发音拼写:/'bɛtər ɪn taɪm/
1. 随着时间的流逝,他开始慢慢地适应了新的生活方式,感觉比以前更好了。With time, he started to slowly adjust to the new way of life and felt better than before.
2. 我知道这很难,但是我相信一切都会慢慢好转,因为时间可以让所有事情变得更好。I know it's difficult, but I believe everything will get better in time because time can make everything better.
3. 治愈心理创伤需要时间,但随着时间的推移,你会变得更加强大和坚韧。Healing from psychological trauma takes time, but you will become stronger and more resilient in time.
4. 虽然这个项目现在看起来比较失败,但是我相信随着时间的推移,我们能够改变这种情况。Although this project looks like a failure now, I believe we can change that in time.
5. 虽然你现在感觉很难过,但是随着时间的推移,你会发现自己变得更坚强和勇敢。Although you feel sad now, you will find yourself becoming stronger and braver in time.
6. 随着时间的流逝,这个城市正在逐渐恢复以前的荣耀和繁荣。With time, this city is slowly recovering its former glory and prosperity.
7. 我知道你现在感觉很失落,但是我相信随着时间的推移,你会找到自己真正的方向和目标。I know you feel lost now, but I believe you will find your true direction and purpose in time.
better in time的中文翻译为“时间会让一切变得更好”,发音为“bɛtər ɪn taɪm”。以下是例句:
1. I know it hurts now, but trust me, things will get better in time.(我知道现在很痛苦,但相信我,时间会让一切变得更好。)
2. The wound will heal better in time if you take care of it properly.(如果你正确地照顾伤口,时间会让它更好地愈合。)
3. She's going through a tough time right now, but I'm sure she'll feel better in time.(她现在正经历一段艰难的时期,相信她会在时间的作用下感到好转。)