couch potato是什么意思 couch potato的中文翻译、读音、例句

couch potato是什么意思 couch potato的中文翻译、读音、例句




短语:couch potato(懒散的人)。

发音拼写:/kaʊtʃ pəˈteɪtəʊ/。


1. He spends all day watching TV and eating junk food, he's such a couch potato.(他整天都在看电视和吃垃圾食品,他真是一个懒散的人。)

2. I used to be a couch potato, but now I'm trying to be more active and exercise regularly.(我曾经是一个懒散的人,但是现在我正在努力变得更加活跃并定期锻炼。)

3. My sister is a complete couch potato, she never leaves the house and just watches TV all day.(我妹妹完全是一个懒散的人,她从来不出门,整天只是看电视。)

4. It's hard to motivate a couch potato to start exercising, but once they get started, they usually enjoy it.(让一个懒散的人开始锻炼很难,但一旦他们开始了,通常会很享受。)

5. Being a couch potato may be comfortable in the short term, but it can lead to serious health problems in the long run.(短期内成为一个懒散的人可能很舒适,但长期来看它会导致严重的健康问题。)

couch potato的中文翻译是“沙发土豆”,读音为[cou(t)ʃ pəˈteɪtəʊ]。


1. He used to be an active person, but now he has become a couch potato.


2. My friend spends all day watching TV, he's such a couch potato.


couch potato在英语中代表"沙发土豆、成天看电视的人"的意思,在英美地区还有"美国电视"的意思,在线发音:[kautʃ pəˈteitəu],couch potato在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到68个与couch potato相关的例句。

Couch potato的翻译


例句:'Potato' is stressed on the second syllable. (potato一词的重音在第二个音节上。)


例句:Maybe under the couch, behind the couch or something like that. (也许下 沙发,沙发的背后 或者类似的东西。)


例句:Eating potato together with the son on sofa piece hind, do not clean potato piece drossy ; (在沙发上与儿子一起吃着薯片后,不打扫薯片的碎屑;)


例句:Sleep on the couch or something. (翻译:就睡在沙发上 Sleep on the couch or something.)


couch potato一般作为名词使用,如在couch(长沙发 )、examination couch([医]检查床)、fly couch([网络] 飞沙发)等常见短语中出现较多。

examination couch[医]检查床
fly couch[网络] 飞沙发
Grecian couch[家具] 希腊睡椅
jump the couch[网络] 跳沙发;从沙发上跳起来
onion couch= tall oat grass
studio couchn. 可以当床用的长沙发
vacuum couch真空伏辊
Winnipeg couchWinnipeg couch\n[加拿大英语]温尼泊长沙发(无扶手、可展开成双人床的长沙发)


1. Eating potato together with the son on sofa piece hind, do not clean potato piece drossy ; (翻译:在沙发上与儿子一起吃着薯片后,不打扫薯片的碎屑;)

2. Sleep on the couch or something. (翻译:就睡在沙发上 Sleep on the couch or something.)

3. With mashed potato pancakes and cranberry jelly. (翻译:上面加了蘑菇 土豆和煎饼 With mashed potato pancakes 还有果冻 and cranberry jelly.)

4. [ sighs ] This couch is very uncomfortable. (翻译:这沙发坐起来很不舒服 This couch is very uncomfortable.)

5. You are not getting me on the couch today, doc, unless it's a conversation between friends. (翻译:-unh -unh. 你别想给我做心理分析 医生 You are not getting me on the couch today, doc,)

6. - You're not on the couch. - No, Tina, I'm not on the couch. (翻译:你睡在沙发上 , 不,蒂娜,我没睡在沙发上)

7. When i was 26, i built a potato gun. (翻译:我xx岁的时候 作了一枚土豆炮 When I was 26, I built a potato gun.)

8. Splitting up a bag of potato chips (翻译:Splitting up a bag of potato chips 我 分手一袋薯片 我)

9. Marylou was jumping off the couch. (翻译:玛丽露从沙发上跳下来。)

10. I purchased a potato on the boat. (翻译:I purchased a potato on the boat.)

11. What are you doing on the couch? (翻译:你坐在沙发上干什么 起来 威莫纳 Get up.)

12. Yo, help me move the couch. (翻译:帮我一起移动那沙发 Yo, help me move the couch.)

13. Remember you fell asleep on the couch? (翻译:那里有张沙发 你在上面睡来着 你睡觉的时候)

14. You're gonna wash 'em until they're clean, white-glove clean. (翻译:I like potato chips moonlight and motor trips How about you)

15. Then I moved in with a friend -- you know, couch surfing. (翻译:后来我搬去跟朋友住... 住沙发 Then I moved in with a friend... you know, couch surfing.)

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