ghzs是什么意思 ghzs的中文翻译、读音、例句

ghzs是什么意思 ghzs的中文翻译、读音、例句









1) The union is committed to promoting economic development through GHZS.


2) The GHZS project has been well received by many enterprises.


3) The GHZS model has been widely adopted in various industries.


4) The union provides policy support and other resources for enterprises through GHZS.


5) We believe that the GHZS model will bring new opportunities and challenges to the enterprise.






例句:A Compute Unit is the computing power offered by a 1 GHz Opteron or Xeon processor manufactured in 2007. (一个计算单元相当于xx年产的1 GHz Opteron或Xeon处理器的计算能力。)


1. This is the S.S. Great Western that he built to take care of the second half of that journey. (翻译:这就是他建造的S.S大西部铁路 连接旅程的第二段。)

2. Captain Jebediah S. Hawks... requesting permission to board, sir. (翻译:Jebediah S. Hawks船长 请求登船)

3. The server I used was an older, 1.2GHz Athlon XP server. (翻译:我使用的服务器比较陈旧,是 1.2GHz Athlon/XP 的服务器。)

4. You will get your throat slit just like chickens! (翻译:Vous allez mourir égorgés!)

5. Oh, you know, quite fabulous. (翻译:非常可爱 Écoute, euh... très, très chouette.)

6. In addition to the A330-200s on their way out, SAA currently operates 17 737-800s, 11 A319s, six A340-300s and nine A340-600s. (翻译:除了将要淘汰的A330 - 220s,南非航空目前运营17架737 - 800s、11架A319s、6架A340 - 300s、9架A340 - 600s。)

7. They can pick up the scientis ts and s till be two days dis tance when the maneuvers s tart. (翻译:他们可以拿起scientis TS 和s,直到被2天显示距离 当演习s挞。)

8. The Anritsu 37347A Vector Network Analyzer covers 40MHz to 20GHz and has a built-in S-Parameter Test Set. (翻译:该安立37347a矢量网络分析仪涵盖了40MHz的,以20GHz之间,并开发了内置式S参数测试集。)

9. And welcome to STS-200 ops overview briefing. (翻译:欢迎莅临 S T S 2 0 0 行动简报)

10. # This w-word s-so s-sweet that I r-repeat (翻译:# This w -word s -so s)

11. I'll turn them all into Iranoffs, Buljanoffs, and Kopalskis. (翻译:我会把他们变成伊万诺夫s 布杰诺夫s和卡巴斯基s)

12. No way. We Sunday Sisters top everyone. (翻译:不会,我觉得S u n d a y S i s t e r s 比齐豫唱得更好呀)

13. If you want to reduce some stress, you can reduce this by the word S-T-R-E-S-S, that's stress. (翻译:如果您想减轻压力,可以用 S-T-R-E-S-S 来减轻压力。)

14. This is the S.S. Great Western that he built to take care of the second half of that journey. (翻译:这就是他建造的S.S大西部铁路 连接旅程的第二段。)

15. How many GHz is your brain? (翻译:你的脑袋又是几ghz的呢? )

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