playa是什么意思 playa的中文翻译、读音、例句

playa是什么意思 playa的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. dry playa(干滩地)

2. salt playa(盐滩地)

3. shallow playa(浅滩地)

4. playa lake(干湖床)

5. playa vista(海滩景观)

6. playa del Carmen(卡门海滩)

7. playa ball(沙滩球)


发音拼写: [ˈpleɪ.ə]


1. The playa is dry and cracked during most of the year.(滩地在大部分时间内都很干裂。)

2. The birds gather on the salt playa to feed on the small crustaceans.(鸟类聚集在盐湖盐滩上,以摄食小甲壳类。)

3. We had to cross a shallow playa to reach the other side of the desert.(我们不得不穿过一片浅浅的滩地,才能到达沙漠的另一边。)

4. The playa lake was a popular destination for birdwatchers during the migration season.(干湖床在候鸟迁徙季节是观鸟爱好者的热门目的地。)

5. The villa had a stunning playa vista, with the ocean stretching out to the horizon.(别墅有一个惊人的海滩景观,海洋一直延伸到地平线。)

6. Playa del Carmen is known for its beautiful beaches and crystal-clear waters.(卡门海滩以其美丽的海滩和晶莹剔透的水而闻名。)

7. The children spent the afternoon playing playa ball on the sandy shore.(孩子们在沙滩上玩沙滩球度过了一个下午。)




1. Ir a la playa - 去海滩

2. Construir un castillo de arena en la playa - 在沙滩上建造沙堡

3. Tomar el sol en la playa - 在海滩上晒太阳

4. Estoy caminando por la playa - 我正在沙滩上散步

5. La playa está llena de gente - 海滩上人山人海

6. La arena de esta playa es muy fina - 这个沙滩的沙子非常细

7. La playa es un lugar perfecto para relajarse - 海滩是一个放松的完美场所

8. Este hotel está situado cerca de la playa - 这家酒店靠近海滩

9. Hay una gran variedad de actividades en la playa - 海滩上有各种各样的活动


1. Voy a ir a la playa este fin de semana - 我这个周末要去海滩

2. La playa de Copacabana es una de las más famosas de Brasil - Copacabana海滩是巴西最著名的海滩之一

3. Me encanta pasar el tiempo en la playa - 我喜欢在海滩上消磨时间

4. ¿Quieres ir a la playa conmigo mañana? - 明天你想跟我一起去海滩吗?

5. La playa de mi pueblo es muy pequeña - 我村庄的海滩非常小

6. La playa estaba muy concurrida en verano - 夏天海滩非常拥挤

7. Esta playa tiene una vista impresionante - 这个海滩有一个惊人的景色

8. La playa está a solo 10 minutos a pie - 海滩只有步行10分钟的路程

9. Me gusta hacer deporte en la playa - 我喜欢在海滩上运动



1. We spent the whole day lying on the playa, enjoying the sun and sea breeze.


2. The playa was crowded with tourists in the summer.





例句:Playa Tamarindo is as close to picture perfect as you can get. (普拉亚塔马林多是你能看到的图片中近乎完美的。)


例句:In 1994, the mystery of Nabta Playa took on even greater significance when Robert Bauval announced a surprising discovery along Egypt's Giza Plateau. (xx年 Nabta Playa的秘密引起了高度重视 因为Robert Bauval宣布了一个 埃及吉萨平原的惊人发现)


例句:These days, around 300 art installations and countless artistic gestures go to the playa. (时至今日,有大概300多件 艺术装置和数不清的艺术作品 都在被运往这个沙漠盐湖。)


例句:Playa Larga was one of the beaches where the invaders disembarked on April 1961. (翻译:拉尔卡海滩是xx年入侵者登陆的海滩之一。)


playa一般作为名词使用,如在La Playa([地名] 拉普拉亚 ( 阿根、智 ))、Playa Azul([地名] 普拉亚阿苏尔 ( 墨 ))、Playa Blanca([地名] 普拉亚布兰卡 ( 西 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

La Playa[地名] 拉普拉亚 ( 阿根、智 )
Playa Azul[地名] 普拉亚阿苏尔 ( 墨 )
Playa Blanca[地名] 普拉亚布兰卡 ( 西 )
playa facies干盐湖相
playa lake干盐湖
Playa Pascual[地名] 普拉亚帕斯夸尔 ( 乌拉 )
salt playa干盐湖
Willcox Playa[地名] 威尔科克斯干盐湖 ( 美 )
Playa del Rey[地名] 普拉亚德雷 ( 美 )


1. These days, around 300 art installations and countless artistic gestures go to the playa. (翻译:时至今日,有大概300多件 艺术装置和数不清的艺术作品 都在被运往这个沙漠盐湖。)

2. Playa Larga was one of the beaches where the invaders disembarked on April 1961. (翻译:拉尔卡海滩是xx年入侵者登陆的海滩之一。)

3. Like the size and shape of sailing stones, its component also varies all over the Racetrack Playa. (翻译:正像风帆石的大小、形状不一,它们的组成物也在跑道干湖的各处各不相同。)

4. It's got to be Playa Blanca, insists one Canary-phile. (翻译:肯定是普拉亚布兰卡,一个歌星phile坚持说。)

5. For some of us playa's, there never seems to be enough time in the day to do what we do best. . . which is not a lot. (翻译:对于那些在海边修养的人来说,似乎永远也没有足够的时间去做那些他们擅长的诸多事务。)

6. Average Joe's planning to playa hate Skillz That Killz, the inner-city champs for five years straight. (翻译:乔大叔队对杀手队 杀手队曾获得区域赛五连冠)

7. Lorenz and his colleagues would like to install inexpensive time-lapse monitoring of the Playa area, using digital cameras. (翻译:Lorenz和同事们想利用数码相机,安装低成本的延时摄影监控盐湖地区。)

8. He's either married, living with a woman or so big a "playa" that he's not worth your time. (翻译:他要么已有妻室,或和别的女人同居;要么是个大玩家,不值得你为他浪费时间。)

9. It was presumed that KBP may playa role in the regulation of metabolism of tissue kallikrein on the level of biosynthesis and excretion. (翻译:推测KBP可能在合成和分泌的水平上,对组织激肽释放酶的代谢及活性起调节作用。)

10. Then there's George Schillinger and our leatherback team out of Playa Grande tagging leatherbacks that go right past where we are. (翻译:现在看到的是 George Schillinger和来自Playa Grande的棱皮龟小组的队员。正在给正穿过它们所在区域 的棱皮龟作标记。)

11. And this dream comes true at Playa Del Amor, more commonly known as Hidden Beach, on one of the Marieta Islands off the coast of Mexico. (翻译:埃莫海滩便是他们最理想的度假场所,这片位于墨西哥海岸玛丽埃塔群岛的沙滩也被称为世外桃源沙滩。)

12. At night, the city swarms with mutant vehicles, the only cars allowed to roam the playa. (翻译:夜晚时分,黑石市到处都 穿梭着改装过的车辆, 盐湖里唯一允许行驶的车辆。)

13. So this is me on the desert playa last year with my brother, obviously hard at work. (翻译:这是我去年在沙漠盐湖拍的, 还有我的弟弟, 很显然他正在辛勤的劳作。)

14. However, through the rational guidance, online public opinion will playa positive role for the emergency. (翻译:但通过理性化的引导,网络舆论一定会发挥其积极作用,为突发事件的解决作出贡献。)

15. What looked enormous in an artist's studio could get lost on the playa, but there are virtually no spatial limits, so artists can dream as big as they can build. (翻译:那些在艺术工作室里看起来巨大无比的 作品可能进了盐湖就找不见了, 但是实际上, 沙漠里是没有空间限制的, 所以艺术家们可以尽情的 建造自己想要的规模。)



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