biogas是什么意思 biogas的中文翻译、读音、例句

biogas是什么意思 biogas的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:biogas是一种通过生物反应或有机废料发酵产生的可再生能源。它主要由甲烷和二氧化碳组成,还含有少量氧气、氢气和一些硫化氢气体。

2. 原材料:生产biogas的主要原料是各种有机废料,包括农业废弃物、动植物粪便、食品废料等。

3. 用途:biogas可以被用作热能、动力和照明等用途。在农村地区,它通常用于烹饪、取暖和生产电力。此外,biogas还可以用于生产有机肥料和替代天然气。

4. 生产过程:生产biogas的过程通常分为两个步骤。首先将有机废料放入容器中,然后加入细菌或酵母等微生物。这些微生物会分解废料,并产生甲烷和二氧化碳。最终产生的biogas可以通过管道输送到需要的地方。

5. 环保优势:biogas的生产过程不会产生温室气体和异味等污染物。同时,生产过程中的废水和固体废弃物也可以作为肥料用于土壤改良,有利于环保。


1. Biogas production is an environmentally friendly and sustainable way to produce energy. (生产biogas是一种环保、可持续的能源生产方式。)

2. The biogas plant processes organic waste to produce renewable energy. (该生物气体发电厂处理有机废弃物以生产可再生能源。)

3. Biogas can be used as a clean and efficient source of fuel for cooking and heating. (生物气体可以用作清洁高效的燃料,用于烹饪和取暖。)

4. The production of biogas from agricultural waste can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (利用农业废弃物生产生物气体可以帮助减少温室气体排放。)

5. Biogas production can provide a sustainable source of energy for rural communities. (生产生物气体可以为农村社区提供可持续的能源来源。)



1. The farm uses biogas for energy production. 农场利用沼气进行能源生产。

2. Biogas can be used for cooking and heating. 沼气可以用于烹饪和供暖。

3. The biogas plant converts organic waste into energy. 沼气发电厂将有机废物转化为能源。

4. The biogas system provides electricity to the village. 沼气系统为村庄提供电力。

5. The waste from livestock is used to produce biogas. 牲畜的废弃物用于生产沼气。

6. Biogas is a sustainable source of energy. 沼气是可持续的能源来源。

7. The biogas digester requires regular maintenance. 沼气消化池需要定期维护。

8. Biogas production can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 沼气生产可以减少温室气体排放。

9. The biogas generator powered the entire factory. 沼气发电机给整个工厂供电。


读音:bǐo gās


1. 这个农场利用粪肥产生了大量的生物气体。

Translation: This farm produces a large amount of biogas by utilizing manure.

2. 生物气体是一种环保的能源,可以替代化石燃料。

Translation: Biogas is an environmentally friendly energy source and can replace fossil fuels.

3. 我们需要更多的生物气体设备来推进可持续发展。

Translation: We need more biogas equipment to promote sustainable development.




例句:Solution: Take human waste, take animal waste, put it into a chamber, out of that, extract biogas, methane gas. (解决办法:把人畜粪便, 堆进一个小房间内,从而提取沼气, 就是甲烷气体。)


例句:Biogas is usually produced through anaerobic digestion of organic materials. (沼气通常是经过有机物材料的厌氧消化产生的。)


例句:Produing biogas by using anerobic fermentation technology can not only develop energy but also reduce environmental pollution. (利用厌氧发酵技术生产沼气既能开发能源又能减少环境污染,目前各国都很提倡。)


例句:She's probably right now cooking lunch for her family on biogas, smokeless fuel. (翻译:她现在可能正在用无烟燃料— 沼气 为她的家人做饭。)


1. Produing biogas by using anerobic fermentation technology can not only develop energy but also reduce environmental pollution. (翻译:利用厌氧发酵技术生产沼气既能开发能源又能减少环境污染,目前各国都很提倡。)

2. She's probably right now cooking lunch for her family on biogas, smokeless fuel. (翻译:她现在可能正在用无烟燃料— 沼气 为她的家人做饭。)

3. Surya takes the waste out of the biogas chamber when it's shed the gas, he puts it on his crops. (翻译:苏尔亚将正在制造沼气的粪肥 施在他的庄稼上。)

4. However, the long-term application of biogas fertilizer from pig manure was most significant in elevating soil nutrients. (翻译:但长期施用后对土壤养分提升最显著的为猪粪沼肥。)

5. Biogas include marsh gas, landfill gas, digester gas. They distinguish by the producing location. (翻译:生物气包括沼气、堆填气体、胃肠气,由产生的地点来区分类别。)

6. Oduor asked if anyone knew what type of gas was being used. "Very natural gas, " Schlangen answered correctly – biogas made from human waste. (翻译:欧德询问有谁知道这里用的是哪种气体,“很天然的气体,” Schlangen的回答非常正确——这是利用人类排泄物生产的生化气体。)

7. Effect of Biogas Slurry on Nitrate and Nutrient Quality of Malabar Spinach Grown in Medium Culture (翻译:沼液对基质培木耳菜硝酸盐和营养品质的影响)

8. Lillehammer's opening ceremonies featured a giant Olympic Torch burning biogas produced by rotting vegetation. (翻译:利勒哈默尔的开幕式上有一个巨大的奥运火炬,它是由腐烂植物产生的沼气燃烧着的。)

9. We produce biogas in India by using animal manure, which usually, in India, is called cow dung. (翻译:我们在印度使用动物肥料制作沼气。在印度,动物肥料通常被称为母牛粪。)

10. Westport also creates complete solutions for the transition of commercial vehicle fleets from oil-based fuels to natural gas or biogas. (翻译:西港也提供商用船石油燃料过渡至天然气或沼气燃料的完美解决方案。完美解决方案。)

11. He has produced some power generators, which we are now doing an experiment in Bangladesh, in two villages where cow manure is producing biogas, which is running these generators. (翻译:他制造了一些发电机, 我们正在孟加拉的两个村庄对其进行一项试验, 利用牛粪产生的沼气 为发电机提供动力。)

12. Biogas is continuously produced by the matter in fermentation in the digesters . (翻译:发酵罐中的物质通过发酵,连续不断的产生沼气。)

13. On the most part, we were producing biogas, biogas for rural kitchens. (翻译:我们的主要工作,是制作沼气, 可供农村厨房使用的沼气。)

14. In theory - and increasingly in practice - much of this manure could be used to generate biogas and subsequently electricity. (翻译:理论上这些粪便大多可以用来生产沼气,然后用于发电——实际上也是越来越多。)

15. Farmers are beginning to benefit from the government's initiative to develop biogas projects in rural China. (翻译:《中国日报》,农民已开始受益于政府在农村推行的发展生物气体项目。)

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