joost是什么意思 joost的中文翻译、读音、例句

joost是什么意思 joost的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Joost是一款曾经流行的网络电视平台。

2. 起源:Joost由Skype的创始人Janus Friis和Niklas Zennström创建于xx年。

3. 功能:Joost提供在线观看电视节目、电影和音乐视频的服务,同时支持社交网络功能。

4. 发展:Joost于xx年宣布停止服务,其技术和资源被收购。

5. 影响:Joost曾经在在线视频行业中占据一定市场份额,推动了互联网电视的发展。


1. 我曾经使用Joost观看了很多电影和电视剧。

2. Joost在网络电视行业中拥有一定的用户群。

3. Joost平台的社交网络功能让我结识了很多新朋友。

4. 我对Joost停止服务感到遗憾。

5. Joost的出现对互联网电视的发展产生了一定影响。


1. I used Joost to watch many movies and TV shows.

2. Joost had a certain user base in the online TV industry.

3. The social networking features of Joost platform allowed me to make many new friends.

4. I was disappointed when Joost announced its closure.

5. The emergence of Joost had a certain impact on the development of Internet TV.




例句:Joost also features social networking aspects - you can rate and discuss TV programs with other people. (Joost同时有社会化网络的特性—你可以为节目评分,和其他观众讨论。)


例句:I--I hear it's good for writer's block. You may be right, Joost. (我听说对写作瓶颈有帮助 你可能是对的,约斯特)


例句:At the moment Joost does not provide a lot of channels, but the potential is there once more content is added. (在现阶段Joost并没有提供多少频道,但显然随着合法的视频内容增加这项服务极具潜力。)、网络电视软件名

例句:Where's Joost when you need him, eh? Make yourself comfortable. Didn't know you were expecting company. (翻译:你需要约斯特的时候他上哪儿去了? 随意就好 不知道你在等访客)


1. At the moment Joost does not provide a lot of channels, but the potential is there once more content is added. (翻译:在现阶段Joost并没有提供多少频道,但显然随着合法的视频内容增加这项服务极具潜力。)

2. Where's Joost when you need him, eh? Make yourself comfortable. Didn't know you were expecting company. (翻译:你需要约斯特的时候他上哪儿去了? 随意就好 不知道你在等访客)

3. Joost-a like pasta fazool, you're in love... (翻译:Joost -a 像意大利面 fazool, 你就恋爱了...)

4. I started my pilgrimage in Paris, Joost, three months ago. (翻译:我的朝圣之旅是三个月前... ... 由巴黎起始的,约斯特)

5. Joost is also ignoring the two business models seen as the most respectable alternatives to advertising. (翻译:Joost也不采用被视为广告最好的替代方式的两种商业模式。)

6. Hey, buen camino. My name is Joost. I'm from Amsterdam. (翻译:卡米诺祝福你,我叫约斯特,我来自阿姆斯特丹)

7. This late conversion was Joost's "biggest flaw" , says IBB's Mr Khan, and now leaves it far behind. (翻译:IBB的Khan先生说,这个转变是Joost最大的错误,现在它更赶不上Hulu了。)



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