1. 词义:tapc是一个缩写词,可以表示许多不同的含义,如“技术应用项目委员会”、“车间自动化控制系统”、“三苯基氨基钯催化剂”等。
2. 词性:tapc是一个缩写词,不属于词性分类。
3. 词组搭配:tapc通常出现在科技、工程、化学等领域的文章、报告中。常见的tapc词组包括“tapc委员会”、“tapc系统”、“tapc催化剂”等。
4. 短语:无
5. 发音拼写:tapc的发音为[ˈtæpk]。
1. The tapc committee is responsible for developing appropriate technologies to meet the demands of the industry.
2. The tapc system in our workshop has greatly increased efficiency and reduced labor costs.
3. The use of tapc catalysts in organic synthesis has become increasingly popular due to their high efficiency and selectivity.
4. The tapc technology has been widely used in the field of environmental protection, greatly improving the quality of water and air.
5. The tapc committee has decided to invest more resources into the development of renewable energy technologies.
tapc 的中文翻译为“技术应用产品中心”,读音为“tæp si”。例句:我在公司的tapc部门工作,负责开发新产品。 (I work in the tapc department of the company, responsible for developing new products.)
例句:Ann Miller, the best tap-dancing lady on the lot. (Ann Miller, the best tap -dancing lady on the lot. 安妮・米勒是片厂里最优秀的踢踏舞女星)
例句:Doubt conversation will be on tap for the commute. (-full. 在旅途中恐怕无法交谈 Doubt conversation will be on tap for the commute.)
TAPC | [=talampicillin]酞氨苄青霉素,氨苄青霉素酞酯 |
1. Ingestion of A. .. goes to B ... EC performs the excretion (翻译:由A进食... 通过B... 和C由c执行排泄)
2. Spinal Tap, that's a movie that I watched. (翻译:这是我看的一部Spinal Tap的电影)
3. The third tap that we need to open up will not be a tap at all, it will be a kind of virtual tap, it will be the water conservation that we manage to do. (翻译:我们的第三个水龙头并不是实体, 而是虚拟的, 指的是节约用水。)
4. You tap the end, let the drops fall off, flush. (翻译:你抖一抖,甩几滴出来,冲掉就行了 You tap the end, let the drops fall off, flush.)
5. Tap the checkbox for Swype to enable it. (翻译:点击Swype对应的复选框,以启用它。)
6. If A equals B, and B equals C plus ten, then C is to A... (翻译:A=B B=C+10 C相对于A是多少?)
7. Is the tap water safe to drink? (翻译:这自来水喝了不会闹病吧? )
8. Subtitles processed by C.M.C. (翻译:Subtitles processed by C. - Paris)
9. It was Tony C and their guys. (翻译:Tony C和他手下 It was Tony C and their guys.)
10. The spinal tap removed some of the fluid, (翻译:之前的检查因抽出部分脊液 缓解了你大脑内的压力)
11. As for a wishlist, I wish there was an API to tap into the statistics. (翻译:作为一种愿望,我希望能提供访问统计数据的API,我现在只能想象这种可能性。)
12. Fight ends with a knockout or a tap out. (翻译:搏斗以一个人倒下 或是一方击地板认输为结束)
13. These geniuses are still at the juncture box trying to tap in. (翻译:这些天才还在电信箱边 试着要监听我们的谈话)
14. Tap the number-three line. (翻译:装在三号线路上 采暖通风空调系统 8056 三号线路)
15. Charlie-0-5-Sanders, are you there? (翻译:C05 Sanders 回答我! C05 Sanders!)