brilliance是什么意思 brilliance的中文翻译、读音、例句

brilliance是什么意思 brilliance的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:


2. 用法示范:


- The brilliance of the sunlight made her squint.


- The brilliance of the fireworks lit up the night sky.



- The pianist's brilliance at the keyboard left the audience spellbound.


- The writer's brilliance lies in his ability to create compelling characters.



- The car's brilliance is its fuel efficiency and sleek design.


- The artist's brilliance shines through in his use of color and composition.


3. 相关短语:

(1)Brilliantly - 表示高超才能、出色表现的副词形式。例如:

- The team performed brilliantly and won the championship.


- The actor played the role brilliantly, earning critical acclaim.


(2)Brilliant idea - 表示高超构思、巧妙想法的词组。例如:

- She had a brilliant idea for solving the problem.


- The company's success was due in large part to a series of brilliant ideas.


(3)Brilliant mind - 表示高超才能、卓越头脑的词组。例如:

- Einstein was a brilliant mind who changed the course of physics.


- She had a brilliant mind for science and was awarded a scholarship to MIT.



1. Her brilliance as a lawyer won her numerous cases and made her one of the most sought-after attorneys in the city.


2. The diamond's brilliance was breathtaking, catching the light and reflecting it in a thousand different directions.


3. The movie's brilliance lay in its ability to blend humor with drama, creating a moving and memorable story.


4. The painter's brilliance was evident in his use of color and brushstrokes, creating a vivid and lifelike portrayal of his subjects.


5. The designer's brilliance was showcased in the intricate details of the dress, each stitch and embellishment carefully crafted to perfection.






1. The brilliance of the fireworks lit up the night sky.(烟花的光彩夺目,点亮了夜空。)

2. She was admired for her brilliance in solving difficult math problems.(她因能解决困难的数学问题而备受赞赏。)

3. The diamond's brilliance was breathtaking.(钻石的光芒令人叹为观止。)

4. His speech was characterized by its brilliance and intelligence.(他的演讲以其光彩和智慧而著称。)




例句:The violinist had the technical skill to execute the cadenza, with its double stops and harmonics, with brilliance. (小提琴手有用双倍停顿及和弦来精彩地演奏华彩乐段的技能。)


brilliance一般作为名词使用,如在intrinsic brilliance(实际亮度)、point brilliance(光点亮度)、relative brilliance(相对耀度)等常见短语中出现较多。

intrinsic brilliance实际亮度
point brilliance光点亮度
relative brilliance相对耀度
screen brilliance屏幕耀度
starch brilliance淀粉光泽(度)
swept brilliance扫描亮度
high brilliance display[网络] 高亮度显示器
high brilliance indicator[电子] 高亮度显示器
tunnel entrance brilliance隧道入口区亮度


1. Jobs' technical brilliance was equalled only by his consumate skill as a salesman and pitchman. (翻译:乔布斯在技术上的才华只有其作为一名推销员和商品宣传员的精湛才干方可匹敌。)

2. I bet many of you have seen the Apple commercials, kind of poking at the PC for their brilliance and simplicity. (翻译:我想你们大多数人都看过Apple商业展广告, 有点嘲笑PC电脑来表现出他们的简洁和光辉. )

3. Meihua Coking Company Ltd. shall sincerely cooperate with customers and create mutual brilliance . (翻译:美华焦化有限责任公司愿与广大用户精诚合作,共图发展、共创辉煌。)

4. Many cannot process their brilliance as human -- they think aliens built them. (翻译:很多人不相信这是人类的智慧所为—— 他们认这些是外星人建造的。)

5. Red is te symbol of effulgence and brilliance, which also need your help. (翻译:红色是灿烂和辉煌的象征,但这也需要您的鼎力相助。)

6. The technique was copied in Europe, where it was known as "japanning," but European lacquerwork lacks the hardness and brilliance of Asian lacquer. (翻译:被称做“涂漆”的技术后来传入欧洲,但欧洲的漆器缺乏亚洲漆器的硬度和光亮度。)

7. It might feel weird and uncomfortable at first, but boredom truly can lead to brilliance. (翻译:这可能一开始有点奇怪,有点不舒服, 但是无聊真的能带来美好。)

8. Why can't you understand the brilliance of my dolls? your beautiful eyes would continue to live. (翻译:为什么你们就是不懂 我做出来的这些人偶美妙之处 伴随永恒的生命)

9. Such branded diamonds employ trademarked precision cuts to maximize brilliance. (翻译:这些品牌商标的钻石以其精密切割获得最佳光洁度而著称。)

10. They say he used his students for their brilliance, then discredited them and stole their equations, (翻译:据说他利用学生们的智慧 然后诽谤学生 并且把得出的等式据为己有)

11. Weihui Machinery is willing to sincerely cooperate with all customers to achieve mutual benefit and create brilliance! (翻译:伟辉机械愿与各界客商真诚合作,互惠互利,同创辉煌!)

12. That in spite of his stratospheric brilliance, (翻译:尽管沃特·奥布莱恩智力水平极高 that in spite of his stratospheric brilliance,)

13. I will tell Christian that he is a lion, a sanctuary of bravery and brilliance. (翻译:我会告诉基督徒,他是一头狮子, 是勇气和智慧的庇护所。)

14. We all have our moments of brilliance and glory... and this was mine. (翻译:我们每个人都有光荣的一刻 这一刻是属于我的)

15. And there is indeed a fire burning over the Earth, taking with it not only plants and animals, but the legacy of humanity's brilliance. (翻译:地球上确实燃烧着烈火, 不仅带着了植物和动物, 还带走了人类辉煌的传统。)

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