词义:a. 月光,指月亮照耀下的光线;b. 月色,指月亮所反射出的颜色和光泽。
1. in the moonlight:在月光下。
2. by the light of the moon:在月光下。
3. bathed in moonlight:被月光照射。
4. a moonlight walk:月夜散步。
5. moonlighting job:业余兼职。
6. moonlight sonata:《月光奏鸣曲》。
7. moonlight flit:秘密搬家。
1. The forest looked magical in the moonlight. (森林在月光的照射下显得神奇)
2. We took a moonlight stroll along the beach. (我们在海滩上散步,享受月光)
3. The moonlight shining through the window woke me up. (透过窗户照进来的月光把我吵醒了)
4. The lake was bathed in moonlight, creating a serene atmosphere. (湖水被月光照射,创造出宁静的氛围)
5. He works as a waiter during the day and does a moonlighting job as a musician at night. (他白天当服务员,晚上从事业余音乐工作)
6. Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata is a famous piece of classical music. (贝多芬的《月光奏鸣曲》是一首著名的古典乐作品)
7. The family did a moonlight flit when they couldn't afford the rent. (这家人支付不起房租,就秘密搬家了)
1. The moonlight was so bright that they could see their way without a flashlight.(月光很明亮,他们无需手电筒就能看到路。)
2. She sat on the beach, watching the moon rising and the moonlight reflecting on the water.(她坐在海滩上,看着月亮升起和月光倒映在水面上。)
例句:Moonlight gleamed on the water. (月光照在水面上泛起粼粼波光。)
例句:Under the moonlight, gold Hydrangea is fantastic. (月光下,金绣球更是妙不可言。)
例句:- She worked at the Moonlight Rooms. (- 她在Moonlight Rooms工作)
例句:- And if they see me with this moonlight, can I return fire? (翻译:明白吗? 如果他们发现了我,我可以开火么?)
moonlight一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在to moonlight([网络] 兼职;去兼职;秘捞)、do a moonlight([网络] 夜半逃租;夜里逃跑)、moonlight flit(n. (为躲债)夜间潜逃)等常见短语中出现较多。
to moonlight | [网络] 兼职;去兼职;秘捞 |
do a moonlight | [网络] 夜半逃租;夜里逃跑 |
moonlight flit | n. (为躲债)夜间潜逃 |
moonlight flits | moonlight flit\n(为躲债、逃付房租等)乘夜搬家,夜逃\n[英国俚语](为躲避租金等的)夜间潜逃 [亦作 moonlight flitting] |
moonlight flitter | 〈口〉避债夜逃者,乘夜搬家者(以逃避交付房租等) |
moonlight flitting | (为躲债、逃付房租等)乘夜搬家,夜逃 |
moonlight gasoline | 月光汽油;自机器油箱内漏出的汽油 |
moonlight unit | 月光单位 |
1. - She worked at the Moonlight Rooms. (翻译:- 她在Moonlight Rooms工作)
2. - And if they see me with this moonlight, can I return fire? (翻译:明白吗? 如果他们发现了我,我可以开火么?)
3. My Joan say what she was doing at the Moonlight the other night? (翻译:Joan说那晚她在 Moonlight做的事?)
4. But I ache for a love that burns like fire, and moonlight. (翻译:但是我为炽烈燃烧的爱火 还有皎洁的月光而痛苦着)
5. But I ache for a love that burns like fire and moonlight. (翻译:但是我为炽烈燃烧的爱火 还有皎洁的月光而痛苦着)
6. Add moonlight or water, instant tail (翻译:只要一照月光 或者碰到水 腿就马上变成尾巴了)
7. Moonlight Rooms welcome to Miss Lila Pilgrim. (翻译:热烈欢迎Lila Pilgrim小姐光临Moonlight Rooms)
8. The castle was bathed in moonlight. (翻译:城堡沐浴在月光里。)
9. They feel marvelously alone, the moonlight shines on their love. (翻译:他们旁若无人 在月光下享受自我世界 仰望星空)
10. Moonlight, music, romantic. (翻译:有月光 音乐 气氛浪漫 Moonlight, music, romantic.)
11. Did Alexander Fleming moonlight as a hairdresser? (翻译:细菌学家亚历山大・弗莱明 会兼做美发师吗?)
12. Moonlight only sneers at me. (翻译:月光只对我冷笑。)
13. They say she walks in the moonlight... (翻译:人们说 她在月光中行走... 在巴伊阿埃和巴乌里的海边...)
14. Sometimes in this kind of bright moonlight image, the bright moonlight is appears as the emotion reposing role. (翻译:在这类明月意象中,明月有时是作为情感寄托的角色出现的。)
15. There's nowhere to hide ♪ f2 (mAºsica)♪ (翻译:把手举起来 ♪Down by the river in the full moonlight♪)