novastar是什么意思 novastar的中文翻译、读音、例句

novastar是什么意思 novastar的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'novastar'可以指代多个含义,如NovaStar(诺瓦斯达),这是一个专业生产LED显示屏的公司;也可以表示新星(nova star),是一种天文现象,指恒星爆发并放出巨大能量的过程。


- NovaStar is one of the leading manufacturers of LED display solutions. (诺瓦斯达是领先的LED显示屏解决方案制造商之一。)

- A nova star is a short-lived astronomical event that occurs when a white dwarf star is accreting material from a companion star. (新星是一种短暂的天文现象,当一个白矮星从一个伴星吸积物质时发生。)

2. LED显示屏:NovaStar是一个专业从事LED显示屏控制器和解决方案的公司,是行业内的佼佼者。


- The new LED display uses the latest NovaStar control system for exceptional performance. (新的LED显示屏使用最新的诺瓦斯达控制系统,表现出色。)

- The NovaStar A8s is an advanced LED display controller that supports multiple video sources and pixel-level calibration. (诺瓦斯达A8s是一款高级LED显示屏控制器,支持多个视频源和像素级校准。)

3. 公司品牌:NovaStar是一家中国公司,特别擅长生产LED显示屏的控制器和解决方案,成立于xx年。


- NovaStar has built a reputation as a reliable and innovative provider of LED display solutions. (诺瓦斯达以可靠和创新的LED显示屏解决方案提供者的声誉著称。)

- The NovaStar MCTRL660 is a top-of-the-line LED display controller made by a leading manufacturer in China. (诺瓦斯达MCTRL660是由中国领先制造商生产的顶级LED显示屏控制器。)

4. 天文学:新星是一种恒星现象,指恒星核心失去平衡而发生爆炸,释放出巨大的能量,发出强光。


- The nova star in the constellation Cygnus was first observed by the Chinese in 4 BC. (天鹅座的新星在公元前xx年首先被中国人观测到。)

- The remnant of a nova star is a fascinating object to study because it can give us clues about the processes that occur within stars. (新星遗迹是一个迷人的研究对象,因为它可以为我们提供关于恒星内部过程的线索。)

5. 比喻:新星可以引申为一个人或事物的崛起或爆发,比如新晋歌手的突然走红,或者新技术的快速发展等。


- The debut novel from this young author is a nova star in the literary world. (这位年轻作家的处女作在文学界成为了新星。)

- The launch of the new product line was a nova star that quickly gained popularity among consumers. (新产品系列的推出是一颗新星,迅速赢得了消费者的喜爱。)




1. Novastar is a rising star in the tech industry.


2. The company Novastar is known for its innovative products.


3. We invested in Novastar early on and it has paid off tremendously.




例句:Is it possible that life could survive the journey from star to star? (那生命有没有可能 Is it possible that life could survive the journey 在恒星到恒星的旅行中存活下来? from star to star?)


例句:Yeah, Andie star. Nice to meet you. (是 我叫Andie Star 很高兴见到你)


例句:That was over there in Nova Scotia. (That was over there in Nova Scotia.)


例句,Mark不能在这里见你, 他在Nova Scotia拍片。)


1. That was over there in Nova Scotia. (翻译:That was over there in Nova Scotia.)

Mark不能在这里见你, 他在Nova Scotia拍片。)

3. And such a star has an astonishing destiny. (翻译:密度如此惊人的恒星 And such a star has an astonishing destiny.)

4. But this set belonged pretty much to one star and one star alone. (翻译:But this set belonged pretty much to one star... 但这块场地却完全专属于 ...and one star alone.)

5. We signed your peace treaty, Nova Prime. (翻译:我们签了和平条约 新星之首 We signed your peace treaty, Nova Prime.)

6. Would you like to tell the ladies and gentlemen what happened to your Nova? (翻译:你愿不愿意告诉各位 Would you like to tell the ladies and gentlemen 你的Nova到底是怎么回事? what happened to your Nova?)

7. All Nova pilots, interlock and form a blockade. (翻译:全体新星飞行员 听我命令 互相锁定 建立防线 All Nova pilots, interlock and form a blockade.)

8. Come on, little Nova, here we go. (翻译:Come on, little Nova, here we go.)

9. But what about a trip from star to star, an interstellar odyssey? (翻译:那有没有可能从恒星到恒星? But what about trip from star to star --)

10. - You like Star Trek, Jack ? (翻译:- 你就象 Star Trek, Jack?)

11. Then she was apprehended by the Nova Corps. (翻译:接着她又被新星军团逮捕了 Then she was apprehended by the Nova Corps.)

12. - They saw another nova and drew that? (翻译:可能他们那时也看到了一颗超新星 然后画了下来)

13. The mogul paid some low-rent private eye to get the dirt on Nova. (翻译:那个大亨雇了私家侦探去收集Nova的丑闻)

14. What made you think that was gonna sound crazy? (翻译:-star prison, as it was known in Libya,)

15. The agreement says Nova Investment needs 60% ownership in order to sell. (翻译:协议规定Nova投资公司要有六成的股权才能出售)

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