interpersonal是什么意思 interpersonal的中文翻译、读音、例句

interpersonal是什么意思 interpersonal的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:adj. 涉及人际关系的,人与人之间的



1. interpersonal communication 人际交往

2. interpersonal skills 人际交往技能

3. interpersonal relationship 人际关系

4. interpersonal conflict 人际冲突

5. interpersonal dynamics 人际关系动态

6. interpersonal trust 人际信任

7. interpersonal distance 人际距离


1. improve interpersonal communication 改善人际交往

2. issues in interpersonal relationships 人际关系中的问题

3. interpersonal conflicts can be resolved 人际冲突可以得以解决

4. develop interpersonal skills 发展人际交往技能



1. He has good interpersonal skills and can communicate well with people from all walks of life.(他有良好的人际交往技能,能与各行各业的人进行良好的沟通。)

2. Interpersonal communication is an important component of building strong relationships.(人际交往是建立强大关系的重要组成部分。)

3. Issues in interpersonal relationships can cause stress and affect overall well-being.(人际关系中的问题可能会引起压力,影响整体幸福感。)

4. Conflict resolution skills are necessary for managing interpersonal conflicts in the workplace.(解决冲突的技能对于在工作场所管理人际冲突很必要。)

5. Trust is essential in interpersonal relationships and can take time to build.(信任在人际关系中非常重要,建立信任需要时间。)

6. Interpersonal dynamics can change depending on the situation and people involved.(人际关系动态可以根据情况和涉及的人员发生变化。)

7. Maintaining a certain level of interpersonal distance can be important in some cultures.(在某些文化中,保持一定程度的人际距离可能很重要。)




1. Effective interpersonal communication is essential for building strong relationships with others.(有效的人际沟通对于建立良好的人际关系至关重要。)

2. John has great interpersonal skills and always knows how to get along with different types of people.(约翰具有出色的人际交往能力,总是知道如何与不同类型的人相处。)

3. A lack of interpersonal skills may impede your career advancement.(缺乏人际交往能力可能会妨碍你的职业发展。)

4. The success of any team project depends on effective interpersonal communication among team members.(任何团队项目的成功都取决于团队成员之间的有效人际沟通。)

5. Good interpersonal relationships can help reduce workplace stress and improve job satisfaction.(良好的人际关系可以帮助减少工作压力,提高工作满意度。)

6. She has to work on her interpersonal skills to be able to lead her team more effectively.(她必须锤炼自己的人际交往能力,才能更有效地领导自己的团队。)

7. Interpersonal conflict is inevitable in any social environment, but it can be resolved through effective communication and conflict resolution strategies.(在任何社交环境中,人际冲突都是不可避免的,但可以通过有效的沟通和冲突解决策略来解决。)

8. Poor interpersonal skills can often lead to misunderstandings, miscommunication, and conflicts.(不良的人际交往能力往往会导致误解、误传和冲突。)

9. Many companies now value interpersonal skills as much as technical skills when hiring new employees.(许多公司现在在招聘新员工时同样重视人际交往能力和技术能力。)




1. Interpersonal skills are important in any profession. (人际交往技能在任何职业中都很重要。)

2. The conflicts within the team revealed a lack of interpersonal communication. (团队内部的冲突揭示了缺乏人际交往。)

3. She has excellent interpersonal skills that help her build strong relationships with her colleagues. (她具有出色的人际交往能力,能够帮助她与同事建立强有力的关系。)




例句:As Princeton researcher Janet Vertesi argues, our data and our privacy, they're not just personal, they're actually interpersonal. (就如普林斯顿研究员Janet Vertesi表示 我们的数据和隐私 不单单是私人的 它们实际上是一种人与人之间相互的 )


例句:five years of related work experience , and strong interpersonal skills have prepared me for a career in office administration. (我从事过xx年相关工作,人际交流沟通能力强,能胜任高级管理工作。)


例句:A press interview is an interpersonal com-munication activity, which takes place between a reporter and an interviewee. (采访活动是记者与采访对象之间的人际交往活动。)


例句:"His Zen awareness was not accompanied by an excess of calm, peace of mind or interpersonal mellowness, " Mr. Isaacson says. (翻译:“他的禅觉并不是被过度的冷静,平和,成熟的人际观包围,”艾萨克森说道。)


interpersonal一般作为形容词使用,如在interpersonal attraction(人际吸引)、interpersonal behavior(人群间的行为)、interpersonal chemistries([网络] 人际化学\n(interpersonal chemistry 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

interpersonal attraction人际吸引
interpersonal behavior人群间的行为
interpersonal chemistries[网络] 人际化学\n(interpersonal chemistry 的复数)
interpersonal chemistry[网络] 人际化学
interpersonal communication人际沟通
interpersonal comparability跨人可比较性
interpersonal comparison人际比较
interpersonal competence人际能力
interpersonal conflict人际冲突


1. A press interview is an interpersonal com-munication activity, which takes place between a reporter and an interviewee. (翻译:采访活动是记者与采访对象之间的人际交往活动。)

2. "His Zen awareness was not accompanied by an excess of calm, peace of mind or interpersonal mellowness, " Mr. Isaacson says. (翻译:“他的禅觉并不是被过度的冷静,平和,成熟的人际观包围,”艾萨克森说道。)

3. But snap decisions in reaction to rapid stimuli aren't exclusive to the interpersonal realm. (翻译:但是,应对快速刺激而做出的瞬时决策并不专属于人际关系的范畴。)

4. The interpersonal acquaintanceship mutually knows, Isn't you because of their fate which has been already destines? (翻译:人与人之间的相识相知,不就是因为他们之间的那一份早已注定的缘份吗?)

5. Much of an officer's day is spent mediating interpersonal conflicts. (翻译:警员的大部分日常工作 是调解人际冲突, )

6. The key thing is that for it to work, there has to be interpersonal influence. (翻译:要这个技术起作用,关键在于, 人际之间的影响必须存在。)

7. One, that social trust is not the same as interpersonal trust. (翻译:第一,社会信任和 人与人之间的信任不同。)

8. The IT manager failed to maintain interpersonal interactions, build up partnership with sub-ordinates, and manage his social relationship. (翻译:该主管缺乏与组织成员维持互动、建立伙伴关系及经营人脉。)

9. A correlation study between the interpersonal sensitivity and the factor scores of MMPI in submariners (翻译:潜艇人员人际关系敏感与MMPI因子分的相关性研究)

10. Meticulous, strong flexibility, good interpersonal skills and negotiation skills, good at dealingwith all kinds of complicated affairs. (翻译:细致,灵活性强,良好的交际能力和谈判能力,擅长处理各种复杂的事务; )

11. Emotional instability, introversion, less rest time and tensive interpersonal relation are main factors for negative living. (翻译:情绪不稳定、个性内向、休息时间少、人际关系紧张等是影响军人负性生活体验的主要因素。)

12. Rutilated, lucky crystal, can bring good luck and improve interpersonal relationships. (翻译:金发晶,开运水晶,可以带来好运,改善人际关系。)

13. Favorable interpersonal relationships in organization are usually composed of relations with superiors, with underlings, with coequals as well as other colleagues. (翻译:组织中良好人际关系的构建,包括与上级的关系、与下级的关系、与同级及其他同事间的人际关系。)

14. These types of academies overemphasize physical strength, with much less attention spent to subjects like community policing, problem-solving and interpersonal communication skills. (翻译:这些类型的警院过分强调体力, 而对以下科目的关注要低很多, 如社区警务、问题解决、 以及人际交往技能等。)

15. "In order to disagree agreeably, both sides need to handle things with respect and the proper interpersonal approach, " Handal says. (翻译:韩铎表示:“为了以友好的方式提出异议,双方都需要在相互尊重的基础上,采取恰当的人际交往方式来解决问题。”)

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