creation是什么意思 creation的中文翻译、读音、例句

creation是什么意思 creation的中文翻译、读音、例句




词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有:work of creation(创作之作)、act of creation(创造行为)、divine creation(神创造)、human creation(人类创造)等。

相关短语:相关的短语有creative(有创造力的)、create(创造)、creator(创建者)、creative writing(创意写作)等。





1. The artist's latest creation is a sculpture made entirely of recycled materials.(这位艺术家的最新作品是一尊完全由回收材料制成的雕塑。)

2. Mary Shelley's most famous creation is the novel 'Frankenstein'.(玛丽·雪莱最著名的作品是小说《科学怪人》。)

3. The creation of the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate.(互联网的创造彻底改变了我们的交流方式。)

4. The creation of the universe is a mystery that has puzzled scientists and philosophers for centuries.(宇宙的创造是一个谜团,几个世纪以来一直让科学家和哲学家感到困惑。)

5. The chef's latest creation is a fusion of Japanese and French cuisine.(这位大厨的最新创意是将日本和法国美食融合在一起。)

6. Some people believe that human beings are the result of a divine creation.(有些人认为人类是神的创造。)

7. The company's latest creation is a virtual reality headset that allows users to fully immerse themselves in simulated environments.(这家公司的最新产品是一款虚拟现实头盔,可以让用户完全沉浸在模拟环境中。)

8. The creation of the world's first atomic bomb marked a turning point in human history.(世界第一颗原子弹的创造标志着人类历史的一个转折点。)

9. The artist drew inspiration for her latest creation from the natural beauty of the surrounding countryside.(这位艺术家从周围乡村的自然美景中获得了最新创作的灵感。)




1. The artist's latest creation was a beautiful sculpture.


2. The theory of creationism believes that God created the universe.


3. The company's new creation was a revolutionary product that changed the industry.





例句:They control the particle creation clear division into rings. (卫星可以护卫环中的颗粒 这样你就看到了间隙 边缘)


例句:Death as an act of creation. (死亡即是创生 Death as an act of creation.)


例句:My own creation plagues me. (-外面有没有消息 ? -没有 生命真是有趣 , 对吗 ?)


例句:That was already a creation, the beginning of the Revolution. (翻译:那种影响是在某种程度上促使了大革命的发生)


creation一般作为名词使用,如在the Creation([网络] 创世纪;创造;创世记)、dynamical creation(动力式产生)、divine creation(神创)等常见短语中出现较多。

the Creation[网络] 创世纪;创造;创世记
dynamical creation动力式产生
divine creation神创
dynamic creation动态建立
entropy creation熵产生
event creation[网络] 事件创造;时间制造;创造活动
file creation文件创建
image creation影像创制
in all creation〈美口〉究竟,到底


1. My own creation plagues me. (翻译:-外面有没有消息 ? -没有 生命真是有趣 , 对吗 ?)

2. That was already a creation, the beginning of the Revolution. (翻译:那种影响是在某种程度上促使了大革命的发生)

3. The fact is, the story of creation in our own Bible is the story of creation in cultures around the world. (翻译:事实是 我们自己圣经里的创世纪 也就是遍布全世界各个文化的)

4. It is a process of creation itself. Creation is a pleasure. With its nature and its mysterious soul, we are solaced. (翻译:创作是一种愉悦,它喷发出来支撑着我们的心灵深处,展示着它的面容,它的内在本质,和它神秘的灵魂。)

5. These businesses stimulate the creation of local jobs. (翻译:这些企业刺激了当地就业机会的产生。)

6. Automatic schema creation for CMP. (翻译:自动为CMP创建模式。)

7. SAPID is a tool for site creation and management. (翻译:一个建站和管理网站的工具。)

8. There was a co-creation, a huge co-creation, with vendors and suppliers. (翻译:这是一次共同创作,一个巨大的 来自厂商和供应商的共同创作。)

9. Creation will be left alone, safe and beautiful. (翻译:到那时世上便只留下这些无罪的生命 一个祥和美丽的世界.)

10. Cloudscape data source and table creation. (翻译:Cloudscape数据源和表的创建。)

11. Genesis was perfectly named, the creation of life, not death. (翻译:起源这个名字名副其实 生命的缔造者 而不是死亡)

12. A creation inspired by the image of Mistress Doronjo as a bride. (翻译:被多龙芝的新娘装束所启发... 创作的东西)

13. But they think they contribute something! Their "creation"... Enriching the world... (翻译:可是因为有了创造力 世界变的丰富了 还是可以相信的)

14. There was a co-creation, a huge co-creation, with vendors and suppliers. (翻译:这是一次共同创作,一个巨大的 来自厂商和供应商的共同创作。)

15. Richard Brook did indeed prove to be the creation of James Moriarty... (翻译:{\3cH202020}Richard Brook did indeed prove to be the creation of James Moriarty... 法庭中一片哗然 {\3cH202020}there was uproar in court)

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