pov是什么意思 pov的中文翻译、读音、例句

pov是什么意思 pov的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:POV是缩写,代表"Point of View",意为"观点"、"角度"。

2. 词性:POV是名词。

3. 词组搭配:常见的搭配有"POV视频"、"POV角度"、"POV故事"等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:P-O-V,读作/piː.oʊ.viː/


1. From my POV, the company's decision was unwise.(从我的角度看,公司的决定是不明智的。)

2. The book tells the story from the POV of the main character.(这本书从主角的视角来讲述故事。)

3. The POV shot adds a sense of intensity and immersion to the film.(透过POV镜头,电影更具强烈的体验感。)

4. The novel presents multiple POVs, allowing readers to see the story from various perspectives.(这本小说展示了多个视角,让读者可以从不同的角度来看故事。)

5. The YouTuber's latest video is filmed entirely from a POV perspective.(这位YouTuber的最新视频全部采用POV视角拍摄。)

'POV'是英语单词Point of View的缩写。它的意思是“观点”、“视点”、“角度”,通常用于描述文学作品、电影、电视剧中的故事视角。在互联网上,POV也用于表示一种独特的拍摄方式,即主观镜头。


1. From Amanda's POV, the party was a huge success. (从阿曼达的角度来看,聚会是一场巨大的成功。)

2. The novel is told from multiple POVs, giving the reader different perspectives on the story. (这本小说以多个视角讲述,为读者提供故事的不同视角。)

3. In the film, the director used a lot of POV shots to create a sense of immersion for the audience. (在电影中,导演使用了大量的POV拍摄来为观众营造一种沉浸感。)

4. The article presents the author's POV on the issue of climate change. (这篇文章呈现了作者对气候变化问题的观点。)

5. The documentary was filmed entirely from the POV of the activists, giving a unique insight into their world. (这部纪录片完全从活动家的视角拍摄,提供了一个独特的洞察力进入他们的世界。)

6. It's important to consider different POVs when making a decision. (在做决定时考虑不同的视角是很重要的。)

7. The artist's latest exhibition showcases his unique POV on modern society. (艺术家最新的展览展示了他对现代社会的独特观点。)

8. The detective novel is narrated from the POV of the protagonist, giving the reader a sense of being inside his mind. (这本侦探小说是从主人公的视角叙述的,让读者感觉自己就在他的脑海中。)

9. The social media platform allows users to share their POVs on a variety of topics. (这个社交媒体平台允许用户在多种话题上分享他们的观点。)

pov的中文翻译为“视角”,读音为 [piː oʊ vi]。


1. From my pov, the movie was really boring.(从我的角度来看,这部电影真的很无聊。)

2. It's important to consider multiple povs when making a decision.(在做决定时考虑多种视角很重要。)

3. The novel is written from the pov of three different characters.(这本小说从三个不同角色的视角来写。)




例句:I think now would be a great time for a reverse POV. (اﻋﺘﻘﺪ اﻧﻪ اﻟﻮﻗﺖ اﻟﻤﻨﺎﺳﺐ ﻻ ﻣﺘﺎﻉ اﻟﻤﺸﺎﻫﺪﻳﻦ)


例句:Hey, Nancy. Can you pull up Fine's POV cam from Boyanov's office. (南希,在伐尔的办公室找找Boyanov的资料。)


例句:By broking the wall of powdered oils with ultrasonic, the oil extraction efficiency yield was 65%, which met the need of determining POV. (超声波破壁法提油其提油率可达65%左右,可满足测定要求。)


例句:It was found that the exacts of forsythia can depress POV and Acid Value, and they have the activity of oxidation resistance. (翻译:结果表明,连翘叶提取物可以降低POV值和酸价,具有抗氧化作用。)


1. By broking the wall of powdered oils with ultrasonic, the oil extraction efficiency yield was 65%, which met the need of determining POV. (翻译:超声波破壁法提油其提油率可达65%左右,可满足测定要求。)

2. It was found that the exacts of forsythia can depress POV and Acid Value, and they have the activity of oxidation resistance. (翻译:结果表明,连翘叶提取物可以降低POV值和酸价,具有抗氧化作用。)

3. Grasp the stock and make sure the products efficiently circulate between POV and district CDC to avoid lack of goods or goods break. (翻译:把握库存情况,确保公司产品在POV和区CDC的有效流通,做到不断货,不缺货。)

4. POV FROM ABOVE — looking down through leaves we watch jake. (翻译:从上面的视角-通过叶片向下看,我们可以看到杰克警惕地穿过森林。)

5. Okay, you got POV on alpha... omni on beta. (翻译:好,现在你的阿尔法波段是第一人称视角 贝塔波段是全景视角)

6. fantastic landscape , nice play of light on the fields and hill side . another good pov you found for this one. (翻译:奇幻的风景,山上和田野中的光线处理得不错,你找到了另一个好的景致。)

7. - First movie to ever put the audience in the killer's POV. (翻译:历史上第一次用凶手的视角 - 来拍摄的电影)

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