gumpert是什么意思 英文名gumpert[冈伯特]的翻译、发音、来源

gumpert是什么意思 英文名gumpert[冈伯特]的翻译、发音、来源


1. 汽车品牌:'Gumpert'是一家德国超级跑车制造商,成立于xx年。


- The Gumpert Apollo is one of the fastest cars in the world. (Gumpert Apollo是世界上最快的汽车之一。)

- He dreams of owning a Gumpert one day. (他梦想有一天能拥有一辆Gumpert。)

2. 人名:Gumpert也可能是一个姓氏。


- John Gumpert is a well-known author in the field of business management. (约翰·冈珀特是商业管理领域的知名作者。)

- Lisa Gumpert is a talented musician who has won several awards. (丽莎·冈珀特是一位才华横溢的音乐家,曾获得多项奖项。)

3. 缩写词:GUMPERT也可能是一些组织或机构的缩写词,具体含义需要根据上下文分析。


- The GUMPERT project aims to promote sustainable agriculture in developing countries. (GUMPERT项目旨在促进发展中国家的可持续农业。)

- The GUMPERT initiative is focused on improving healthcare access for underprivileged communities. (GUMPERT倡议旨在改善弱势社区的医疗保健服务。)

4. 变音词:'gumpert'是gumple的变音词,在此意义上意味着'踉跄'或'跌倒'。


- She tripped on the curb and gumperted to the ground. (她在路边绊倒了,踉踉跄跄地摔倒在地。)

- The toddler gumperted a few times while learning to walk. (学步时,这个小孩曾跌倒多次。)


1. 这辆Gumpert汽车拥有惊人的马力和速度。

This Gumpert car boasts amazing horsepower and speed.

2. 我们迫不及待地想看看Gumpert超级跑车在赛道上表现如何。

We can't wait to see how the Gumpert supercar performs on the track.




例句:no, I could not endure William Coxe - a pert young lawyer. (不行,我可受不了威廉·考克斯——一个愣头愣脑的年轻律师。)


例句:You wouldn't donate a chewed gum to... (我琢磨著 你连块口香糖都不愿往募捐箱里塞吧)


1. - You got gum in your hair again? (翻译:-没有 {\3cH202020} - You got gum in your hair again?)

2. The structure and character of guar gum and progress in studies on amendatory guar gum were discussed in this article. (翻译:论述了瓜尔胶结构和性质以及改性瓜尔胶的研究进展,为瓜尔胶进一步开发研究提供参考。)

3. Specifications of gum rosin glyceride and hydrogenated ros. (翻译:松香甘油酯和氢化松香甘油酯的技术指标。)

4. Important chiefly for its nuts, the tree also produces wood used for shipping crates, boats, and charcoal, and a gum similar to gum arabic. (翻译:主要收获其坚果,木材也用于做板条箱、烧炭或造船等;树胶与阿拉伯树胶的用途相似。)

5. The mildest form of gum disease is gingivitis. (翻译:牙周病的最温和的形式是牙龈炎。)

6. Drink some water, or have a chewing gum. (翻译:or have a chewing gum.)

7. Single comparative experiments were carried out with xanthan gum, konjac gum, CMC, gum karaya, guar gum as stabilizers. (翻译:先以黄原胶、魔芋胶、CMC、卡拉胶、瓜尔豆胶为稳定剂做单个筛选实验。)

8. Well, it was, in fact, nicotine gum as prescribed by his GP. (翻译:那其实是尼古丁口胶剂 医生给他开的 Well, it was, in fact, nicotine gum as prescribed by his GP.)

9. By then, he was chewing a fancily wrapped bubble gum. (翻译:他吃的是那种用白腊纸包着的长条形泡泡糖。)

10. How much oil can a gum boil boil if a gum boil can boil oil? (翻译:如果橡胶罐能把油煮开的话,它可以煮开多少油呢?)

11. First of all, note the reported outcome of the Polaris project and PERT. (翻译:首先,注意观察Polaris项目和PERT图的产出报告。)

12. He is always chewing gum. (翻译:他总是在嚼口香糖。)

13. The song from the gum commercial? (翻译:The song from the gum commercial?)

14. - I wanted some gum. Got it. (翻译:- What kind of errand?)

15. In the article, the salt resistance of Gleditsia Gum Xanthan and their blended Gum were studied. (翻译:对皂荚胶及皂荚胶与黄原胶复配胶的耐盐稳定性进行了研究。)



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