buzzed是什么意思 buzzed的中文翻译、读音、例句

buzzed是什么意思 buzzed的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Buzzed是动词buzz的过去分词形式,指蜜蜂等嗡嗡作响或快速地发出低沉的嗡嗡声。在俚语中,buzzed还可以指有点醉的状态,有时也用来形容感到兴奋或紧张的状态。

2. 词性:过去分词形式。

3. 词组搭配:buzzed with excitement(兴奋不已),buzzed off(离开),buzzed around(到处走动)。

4. 短语:buzzed bee(蜜蜂嗡嗡作响)。

5. 发音拼写:/bʌzd/


1. The bees buzzed around the flowers in the garden.


2. After a few drinks, he was feeling a little buzzed.


3. The telephone buzzed loudly, interrupting our conversation.


4. The crowd buzzed with excitement as the singer took the stage.


5. The mosquito buzzed annoyingly around my ear, keeping me awake all night.






1. We had a few drinks and were feeling a little buzzed.


2. I don't like to drive when I'm buzzed, it's not safe.





例句:just I'm a little buzzed. You know, maybe we could do this tomorrow or something. (但是,我还有点疑惑 你知道,也许我们可以在明天或者什么时候做)


例句:The doorbell buzzed loudly. (门铃蜂鸣声大作。)


例句:In clouds the mosquitoes came , and pinged and buzzed and bit till we were nearly mad . (蚊子密密麻麻地飞来,嗡嗡地叫着,叮着,咬着,直逼得我们都快发了狂。)


例句:Bees buzzed lazily among the flowers. (翻译:蜜蜂在花丛中懒洋洋地嗡嗡叫着。)


1. In clouds the mosquitoes came , and pinged and buzzed and bit till we were nearly mad . (翻译:蚊子密密麻麻地飞来,嗡嗡地叫着,叮着,咬着,直逼得我们都快发了狂。)

2. Bees buzzed lazily among the flowers. (翻译:蜜蜂在花丛中懒洋洋地嗡嗡叫着。)

3. Flies buzzed, and a cat with one kitten loitered in the doorway. (翻译:苍蝇嗡嗡作响,一只猫带着小猫在门口闲荡。)

4. Flies buzzed at the animals' swishing tails. (翻译:苍蝇在动物甩动的尾巴边嗡嗡叫。)

5. As the details of the operation buzzed around in her head, she could imagine why Shay had run away. (翻译:这时,关于手术的种种细节开始在她脑子里盘旋,嗡嗡作响,她可以想象为什么谢伊会逃跑了。)

6. I'm buzzed already like an anemic ten-year-old girl. (翻译:我已经眩晕了 就跟个xx岁的贫血女孩儿一样)

7. The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch. (翻译:对讲机嗡嗡地响起来,他按下了相应的开关。)

8. If I go to drinks with you and get even the slightest bit buzzed, (翻译:如果我和你出去喝酒 只要收到一点你的暗示)

9. In full view of the entire world, a squadron, a formation of UFOs buzzed (翻译:全世界众目睽睽之下 一中队编组的UFO飞抵华盛顿上空)

10. It's always hard to go to a prison and it's hard to walk down the gates and to be buzzed in, and to wait, and to go to the searches, and then just to imagine doing this forever until I'm dead, (翻译:很难独自来到这里。这是 总是很难去监狱 而且很难走在 门和被嗡嗡的,)

11. Flimm was gearing up for his first Salzburg summer, which opens on Friday for five of the most buzzed-about weeks of opera, concerts and straight theater in the world. (翻译:弗利姆是抓紧为他的第一萨尔茨堡夏季打开周五对五的最忽然约星期的歌剧,音乐会和直战区之一。)

12. I was buzzed, Elena. I can't be held responsible for being judgmental. (翻译:我当时喝晕了 Elena 当时话重了 可不怨我)

13. The girls buzzed around him. (翻译:矛民多女人都围著他转. 然后! 就生出了...)

14. The fuzzy bee buzzed the buzzy busy beehive. (翻译:毛绒绒的蜜蜂在嗡嗡作响的忙碌的蜂箱里嗡嗡。)

15. Oh, I bet it did. I bet you buzzed off it, didn't ya? (翻译:噢 我敢打赌你知道 我知道你就是不说 是吗?)

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