communicative是什么意思 communicative的中文翻译、读音、例句

communicative是什么意思 communicative的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. communicative ability/competence(沟通能力)

2. communicative language teaching(交际语言教学)

3. communicative skills(交际技巧)


1. be communicative with sb.(与某人进行交流)

2. communicative behavior(交际行为)

3. communicative learning(交际学习)



1. The communicator’s goal is to create a communicative atmosphere.(沟通者的目标是创造一种交流氛围。)

2. Teachers should adopt a more communicative approach to language teaching.(教师应采用更多的交际方法来进行语言教学。)

3. Her communicative skills make her popular among her colleagues.(她的交际技巧使她在同事中很受欢迎。)

4. Being communicative with your partner is vital in any relationship.(在任何关系中,与伴侣进行交流至关重要。)

5. The communicative behavior of the employees had a positive impact on the company’s performance.(员工的交际行为对公司的业绩产生了积极影响。)





1. She is very communicative and is always willing to share her ideas with others. (她非常善于交流,总是愿意分享自己的想法给别人。)

2. A communicative leadership style is important for building trust and encouraging collaboration among team members. (一种善于交流的领导风格对于建立信任和鼓励团队成员协作非常重要。)




例句:Its most important communicative principles include principle of evasiveness , principle of politeness, principle of embellishment. (它最主要的原则有:避讳原则,礼貌原则,掩饰、美化原则。)


例句:Extrovert, enthusiastic, communicative. Explores opportunities. Develops contacts. (开朗,乐观,沟通能力强。探索机遇。发展关系。)


例句:There are also cases where the combination of semantic and communicative translation may seem to be the ideal or better solution to adopt. (还有些时候,综合使用语义和交际翻译会是一种更为理想的译法。)


例句:To communicate with him is no easy job, as he is not a communicative person. (翻译:他是一个不爱说话的人,与他交流可不容易。)


1. There are also cases where the combination of semantic and communicative translation may seem to be the ideal or better solution to adopt. (翻译:还有些时候,综合使用语义和交际翻译会是一种更为理想的译法。)

2. To communicate with him is no easy job, as he is not a communicative person. (翻译:他是一个不爱说话的人,与他交流可不容易。)

3. Life world is an important concept in Habermas's ideas. The theory of communicative action is the footstone of Habermas's theory. (翻译:生活世界是哈贝马斯思想里一个重要的概念,交往行为理论是哈贝马斯理论大厦的基石。)

4. Actively engage with such communicative activities as academic research and practical investigation conduces to it to rapidly grow . (翻译:积极开展学术研究和实践调研等交流活动有利于促进民族地区图书馆人才快速成长。)

5. N, the same thing, the number of communicative civilizations out there [that] we might expect in our galaxy. (翻译:N,还是同样的东西, 拥有沟通文明的星球数量, 我们的星系中,可能知道的。)

6. We have a very communicative approach to teaching languages. (翻译:我们有一个交际能力很强的方法来教授语言。)

7. The flightiness and superficiality of Gemini is likely to be less apparent in this cycle than in the earlier ones, and the verbal and communicative side of Gemini more apparent. (翻译:双子的轻浮或者浅薄在这个阶段可能不如前几个阶段那么明显,双子的语言表达能力或者沟通技巧会更加明显。)

8. Until you suddenly became no communicative, no responsive and you dumped me-- (翻译:直到你突然的变得难以交流,冷漠,然后你抛弃了我――)

9. On translation of Chinese ancient poetry through Newmark's "semantic translation" and "communicative translation" (翻译:从古诗词英译中看纽马克的“语义翻译”与“交际翻译”)

10. The criterion of translation ought to be constantly modified to make it adapt to different times, contexts and communicative purposes. (翻译:翻译标准应该被不断的重新阐释以顺应不同的时间,不同的语境和不同的交际目的。)

11. Peter Newmark proposed two types of translation: communicative translation and semantic translation. (翻译:皮特••纽马克提出两种类型的翻译:交际翻译和语义翻译。)

12. In testing, the theoretical model of communicative language abilities proposed by Bachman has gained wide popularity in recent years. (翻译:近年来,语言测试专家巴赫曼倡导的交际语言能力模式在测试界得到广泛推崇。)

13. The theory of communicative language testing advocated by Lyle F. Bachman is influential in language testing worldwide. (翻译:Bachman的交际法语言测试理论在全球的语言测试领域产生了很大的影响。)

14. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) emphasizes that the goal of language teaching is to enhance the communicative competence of students. (翻译:交际教学法强调以培养学生的实际语言交际能力为教学目标。)

15. She has become a lot more tolerant and communicative. (翻译:她变成了一个更宽容,更健谈的人。)

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