fmz是什么意思 fmz的中文翻译、读音、例句

fmz是什么意思 fmz的中文翻译、读音、例句

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FMZ的中文翻译为“功能性膜区”,读音为fùn​g​néng​ xìng​ mó​ qū,例句:“FMZ是一种特殊的生态系统,是生态工程中的重要概念。”(Translation: FMZ is a special type of ecosystem, and it's an important concept in ecological engineering.)




例句:The FM tacticians still have a serious advantage over real life managers. (FM游戏的战术家比起现实中教练们有一个巨大的优势。)


例句:But Zsh can do even better than that. (但是Z sh甚至可以比这做得还要好。)

例句:You can call me Z, you can come and try (/You can call me Z, you can come and try)


例句:You're listening to 108.9 FM, KMZR, Portland. This... (翻译:调频108.9兆赫的波特兰新闻,我是...)


1. You can call me Z, you can come and try (翻译:/You can call me Z, you can come and try)

2. You're listening to 108.9 FM, KMZR, Portland. This... (翻译:调频108.9兆赫的波特兰新闻,我是...)

3. Or the chairman of the board of X.Y.Z. decides it's time to blow out X.Y.Z.? (翻译:又或是X公司的董事会主席 决定炒作公司新上市的股票?)

4. So I need a little respect. A little R-E-S-P-E-C-T. (翻译:所以你们得尊重我 z un 尊 zh ong 重)

5. Other products cost less; other products had more features, they had voice recorders and FM transmitters. (翻译:其他的产品更便宜 其他的产品有更多特性 有录音和FM调频 )

6. This is FM stereo one oh three point seven. (翻译:这里是调频立体声广播103.7兆赫。)

7. You used Jay-Z and Beyonce's matching his and hers bidets? (翻译:你用了Jay -Z和Beyonce的情侣浴盆?)

8. simulcast to broadcast simultaneously by FM and AM radio or by radio and television. (翻译:联播同时在收音机的中波和调频上播送或同时在收音机和电视上播送)

9. The broadband FM signals and the narrowband CF signals travel out to a target, reflect from it, and return to the hunting bat. (翻译:宽带 FM 信号和窄带 CF 信号传输到目标,从目标反射回来,然后返回猎蝠。)

10. That's phi is the angle downwards from the z axis. (翻译:这个角度是φ,它是从z轴偏转的角度。)

11. In theory, the FM network will not be the moire. (翻译:从理论上讲,调频网是不会产生龟纹的。)

12. Use of DB2 for z/OS 7.1 sysplex data sharing (翻译:将 DB2 用于 z/OS 7.1 Sysplex 数据共享 )

13. The swoosh also connects the letters a and z, meaning that this store has everything from a to z. (翻译:这个符号也起到了指向作用,链接字母a到z,意思是亚马逊的商品无所不包。)

14. The equation is hidden there, z goes into z squared, plus c. (翻译:公式就隐藏在那里, z等于 z的 平方加c。)

15. Indy 103.1... the independent FM. Fourth of July weekend... (翻译:我是恩迪,您正在收听的是独立调频103.1 今天是xx月xx日,周末)

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