kidnapper是什么意思 kidnapper的中文翻译、读音、例句

kidnapper是什么意思 kidnapper的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义与词源分析:


2. 活用范围:


3. 相关短语和句子:

(1) The kidnapper demanded a huge ransom for the release of the child.


(2) The kidnapper was sentenced to life in prison for his crime.


(3) The police launched a nationwide manhunt to catch the kidnapper.


(4) The kidnapper left a note demanding $1 million in ransom.


(5) The family of the kidnapped girl was relieved when she was safely returned.




1. The kidnapper demanded a ransom for the safe return of the victim.(绑架者要求支付赎金以确保受害者安全归还。)

2. The police managed to track down the kidnapper and rescue the hostage.(警方成功追踪到了绑架者并营救了人质。)

3. She was traumatized by the experience of being held captive by a kidnapper.(她被绑架者囚禁的经历造成了心理创伤。)

4. The kidnapper threatened to harm the victim's family if the authorities were contacted.(绑架者威胁称如果联系当局,将会危害受害者的家人。)

5. The kidnapper was eventually caught and brought to justice.(绑架者最终被捕,受到了应有的惩罚。)

6. The kidnapper left behind a note with instructions for the victim's family.(绑架者留下了一张纸条,上面写着对受害者家人的指示。)

7. The kidnapper put a bag over the victim's head to prevent them from seeing where they were going.(绑架者给受害者套上袋子,以防止他们看见自己的去向。)

8. The kidnapper had been planning the abduction for weeks before carrying it out.(绑架者在实施绑架行动前已经策划了几周。)

9. The kidnapper was eventually convinced to release the victim unharmed.(最终,绑架者被说服无伤地释放了受害者。)





1. The kidnapper demanded a huge ransom for the safe return of the child.(绑架者要求巨额赎金才能安全释放孩子。)

2. The police are still searching for the kidnapper who abducted the CEO's son yesterday.(警方仍在搜寻昨天绑架公司CEO的儿子的绑架者。)




例句:Yeah, the guy's afraid we'll run the story and scare the kidnapper off. (是的,这个人害怕我们 刊登这个消息,把绑匪吓跑)


例句:Well, the tattoo on the kidnapper's arm suggests the, uh, mexican mafia might be involved. (绑匪手上的纹身表明 可能墨西哥黑手党也有份)


例句:The kidnapper - PGPCoder. E is also called "ransomware". (绑架者病毒-PGPCoder.E又称“ransomware”。)


例句:Could she intercede with a kidnapper? (翻译:她能向绑匪求情吗? )


1. The kidnapper - PGPCoder. E is also called "ransomware". (翻译:绑架者病毒-PGPCoder.E又称“ransomware”。)

2. Could she intercede with a kidnapper? (翻译:她能向绑匪求情吗? )

3. That kidnapper wants all the experiments. (翻译:那个绑匪要所有的试验品. {\fnTahoma\fs10\bord0\shad0\1cH00FFFF}That kidnapper wants all the experiments.)

4. Put yourself in the position of the kidnapper wanting to bribe the officer. (翻译:把你放在 那个想贿赂警官的绑匪的位置上 )

5. You think Geist ran into the missing kidnapper at the bar? (翻译:你认为Geist在酒吧碰到了 失踪劫匪?)

6. Are the girls the victims of the same kidnapper or have they simply run away together? (翻译:姑娘们的受害者 同绑匪 或者他们只是一起逃跑?)

7. Kidnapper's Latino, probably Mexican, refers to himself as Mr. Sunshine. (翻译:我们要帮他给 绑匪是拉美籍 很有可能是墨西哥人)

8. The police have set up a special (ask force trying to close in on the kidnapper's whereabouts (翻译:警方成立项目小组 虽缩小了搜查范围 但还处于瓶颈)

9. In fact, the kidnapper we're talking about... is suspected in the kidnapping of another boy, correct? (翻译:实际上 我们讨论的那位绑架疑犯 曾经有过绑架另一个男孩的案底 是吗 -是的)

10. The British industrialist James Louis, held by kidnapper in central Africa for the past 8 months, was released unharmed yesterday. (翻译:英国实业家詹姆斯·路易斯在中非被绑匪关押了8个月,昨天被毫发无伤地释放了。)

11. We've got surveillance on the barn, but the kidnapper won't go back there. (翻译:我们派人监视了牲口棚, 但那个绑架犯没回来。)

12. So the kidnapper has Gary and Sloan, but he sent Isaac an e-mail saying that he has us? (翻译:所以绑匪绑走Gary和Sloan 但他给Isaac发邮件说绑架了我们?)

13. The boys over at Intel seem to think that the kidnapper's a guy... named Ted Burton. (翻译:情报局里的人认为绑架犯可能是一个 名叫泰德·博顿的人)

14. Still nothing to suggest why the kidnapper Or Gunnar Haas would want it. (翻译:还是不明白为什么绑架犯 或Gunnar Haas想要这个)

15. We failed to find the kidnapper and the statute of limitations has run out (翻译:在我们的能力范围内 没能找出真相 加上公诉时效已过期 也做不了什么)



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