我们需要为我们的帐篷买一块新的帆布。)

5. The canvas bag is very durable.(这个帆布袋子非常耐用。)

6. The artist stretched the canvas tightly before painting.(艺术家在画画前把帆布拉紧。)

7. The canvas print of the painting looked just like the original.(这幅帆布印刷品看起来就像原作一样。)

8. The sailor used a canvas cover to protect the boat.(水手使用帆布覆盖物来保护船只。)

9. The curtains in the room were made of canvas.(这个房间里的窗帘是用帆布制作的。)


读音:càn vás


1. This painting was created on a canvas.(这幅画是在画布上创作的)

2. The canvas tent was set up in the campground.(帆布帐篷在野营地里搭起来了)




例句:At the top of the canvas flashes a bird desperate to escape the carnage. (画布的上方闪现了一只 迫切想要逃离这场大屠杀的鸟。)


例句:The soles are leather, while the uppers are canvas. (鞋跟是皮的,而鞋面是帆布的。)


例句:And suddenly, in this canvas of infinity, Bharat felt insignificant. (突然之间,在这无穷无尽的旗帜的海洋中,婆罗多认识到了自身的渺小 突然之间,在这无穷无尽的旗帜的海洋中,婆罗多认识到了自身的渺小)

4.帆布 、用帆布覆盖

例句:It's true, there was no easel in the room, nor unfinished or blank canvas. (翻译:是的,我知道,房间里没有画架, 没有已经动笔的画, 甚至连未着色的画布也没有。)


canvas一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in canvas(用帆布)、on canvas(在油画上)、on the canvas(被击倒)等常见短语中出现较多。

in canvas用帆布
on canvas在油画上
on the canvas被击倒
the canvas拳击(或角力)台上的帆布台面
duck canvas细帆布
draper canvas帆布输送带
Drawing canvas[网络] 绘图画布;画布
elastic canvas重浆衬布,硬衬布
elevator canvas升运器帆布带


1. And suddenly, in this canvas of infinity, Bharat felt insignificant. (翻译:突然之间,在这无穷无尽的旗帜的海洋中,婆罗多认识到了自身的渺小 突然之间,在这无穷无尽的旗帜的海洋中,婆罗多认识到了自身的渺小)

2. It's true, there was no easel in the room, nor unfinished or blank canvas. (翻译:是的,我知道,房间里没有画架, 没有已经动笔的画, 甚至连未着色的画布也没有。)

3. Awnings and sunshades, canvas and duck, for market stalls (翻译:遮阳篷和遮阳伞,帆布和粗布的,用于市场货摊)

4. Here, just wipe it on the canvas, and then it'll be a painting. (翻译:在这里,刚擦它在画布上, 然后它会是一幅画。)

5. Zeng Fanzhi, Fire, oil on canvas, 2007. (翻译:曾梵志《火》;油画画布;xx年作。)

6. And I went on -- that's my first painting on canvas. (翻译:我继续朝我的方向走--那是我的第一幅画。)

7. A true artist fears a blank canvas. (翻译:一个真正的画家最害怕一张空空的画布。祝你们好运,伙计们。)

8. She was in her studio again, painting onto a large canvas. (翻译:她又在她的工作室里了,在一块大帆布上画画。)

9. With such a small canvas, there are only a few options. (翻译:对于这么小的画布,我们的选择不是很多。)

10. "Silent Argument" , acrylic on canvas, 3 x 4 feet, 2009 (翻译:“寂静的争吵”,布面丙烯,3x4英尺,2009)

11. On a canvas of joy outlasting the years. (翻译:在一块历经岁月的欢乐画布上。)

12. But this is still a test print. The canvas is a little rough, so... (翻译:但这还是试验的 油画布还是有点粗糙,所以...)

13. For his part, Eich said Mozilla has implemented many HTML 5 features including Canvas, offline support and Web Workers. (翻译:Eich说Mozilla已经实施了许多HTML5的特性包括Canvas,不在线支持和WebWorkers。)

14. Canvas stiffens as it dries. (翻译:帆布干时变硬。)

15. She carried a filled canvas satchel. (翻译:她带了一个鼓鼓囊囊的帆布包。)

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