kusa是什么意思 英文名kusa[库萨]的翻译、发音、来源

kusa是什么意思 英文名kusa[库萨]的翻译、发音、来源

1. 词义:Kusa是日语中的一种植物,中文翻译为草。

2. 词性:Kusa是名词。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有“kusa no me”(草眼,指眼睛红肿)、“kusa no naka”(草丛中,指在草丛中隐藏)等。

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:Kusa的发音为ku-sa。


1. 秋天草地上的芒草,被夕阳映照得金黄色,美得令人窒息。The miscanthus on the grassland in autumn is golden in the sunshine, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

2. 他的眼睛因为对草的过敏而被草刺刺痛。His eyes were stinging from the grass allergy.

3. 他在草丛中找到了一个迷藏的小动物。He found a hidden little animal in the grass.

4. 冬天,人们不再像出门时一样小心避开草地上的蛇了。In winter, people no longer have to be careful to avoid snakes on the grass.

5. 孩子们在草地上玩耍,摘下一些草来比赛看谁能吹出最大的哨声。Children play on the grass and pick some grass to compete to see who can blow the loudest whistle.



1. The field was covered with green kusa. (那片田野上长满了绿色的草。)

2. My dog likes to roll around in kusa. (我的狗喜欢在草地里打滚。)

3. The farmer mowed down the kusa to feed his cows. (农民割下草来喂牛。)




例句:Despite his close ties to Gaddafi, Kusa also has long-held connections to the U. S., with a Master's degree from Michigan State University. (库萨不仅与卡扎菲关系密切,他与美国也有着长期的联系,他曾在密歇根州立大学获得过硕士学位。)


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