prosperity是什么意思 prosperity的中文翻译、读音、例句

prosperity是什么意思 prosperity的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义和词性

- 'prosperity' 是一个名词,指的是物质上的繁荣或者成功。

- 'prosperity'也可以指的是某个地方或者国家的经济繁荣。

2. 同义词

- Wealth: 财富,通常用于描述个人或家庭的财富状况。

- Affluence: 富裕,通常用于描述国家或社会的财富状况。

- Success: 成功,通常用于描述个人或企业达到的目标或者成就。

3. 派生词

- Prosper: 动词,意为繁荣或者成功。

- Prosperous: 形容词,意为繁荣的,通常用于描述某个地方或者国家的经济状况。


1. His business has brought him great prosperity over the years. (多年来他的生意让他赚了很多)

2. The government's policies have contributed to the country's prosperity. (政府的政策促进了国家的繁荣)

3. With hard work and determination, she was able to achieve prosperity in her career. (通过努力和决心,她在职业生涯中获得了成功)

4. The town's prosperity was evident from the new buildings and thriving businesses. (从新建筑和繁荣的企业可以看出该镇繁荣的情况)

5. Many people believe that education is the key to prosperity and success. (很多人认为教育是繁荣和成功的关键)




1. The period of economic prosperity brought about new opportunities for business growth.


2. The government implemented policies to promote prosperity and development in rural areas.


3. The town's prosperity was built on its natural resources and its strategic location.





例句:Prosperity proves the fortunate, adversity the great. ---Pliny. (繁荣显现幸福者,患难显现伟人。----普里尼。)


例句:This special mystical object will bring prosperity to our community. (这是特殊的幸运符 将庇祐我们族人带来富庶繁荣)


例句:People all over the world are hungering for peace, stability, and prosperity. (全世界的人们都渴望和平,安定和繁荣昌盛。)

4.繁荣 、景气

例句:The issues of the campaign are peace and prosperity... not a campaign check. (翻译:选举的重要议题是和平跟国家繁荣 而不是选举支票)


prosperity一般作为名词使用,如在economic prosperity([经] 经济繁荣)、enjoy prosperity(非常繁荣,十分得意)、facilities prosperity([经] 福利设施)等常见短语中出现较多。

economic prosperity[经] 经济繁荣
enjoy prosperity非常繁荣,十分得意
facilities prosperity[经] 福利设施
false prosperity假繁荣
great prosperity[网络] 大景;大繁荣时代
growing prosperity[网络] 成长中的繁荣;越来越欣欣向荣;后期
industrial prosperityun. 工业繁荣
initial prosperity初步繁荣
material prosperity[网络] 物质繁荣


1. People all over the world are hungering for peace, stability, and prosperity. (翻译:全世界的人们都渴望和平,安定和繁荣昌盛。)

2. The issues of the campaign are peace and prosperity... not a campaign check. (翻译:选举的重要议题是和平跟国家繁荣 而不是选举支票)

3. It has been a mainstay of American economic growth and prosperity. (翻译:长期以来,该体系始终是美国经济增长和繁荣的支柱。)

4. They've been exposed to this idea of our society, of our prosperity. (翻译:他们知道我们这个所谓的发达社会的一些情况 )

5. Our prosperity serves as a wellspring for our power. (翻译:我们的繁荣是我们国力的源泉。)

6. A time of unexampled prosperity. (翻译:一个史无前例的富裕时代。)

7. It is not the case that slums undermine prosperity, not the working slums; they help create prosperity. (翻译:贫民窟破坏繁荣,情况实际不是这样。贫民窟的工作反而帮助创造繁荣。)

8. They've been exposed to this idea of our society, of our prosperity. (翻译:他们知道我们这个所谓的发达社会的一些情况)

9. The advancement and perfection of mathematics are inti mately connected prosperity State. with the prosperity of the State. (翻译:数学的发展与完善和国家的繁荣昌盛息息相关。——拿破仑的繁荣昌盛息息相关。——拿破仑)

10. Pade Gang, Kathmandu, Patan and prosperity in this period to be prosperous. (翻译:帕德冈、帕坦和加德满都在这个繁荣时期很兴旺。)

11. The first thing they need to do is they need to create prosperity for the continent. (翻译:第一件, 他们需要给非洲带来经济繁荣。)

12. He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity. (翻译:他那时在追求一个不切实际的世界繁荣之梦。)

13. They brought great joy and prosperity to the city for they had invented fireworks. (翻译:因为烟火的发明 他们统治下的凤凰城一片欢乐祥和的景象)

14. May peace and prosperity reign in our community. (翻译:我在此祝大家万事如意 人人平安大吉,心想事成)

15. It is not the case that slums undermine prosperity, not the working slums; they help create prosperity. (翻译:贫民窟破坏繁荣,情况实际不是这样。贫民窟的工作反而帮助创造繁荣。)



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