dung是什么意思 dung的中文翻译、读音、例句

dung是什么意思 dung的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:dung是指动物的粪便,特别是牛、羊、马等的粪便。

2. 词性:dung是一个名词。

3. 常用场景:dung常常用于描述农场、牧场等动物饲养场所的环境,也可在农业、生态学、环境科学等领域中被使用。

4. 词组搭配:dung可以与其他词组成一些常用的短语,如:cow dung(牛粪)、horse dung(马粪)、dung beetle(粪金龟)、dung heap(粪堆)等。

5. 相关短语:与dung相关的其他词汇包括:manure(肥料,肥粪)、fertilizer(化肥)、compost(堆肥)、organic matter(有机物)等。

6. 发音拼写:dung的发音为/dʌŋ/,其中/d/为清辅音,/ʌ/为中央元音,/ŋ/为鼻音。





1. The farmer spread dung on his fields to fertilize the soil. (农民在他的田地上撒粪肥以使土壤肥沃。)

2. He had to shovel up the horse's dung from the stable. (他必须从马厩里铲起马的粪便。)




例句:You must promise me that you will never spare Ox Dung! (你要答应我 You must promise me ... 绝不可放过牛屎强这禽兽! ... that you wiII never spare Ox Dung!)


例句:The barbel fish eagerly dives in here, especially when the hippo was in dung production mode. (鲃鱼就在这里出没,尤其是当河马正处于“生产”的模式中。)


例句:When the bug was in the gut, he'd send back by return post some dung beetles. (因为这些病菌生活在苍蝇的内脏中,于是苍蝇医生从珀斯 寄回来了一些屎壳郎虫。)


例句:My dung is burned as fuel. My milk is used for cheese. (翻译:我的粪便燃烧可以做燃料。我的乳汁可以做奶酪。)


dung一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dung bath(粪(脱灰)液)、dung beetle(n. 金龟子科, 甲虫, 蜣螂)、dung beetles([网络] 粪金龟甲虫;粪金龜;粪食性金龟子)等常见短语中出现较多。

dung bath粪(脱灰)液
dung beetlen. 金龟子科, 甲虫, 蜣螂
dung beetles[网络] 粪金龟甲虫;粪金龜;粪食性金龟子
dung cart装肥拖车
dung depot粪库
dung fly粪蝇
dung funnel[网络] 粪漏斗
dung funnels[网络] 粪漏洞
dung heapn. 麦堆;麦堆
dung heaps粪堆


1. When the bug was in the gut, he'd send back by return post some dung beetles. (翻译:因为这些病菌生活在苍蝇的内脏中,于是苍蝇医生从珀斯 寄回来了一些屎壳郎虫。)

2. My dung is burned as fuel. My milk is used for cheese. (翻译:我的粪便燃烧可以做燃料。我的乳汁可以做奶酪。)

3. Now, this lady, on the wall of the dung cake heap, has made a painting. (翻译:你们看见这位女士,她站在这座又排泄物堆成的墙下 画了一张画。)

4. So this is a very proud owner of a beautiful dung ball. (翻译:现在你看到的蜣螂有一个裹的很好看的粪球。)

5. Within South Africa, we've got about 800 species of dung beetles, in Africa we've got 2,000 species of dung beetles, and in the world we have about 6,000 species of dung beetles. (翻译:在南非,人类已经发现了800种蜣螂 在全非洲则发现了2000种, 全球的蜣螂种类大概有6000种。)

6. Much of the Sahara is uninhabitable, but there are rare places where there is some possibility of survival. (翻译:-rides her love for dung. 但也有极少数的地方可以生存 {\3cH202020}but there are rare places where there is some possibility of survival.)

7. Murtagh, you look and smell like a rat that's been dragged through sheep dung. (翻译:穆塔夫 你怎么看起来闻起来 都像是老鼠刚被人从羊粪里拽出来啊)

8. "Do not turn away." This middle area, wonderful for the dung sculptures. (翻译:不要看别的地方,这个中间 放动物粪雕刻会很好)

9. So you have less waste, and the waste that you have is not as environmental malign as it is with cow dung. (翻译:那么昆虫有更少的排泄物, 而且昆虫排泄物不像牛粪一样 对环境有害。)

10. The effects of cow dung composts used as base fertilizers on ornamental sunflower growth were studied. (翻译:研究牛粪堆制的有机肥不同施用量对观赏向日葵生长发育的影响。)

11. Is your aunt Phuong Dung, the famous singer? (翻译:你姨妈是不是著名歌手PhuongDung?)

12. But, come on, dried dung can only be stacked so high. (翻译:拜托 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}But come on. 干粪筑的墙壁也就只能堆那么高了 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Dried dung can only be stacked so high. 我还记得该隐和亚伯 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}I remember Cain and Abel...)

13. So you have less waste, and the waste that you have is not as environmental malign as it is with cow dung. (翻译:那么昆虫有更少的排泄物, 而且昆虫排泄物不像牛粪一样 对环境有害。)

14. There must be a worthy foe somewhere on this dung heap. (翻译:这粪堆里总会什么有值得一战的敌人的 There must be a worthy foe somewhere on this dung heap.)

15. So on the wayside we found these dung cakes, which are used as a fuel. (翻译:在路边, 我么发现这些晒干的排泄物, 他们可以作为燃料。)



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