doggo是什么意思 doggo的中文翻译、读音、例句

doggo是什么意思 doggo的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词源和意义:'doggo'是一个俚语词汇,源自于'dog'这个单词,是一种描绘小狗(puppy)或狗狗(dog)可爱、憨厚、天真无邪等性格的用语。在狗狗社区中,'doggo'经常用于表示小狗或小型狗。

2. 用法:'doggo'通常作为名词使用,表示小狗或狗狗,也可作为形容词用于描述狗狗的性格或行为。'doggo'也可以与其他词汇组合起来,形成新的词组或短语,例如'doggo park'表示狗狗公园。

3. 发音和拼写:'doggo'的发音类似于'dog-oh',它可以是完整的单词'doggo',也可以是缩写词'dog'的延伸形式。在使用时,'doggo'通常写成小写字母,但是有时也会用大写字母表示对狗狗的尊重和喜爱。

4. 流行度和文化背景:'doggo'是一个流行的俚语词汇,特别是在狗狗社区和社交媒体上。在Twitter、Instagram等社交媒体上,'doggo'经常被用于狗狗的照片或视频的标题或描述。'doggo'的流行也反映了人们对宠物狗及其可爱和陪伴的追求和热爱。

5. 用例:以下是五个中英文的例句:

- This little doggo is so adorable!(这只小狗狗太可爱了!)

- My friend just got a new doggo and I can't wait to meet him.(我的朋友刚刚领养了一只狗狗,我迫不及待要见他了。)

- Look at that cute doggo in the park!(看看那个公园里可爱的小狗狗!)

- When I come home, my doggo always greets me with a wagging tail.(当我回家时,我的狗狗总是摇着尾巴迎接我。)

- I love watching doggo videos on social media. They always make me feel happy.(我喜欢在社交媒体上看狗狗的视频。他们总是让我感到快乐。)




1. I love taking my doggo for a walk in the park. (我喜欢带我的狗狗去公园散步。)

2. Look at that cute little doggo over there! (看看那边那只可爱的小狗狗!)

3. My doggo is always happy to see me when I come home from work. (我下班回家,我的狗狗总是很高兴见到我。)




例句:"You're not taking care of the dog," (而火冒三丈 about you not taking care of the dog,)


例句:I am the happiest dog alive! (I am the happiest dog alive!)


例句:Oddball is such a good dog! (奥迪是条好狗! Oddball is such a good dog!)


例句:Are you... are you dog-friendly? (翻译:- - are you dog -friendly?)


doggo一般作为副词、动词使用,如在lie doggo(隐伏不动)等常见短语中出现较多。

lie doggo隐伏不动


1. Oddball is such a good dog! (翻译:奥迪是条好狗! Oddball is such a good dog!)

2. Are you... are you dog-friendly? (翻译:- - are you dog -friendly?)

3. You were supposed to bird-dog Scofield and get back to me. (翻译:You were supposed to bird -dog Scofield and get back to me.)

4. Remember the funny movie where the dog dies? (翻译:Oh. Remember the funny movie where the dog dies?)

5. The dog barked at the clock. (翻译:The dog barked at the clock.)

6. Not like the map old Prairie Dog was carrying. (翻译:Not like the map old Prairie Dog was carrying.)

7. Wherever you go, your dog goes. (翻译:不管你去哪里 你的狗都得跟着 你要照顾它 训练它 Wherever you go, your dog goes.)

8. Have some friends, you know, maybe a dog. (翻译:maybe a dog. But no. You had to come here.)

9. - Uh, actually, no firm right now (翻译:freelance. A... freelance dog)

:// (翻译://

11. She can do the dog all night long (翻译:她能整晚手舞足蹈 She can do the dog all night long)

12. Go hiking, go birdwatching, get a dog, walk to work. (翻译:去远足,去观鸟,养一条狗,走路上班。)

13. Black Dog, there's Levee Breaks, there's Stairway to Heaven. (翻译:Black Dog, Levee Breaks Stairway to Heaven)

14. Yellow Kid to Dog Patch Red. (翻译:Yellow Kid 呼叫Dog Patch Red.)

15. And every dog has his day. (翻译:And every dog has his day.)



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