brown是什么意思 brown的中文翻译、读音、例句

brown是什么意思 brown的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 词汇:

作为形容词,brown通常用来形容棕色、褐色或者哑光的颜色。作为名词,brown通常指棕色、黑褐色或者深褐色,也有指代布朗大学(Brown University)的用法。此外,brown还可以作为动词,意为“使其变成棕色”。

2. 人名:

Brown是许多人的姓,如布朗家族(Brown family),布朗夫人(Mrs. Brown)、詹姆斯·布朗(James Brown)等。

3. 地名:

Brown也是一些地名的名字,如美国加州的布朗斯峰国家公园(Brown's Peak National Park)。

4. 其他用法:

Brown还可以指代一种食品,如布朗面包(brown bread)或者棕米饭(brown rice)。此外,在军事上,brown可以指代陆军装备或者士兵。


1. She has beautiful brown hair.(她有漂亮的棕色头发。)

2. The bear's coat was a dark brown color.(熊的皮毛是深棕色的。)

3. Sarah Brown is a famous artist.(萨拉·布朗是一位著名的艺术家。)

4. He grew up in Brownsville, Texas.(他在得克萨斯州的布朗斯维尔长大。)

5. I prefer to eat brown rice instead of white rice.(我更喜欢吃棕米饭而不是白米饭。)

'Brown' 不是一种语言,而是一个英语单词,意思是棕色。它可以用作形容词,表示颜色深浅介于黄色和黑色之间,通常是土耳其红色与深棕色之间的颜色。



1. The bear's fur was a deep shade of brown.(这只熊的毛皮是深棕色的。)

2. She wore a brown dress to the party.(她穿了一条棕色的裙子去参加聚会。)

3. The old man had kind brown eyes.(老人有着温和的棕色眼睛。)

4. The bread turned brown in the oven.(面包在烤箱里变成了棕色。)

5. His skin had turned brown from spending so much time outdoors.(他的皮肤因为在外面呆了太久而变成了棕色。)

6. She had long brown hair that she always kept in a ponytail.(她留着长长的棕色头发,总是披成马尾辫。)

7. The leaves of the oak tree turned brown in the autumn.(橡树的树叶在秋天变成了棕色。)

8. The chocolate cake had a rich brown color.(巧克力蛋糕颜色呈现出浓郁的棕色。)

9. The ground was covered with brown leaves.(地上覆盖着棕色的落叶。)




1. She has beautiful brown eyes.(她有美丽的棕色眼睛。)

2. The color of the soil is brown.(土壤的颜色是褐色的。)

3. He loves to wear brown clothes.(他喜欢穿棕色的衣服。)

4. The chocolate cake was covered with brown frosting.(巧克力蛋糕上覆盖着褐色的糖霜。)

5. The bear's fur was a rich brown color.(熊的毛皮是一种富有色彩的棕色。)




例句:So you have made up your mind about becoming Jazz Brown? (那么你已经决定要做Jazz Brown?)


例句:Claudia Brown, Home Office. (Claudia Brown 家园办公室的)


例句:(Laughter) Sherry Brown got the part. (Sherry Brown 成为了那个女孩 )


例句:That's Charles Offria on the left, Titus Brown on the right. (翻译:左边是Charles Offria,右边是Titus Brown)


brown一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在done brown([网络] 做完棕色)、do brown(〈俗〉欺骗;使…上当;干得好,干得彻底)、Father Brown(布朗神父(著名侦探作家G.K.切斯特顿笔下的著名侦探))等常见短语中出现较多。

done brown[网络] 做完棕色
do brown〈俗〉欺骗;使…上当;干得好,干得彻底
Father Brown布朗神父(著名侦探作家G.K.切斯特顿笔下的著名侦探)
Fort Brown[地名] 布朗堡 ( 南非 )
garnet brown(红棕色)石榴石棕
gentleman in brown〈谑〉臭虫
golden brown金棕色
gordon brown[网络] 布朗;英国首相布朗;英国前首相布朗
grayish brown[医]浅灰棕色


1. (Laughter) Sherry Brown got the part. (翻译:Sherry Brown 成为了那个女孩 )

2. That's Charles Offria on the left, Titus Brown on the right. (翻译:左边是Charles Offria,右边是Titus Brown)

3. Brown... heaven help us, indeed. (翻译:- 布朗大学... - 天啊 - Brown...)

4. So, no more of this Claudia Brown stuff. (翻译:那么 别再想什么Claudia Brown的事了)

5. I'm Claudia Brown, from the Home Office. (翻译:我是内政部的 Claudia Brown)

6. - Do you know a boy named daniel brown? (翻译?)

7. Sir, I don't think Harry Brown is a witness. (翻译:先生 我认为Harry Brown不能作为证人)

8. Charlie Brown is really doing it! (翻译:查理·布朗真的做到了! Charlie Brown is really doing it!)

9. Justin Bieber got a hit-and-run, Chris Brown got a hit-and-run, (翻译:Justin Bieber肇事逃逸 Chris Brown也肇事逃逸)

10. - Mrs Brown, you must believe me. (翻译:- Speak for yourself. - Mrs Brown, you must believe me.)

11. Miriam, listen, your case comes before judge Clark Brown. (翻译:Miriam 听着 你案子的法官是Clark Brown)

12. Timothy Brown didn't have a gun. (翻译:- Timothy Brown手上并没有枪)

13. ♪ Came a fella born to ride the wide, brown land ♪ (翻译:# Came a fella born to ride the wide, brown land #)

14. - Mr Brown, are you there? (翻译:- 布朗先生 您还在吗? - 在 你好 - Mr Brown, are you there?)

15. That and a bottle of brown. (翻译:That and a bottle of brown. 还有一瓶布朗)

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