usad是什么意思 usad的中文翻译、读音、例句

usad是什么意思 usad的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. Usad作为缩写词的含义

- United States Academic Decathlon:美国学术十项全能竞赛,是一项为高中生设计的学术竞赛,评分根据九个学科中的考试成绩、演讲和写作比赛、超级奖金题、主题陈述、小组活动以及个人面试等方面。

- United States Department of Agriculture:美国农业部,是美国联邦政府的一个官方机构,负责管理美国的农业、畜牧业以及林业事务。

- Upstream Advertising:上游广告,是指位于广告供应链的较上方,负责品牌策略、市场调研、广告策划、创意等方面,通常是广告服务商的最高层级。


- Our school's academic decathlon team is going to participate in the USAD competition next month.

- The US Department of Agriculture has issued new regulations on organic farming.

- Upstream advertising firms usually work closely with their clients to determine the best branding and marketing strategies.

2. Usad在日常用语中的意义

- Unusual sexual arousal disorder:不寻常的性唤起障碍,是性功能障碍的一种,常见于男性,表现为在正常情况下不容易被激起性兴奋,但在非常规的情境下(如使用异物、嗑药等)却产生强烈的性唤起反应。

- Urban Search and Rescue Disaster:城市搜救,是一种由政府或非政府组织协调的救援活动,旨在在自然灾害、事故、爆炸等灾难事件中迅速行动,寻找并营救生命,减轻灾害损失。

- User Software Acceptance Document:用户软件验收文档,是一个软件开发过程中的文件,包含了用户对软件产品的验收标准,以确保开发的软件符合用户的要求。


- The man had been diagnosed with USAD and needed specialized therapy to treat his condition.

- The USAR team worked tirelessly to rescue survivors from the collapsed building after the earthquake.

- The developers had to submit a USAD to ensure that the software met the client's specifications.

3. Usad在网络用语中的含义

- You Said A Mouthful:你说了一堆,是一种用于表示同意或者承认某人的观点或话语的缩写。

- Ultra Street Fighter 4:终极街霸4,是一款由CAPCOM开发的格斗游戏,是Street Fighter IV的最终版本,包含了所有之前的更新和新的游戏模式和人物。

- Ultimate Spider-Man and Deadpool:终极蜘蛛侠和死侍,是两个Marvel漫画中的角色,两人组成的故事线通常被戏称为“美队带队”。


- A: "I think we should just order pizza for dinner."

B: "USAM! I was just going to suggest that."

- The player is training hard to improve his skills in USF4.

- In the comic book series, Spider-Man and Deadpool team up as USAD to fight evil.



1. 我们参加了USAD竞赛并获得了优异的成绩。

2. USAD社团的宗旨是为提高学生的学术水平而努力。


1. We participated in the USAD competition and achieved excellent results.

2. The goal of the USAD club is to work towards improving students' academic level.




例句:Character is what you are in the dark. --D. L. Moody, USA churchman. (暗处最能反映一个人的真正品格。----美国教士穆迪.D.L。)


1. In USA and UK, does peoples speake dirty words? (翻译:在美国和英国,人们经常说脏话吗? )

2. Lecithin, Made in USA, 300 softgels. (翻译:天然卵磷脂,美国生产,300粒胶囊装。)

3. D Block prom queen. - That's it? (翻译:D区的舞会皇后 D block prom queen.)

4. As the winner of Miss USA, Rima Fakih will represent the USA to join the Miss World beauty contest later this year. (翻译:作为“美国小姐”的冠军,她将随后代表美国参加今年的“世界小姐”选美比赛。)

5. - We can't get along well. - Yes. (翻译:{\fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1})

6. - Yes, sure. - Wait, I'll give you a place. (翻译:{\fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1})

7. My officers and I request asylum in the USA. (翻译:我和军官们要求美国庇护 My officers and I request asylum in the United States of America.)

8. originally, interpol was to extradite them to USA (翻译:还有 , 国际刑警本来 打算引渡他回美国受审)

9. - The main characters in the unfading comedy, written by Griboedov "Sorrow from the wisdom" are: (翻译:{\fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1})

10. What's she look like, this sister of yours? (翻译:this sister of yours? {\3cH937D2D\fs22})

11. These fractions were made from D-xylose, D-glucose, D-mannose, D-idose in different proportions. (翻译:三种组分都是由D -木糖、D -葡萄糖、D -甘露糖、D -艾杜糖以不同的比例所组成。)

12. Alamogordo,NewMexico,USA , May 1945 (翻译:{\1cH88FF88}xx年xx月 阿拉莫戈多 新墨西哥州)

13. The first Flyball tournament was held in 1983 in the USA. (翻译:第一届飞球比赛于xx年举办于美国。)

14. I shall be standing on the White House lawn side by side with the President of the USA. (翻译:我会在白宫门前 和美国总统肩靠肩地站在一起 I stand on the White House lawn with the President of the USA.)

15. Big brother, that bag... is made in USA. (翻译:大哥, 那书包... 可是USA造的啊.)

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