mmm是什么意思 mmm的中文翻译、读音、例句

mmm是什么意思 mmm的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解释:'mmm'是一个口语表示思考、犹豫、饱受考虑等情绪的声音,通常用来表示没有确切答案或者对某个问题有多个可能选项的情况。

2. 语法用法:'mmm'通常是用作音频信号中的表示,而不是一种书面语言,因此在口语交流场合中很常见。

3. 语音特点:'mmm'通常是一个轻轻的、不急促的、没有明显语调的喉鸣音。由于没有明显的声调变化,它往往是不易理解的,并且需要根据上下文来确定其含义。

4. 使用场合:'mmm'通常用于在交谈中暂停思考、表达犹豫、表示不确定。它也可以用于表达兴奋、惊讶或赞叹。

5. 替代用语:除了'mmm'外,还有一些其他的表示思考、犹豫、饱受考虑等情绪的声音,如'uh', 'um'或者 'er'等。


1. When asked about his favorite restaurant, he paused for a moment and said, "mmm, I'm not sure, there are so many good ones!" (当被问及他最喜欢的餐厅时,他停了一下,说:“嗯,我不确定,有很多好的!”)

2. "Mmm, this cake is delicious! What did you put in it?" ( “嗯,这个蛋糕很美味!你放了什么?”)

3. "I'm considering taking that job offer, but mmm, I'm not sure if it's the right decision." ( “我正在考虑接受那个工作机会,但是,嗯,我不确定是否是正确的决定。”)

4. "Mmm, that's an interesting idea. Let me think about it." ( “嗯,那是一个有趣的想法。让我想想。”)

5. "Mmm, she looks familiar. Have we met before?" ( “嗯,她看起来很熟悉。我们以前见过面吗?”)



1. "Mmm, this cake is really delicious!"(嗯,这个蛋糕真的很好吃!)

2. "Mmm, I'm not sure if I like this color."(嗯,我不确定我是否喜欢这个颜色。)

3. "Mmm, let me think about it for a second."(嗯,让我考虑一下。)

4. "Mmm, this coffee is just what I needed."(嗯,这杯咖啡正是我需要的。)

5. "Mmm, I love the smell of fresh flowers."(嗯,我喜欢新鲜花的气味。)

6. "Mmm, this massage feels amazing."(嗯,这个按摩感觉太棒了。)

7. "Mmm, I can't resist a good pizza."(嗯。)

8. "Mmm, I'm so full after that meal."(嗯,我吃完饭感觉太饱了。)

9. "Mmm, I love the sound of the waves crashing on the shore."(嗯,我喜欢海浪拍打岸边的声音。)




1. A: Do you want some cake?

B: Mmm, that sounds delicious. (A: 你想吃点蛋糕吗?B: 嗯嗯,听起来很好吃。)

2. She closed her eyes and let out a contented "mmm" as she sipped her tea. (她闭上眼睛,享受着喝茶的滋味,发出了满足的“嘤嘤声”。)

3. Mmm, this coffee is really strong. (嗯嗯,这个咖啡真的很浓。)




例句:This is to slap barney stinson? Mmm. (你是为了打Barney Stinson?)


例句:- But now you want to kill me again. (- Mmm -hmm. - But now you want to kill me again.)


例句:- I got a question for you. - Mmm. (我有个问题要问你 I got a question for you.)


例句:Raised his hand with a question. Mmm. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}你对未来的人类学家有什么建议?)


mmm一般作为名词、感叹词使用,如在MMM overlay([印刷] 3M垫版材料)等常见短语中出现较多。

MMM overlay[印刷] 3M垫版材料


1. - I got a question for you. - Mmm. (翻译:我有个问题要问你 I got a question for you.)

2. Raised his hand with a question. Mmm. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}你对未来的人类学家有什么建议?)

3. The dreaded amends tour. Mmm. (翻译:可怕的赎罪之旅啊 The dreaded amends tour.)

4. Steve Jurvetson: Mmm, yes. (翻译:Steve Jurvetson: 嗯... 是的. KB: 好的, Steve, 我现在站在桌子前面, )

5. Mmm. You're Becky Driscoll. (翻译:唔~~~ 你是Becky Driscoll没错)

6. - Kind of break you can... - Mmm-mmm. (翻译:有什么优惠吗 Kind of break you can...)

7. Mmm, she spilled it, all over the jewelry counter (翻译:- [Maggie] Is this Ella Hirsch?)

8. My son turned out just fine. (翻译:My son turned out just fine. Mmm. 原来我的儿子就好了mmm)

9. Mmm, well, now, not too greedy. (翻译:not too greedy. — ## [ Continues ])

10. Mmm. I got on with the electricians' union. (翻译:呃 我加上了电工工会 Mm, I got on with the electricians union.)

11. Mmm. Recount it. Pack it up. (翻译:再点一遍 把它们收起来 我们把它装载到库房)

12. Mmm-hmm, and what if I meant it? (翻译:Mmm-hmm, 而且什么如果我意谓它?)

13. - Mmm, here you go, Vicki Vallencourt. (翻译:- 嗯,这是你的,Vicki Vallencourt)

14. This chicken - out of this world. (翻译:这鸡肉好吃得不像是这个世界的。Mmm! This chicken)

15. I used to write them down even. (翻译:- Go on. - Mmm. I used to write them down even.)

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