flapping是什么意思 flapping的中文翻译、读音、例句

flapping是什么意思 flapping的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Flapping wings:拍打翅膀

2. Flapping in the wind:在风中颤动

3. Flapping sound:拍打声

4. Flapping motion:抖动的动作

5. Flapping bird:飞翔的鸟儿

6. Flapping flag:飘扬的旗帜

7. Flapping noise:噪音



1. The bird was flapping its wings and trying to take off.这只鸟拍打着翅膀试图飞起来。

2. The flag was flapping in the wind.旗帜在风中飘扬。

3. I could hear the flapping of the kite as it soared in the sky.我可以听到风筝在空中翱翔时的振翅声。

4. The curtains were flapping in the breeze.窗帘在微风中飘动。

5. The flapping sound of the helicopter blades was deafening.直升机螺旋桨的拍打声非常震耳欲聋。

6. The seagull was flapping its wings and searching for food.海鸥拍打着翅膀在寻找食物。

7. The wind was so strong that it caused the tent to flap wildly.风实在是太大了,帐篷被吹得猛烈地颤动。




1. The bird's wings were flapping rapidly as it flew away.


2. The tent was flapping in the wind, making a lot of noise.


3. The flag was flapping proudly in the breeze.





例句:A fish flapping on the carpet, and a fish notflapping on the carpet. (地毯上跳动的金鱼, 和地毯上不动的金鱼.)


例句:If a sperm were to stop flapping its tail, it wouldn't even coast past a single atom. (如果精子停止摇动尾巴, 它向前的距离不会超过一个原子。)


例句:Please join us in flapping the active and beautiful wings of Jamyang Kyentse Rinpoche. (请和我们一起挥动蒋扬钦哲大师传承的利美运动翅膀。)


例句:It's when this your big flapping mouth, starts running, and then you put this getup on top of it, and it's just... (翻译:你一张开那张大嘴 再加上这套衣服,就让人倒胃)


flapping一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在ears are flapping([网络] 耳朵正在扑动)、flapping angle(翼动角)、flapping articulation(水平关节;挥舞铰(联接))等常见短语中出现较多。

ears are flapping[网络] 耳朵正在扑动
flapping angle翼动角
flapping articulation水平关节;挥舞铰(联接)
flapping coefficient翼动系数
flapping equation翼动方程序
flapping flight拍飞
flapping hinge挥舞铰链
flapping motion拍击运动
flapping plane翼动面


1. Please join us in flapping the active and beautiful wings of Jamyang Kyentse Rinpoche. (翻译:请和我们一起挥动蒋扬钦哲大师传承的利美运动翅膀。)

2. It's when this your big flapping mouth, starts running, and then you put this getup on top of it, and it's just... (翻译:你一张开那张大嘴 再加上这套衣服,就让人倒胃)

3. He may not have soared like an eagle, but he's certainly flapping around like one. (翻译:他或许不能像老鹰一样翱翔 但他扑棱起来有模有样的)

4. You want to jump in the car and sail down the highway with all the windows down and your hair flapping in the wind. (翻译:于是你想要跳进车中,沿着高速公路行驶,车窗大敞,头发随风飘荡。)

5. He had a full seidel of beer in his right hand and his empty left sleeve was flapping. (翻译:他的右手拿着一整杯啤酒,空荡荡的左袖管扑扇着。)

6. He tried to tuck his flapping shirt inside his trousers. (翻译:他试图把飘动的衬衫塞进他的裤子里。)

7. Furiously flapping, a chukar partridge speeds up a ramp at the University of Montana flight lab. (翻译:在蒙大拿大学飞行实验室中,一只石鸡拼命扇动翅膀加速冲上斜坡。)

8. Of course, there's of every feather flapping together. Well, almost any feather. (翻译:当然 各种各样的鸟都住在一起 嗯 差不多是这样的)

9. The effects of flapping frequency, wind velocity, angle of attack, plane shape of wing and cambered aerofoil are investigated. (翻译:试验中进行了扑动频率、风速、迎角、机翼平面形状、翼型弯度对机翼气动特性影响的研究。)

10. Flapping and rotary gap have been investigated with the help of transonic unsteady aerodynamic forces. (翻译:使用跨音速非定常空气动力,对扑动间隙和旋转间隙进行研究。)

11. He saw it first when it jumped in the air, true gold in the last of the sun and bending and flapping wildly in the air. (翻译:他第一次看见它是在它跃出水面的当儿,在最后一线阳光中确实象金子一般,在空中弯起身子,疯狂地扑打着。)

12. My talk is "Flapping Birds and Space Telescopes." (翻译:我演讲的题目是《展翅的鸟儿与太空望远镜》。)

13. If it was flapping its wings at the time, it will continue to flap convinced that its actions have a decisive influence on what happens. (翻译:要是当下它正拍着翅膀 它会持续鼓动双翼 直到确定这动作对接下来 所发生的事有决定性影响)

14. the chicken flapping claws onto the roost its wings whelping and walloping (翻译:小鸡挥动着爪子跳到栖木上,稚嫩的翅膀不停拍打着)

15. Please join us in flapping the active and beautiful wings of Jamyang Kyentse Rinpoche. (翻译:请和我们一起挥动蒋扬钦哲大师传承的利美运动翅膀。)



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