1. 词的意思:'ot' 本身不是一个单词,而是一个字母组合。它通常出现在大写和小写的英文字母中,表示词的一部分。
2. 词性:'ot' 不是一个单词,因此没有词性。
3. 常用场景:'ot' 不是一个词语,因此没有特定的常用场景。
4. 词组搭配:'ot' 通常出现在单词的中间或结尾,例如:spot,hot,bot,not等。
5. 相关短语:'ot' 没有与之直接相关的短语。但它可以与其他字母组合形成单词,例如:photography(摄影),pilot(飞行员),iconic(标志性的)等等。
6. 发音拼写:'ot' 的发音为 /ɑt/,其中的'o' 发音为 /ɑ/,'t' 发音为 /t/,读音时需要两个音素组合在一起。 'ot' 的拼写为 o 和 t 两个字母并列在一起。
1. 我认识一个很厉害的ot,她能画出最美的同人图。
2. 他们两个是ot,经常在微博上互动,看着都很甜蜜。
Chinese translation: There's no direct translation because "ot" is a term used in online slang, meaning "Fujoshi/Fudanshi" (referring to people who enjoy romantic relationships between fictional characters of the same gender).
Pronunciation: ōtè
Example sentences:
1. I know a really talented ot who can draw the most beautiful fan art.
2. They are both ot and often interact with each other on Weibo. They look very sweet together.
例句:You get lots ot crazies when something like this happens. (现在一定有很多疯子 打电话给你们 所以我才提这一点)
例句:I know. I've just gotta get out ot here. i'il take Jess with me. (我知道,我必须离开这里 我会带洁西一起走)
例句:What is OT feedback from TMR of other team according to your understanding? (据你的了解,其他团队的员工对加班的反馈是)
ot一般作为名词使用,如在OT.([医] 解剖学旧名词, 旧结核菌素)、Sek'ot'a([地名] 瑟戈达 ( 埃塞 ))、epiphysitis ot calcaneum(跟骨骨骺炎)等常见短语中出现较多。
OT. | [医] 解剖学旧名词, 旧结核菌素 |
Sek'ot'a | [地名] 瑟戈达 ( 埃塞 ) |
epiphysitis ot calcaneum | 跟骨骨骺炎 |
Namp'ot'aesan | [地名] 南胞胎山 ( 朝 ) |
out ot hand | [法] 无法约束, 失去控制 |
P'ot'ae | [地名] 胞胎 ( 朝 ) |
P'ot'i | [地名] 波蒂 ( 格鲁 ) |
resort ot war | [法] 诉诸战争 |
right ot watercourses | [法] 水道通行权 |
1. What is OT feedback from TMR of other team according to your understanding? (翻译:据你的了解,其他团队的员工对加班的反馈是)
2. Due to late acceptance of your baggage, Carriers ca ot a ure that your baggage will travel with you on the same flight to your destination. (翻译:由于您的行李晚交运,承运人不能保证将您的行李同机运往您的目的地。)
3. Otto kunzli famously made a rubber bracelet concealing a gold ball inside. (翻译:Ot to kunzli因制作了内部藏了金球的橡胶手镯而出名。)
4. That sou nds I i ke a I ot of fu n. (翻译:这SOU NDS我我科一个我OT福的n。)
5. Whereas these members of a pair go "wo-ot, wo-ot, wo-ot." (翻译:然而另一对的两个成员拥有的升调是”wo-ot, wo-ot, wo-ot“ )
6. This model suits OTTO LINK STMs tenor mouthpieces. (翻译:此型号适合OT TO LINK金属次中音吹嘴使用。)
7. That is why for a everyman like me, keep doing the insignificant and usually so tiny thing ot things everyday, not a second to stop! (翻译:这就是为什么,像我这样的一个普通人,每天总是在做着非常次要的,而且通常非常渺小的事儿的原因,一刻也不敢停下来!)
8. The simultaneous use of OT allowed them to increase plastic changes in the brain and improve function in the paretic hand. (翻译:同时使用OT也就是使病人增加大脑的可塑性改变,并改善瘫痪肢体的功能。)
9. In addition ot the swelling and bruising of Ethan's upper lip this act also resulted in two broken incisors including nerve damage to the right incisor (翻译:另外还有, Ethan的上嘴唇肿胀挫伤 此行为造成了两颗门牙被打掉 右边门牙有神经性损伤)
10. The triple energizer is one ot the six fu-organs, and among all the zang-fu organs, it is the largest fu-organ in the human body. (翻译:三焦是六腑之一,在所有的脏腑器官中,它是人体中最大的腑。)
11. The application of domestic insoluble sulfur OT-20 in the belt compound and transition layer compound in TBR tire was investigated. (翻译:研究国产不溶性硫黄OT-20在全钢载重子午线轮胎带束层胶和过渡层胶中的应用,并与进口同类产品进行对比。)
12. Now I've 50. Not a decent week's wages amongst the 'ot of them. (翻译:现在我有五十个亲戚 每个星期固定资助他们)
13. People can not only greet each ot IT but too exalter theirss concerns by letters. (翻译:大部分人经过写信不仅能够互相问候,而且还没出国疑问互相交换她们的思想。)
14. Objective to investigate the effect of the injection of milkvetch ro ot and red sage root on lupus nephritis patients to reduce the complication of lupus nephritis. (翻译:目的观察黄芪和丹参注射液辅助治疗狼疮性肾炎对治疗效果和减少并发症的影响,并探讨相应的护理措施。)
15. Come over tonight, both ot you. We can make a guest list. (翻译:你们两个今天晚上过来一趟 一块儿拟定客人名单)