lucid是什么意思 lucid的中文翻译、读音、例句

lucid是什么意思 lucid的中文翻译、读音、例句

As an English teacher, I would like to provide explanations for the word "lucid" from at least five aspects and offer five examples in both Chinese and English:

1. Definition: Lucid means clear and easy to understand. It could describe a person's thoughts, speech, or writing.


- His explanation was lucid and concise. 他的解释清晰简洁。

- The author's lucid prose made the book a joy to read. 作者清晰的散文让这本书读起来非常愉快。

2. Psychology: Lucid dreaming refers to a state of consciousness where a dreamer realizes that they are dreaming and can take control of their dream.


- I had a lucid dream last night where I was flying through the clouds. 昨晚我做了一个清醒梦,飞行在云层中。

- Lucid dreaming can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and creativity. 清醒梦可以成为自我发现和创造力的有力工具。

3. Medical: Lucid interval describes a period of temporary improvement in a patient's condition following a traumatic brain injury.


- The patient experienced a lucid interval after the car accident, but then their symptoms worsened. 病人在车祸后经历了临时的清醒间隔,但症状随后恶化了。

- A lucid interval is not uncommon in cases of brain injury, but it does not necessarily indicate recovery. 清醒间隔在脑损伤病例中并不罕见,但并不一定表明康复。

4. Music: Lucid music is a genre that combines ambient or electronic sounds with classical or acoustic instruments, creating a dreamy and ethereal atmosphere.


- I love listening to lucid music when I'm studying or meditating. 在学习或冥想时,我喜欢听清澈的音乐。

- The band's latest album features a mix of lucid music and experimental sounds. 这个乐队的最新专辑融合了清澈的音乐和实验音效。

5. Astronomy: Lucid stars are those that are particularly bright and easy to see in the night sky.


- Orion is one of the most recognizable and lucid constellations in the Northern Hemisphere. 猎户座是北半球最明显和清晰的星座之一。

- The Milky Way is home to many lucid stars that we can observe with the naked eye. 银河系中有许多我们可以裸眼观察到的清晰星星。

By using these examples, I hope to give a comprehensive understanding of the word "lucid" to my students.


读音:lu·cid [ˈluːsɪd]


1. She had a lucid explanation for the complicated problem.(她对这个复杂问题有一个清晰的解释。)

2. The writer's style is very lucid and easy to understand.(这位作家的风格非常清晰易懂。)

3. During the surgery, the patient remained lucid and calm.(手术期间,病人保持清醒和镇定。)




例句:And there might be a way to get him more lucid (也许有办法让他更清楚地记得所有事情 And there might be a way to get him more lucid to remember it all,)


例句:Oh, come on, it's just that every week you're dating some lucid-eyed trusty girl. (得了,路易,我相信,你每周都在策划 和哪个容易轻信别人的女孩约会)


例句:He is lucid and can communicate verbally, but became more violent. (不过他还保持意识,能与我们沟通 但症状越来越激烈)


例句:to enhance your OOBE's and lucid dreams, at a very early stage in your development. (翻译:在你开发的开始阶段,可以促使你的脱体经验和清醒的梦。)


lucid一般作为形容词使用,如在lucid circle(肉眼见星)、lucid dream(na. 清醒梦\n[网络] 清明梦;清澈梦境;清醒之梦)、lucid dreaming([网络] 清醒梦;清明梦;清醒梦境)等常见短语中出现较多。

lucid circle肉眼见星
lucid dreamna. 清醒梦\n[网络] 清明梦;清澈梦境;清醒之梦
lucid dreaming[网络] 清醒梦;清明梦;清醒梦境
lucid dreams[网络] 清醒的梦;清澈梦境;清晰梦
lucid ganoderma[化] 灵芝
lucid interval[医] [神志]清明期
lucid lethargy[医] 清醒呆滞


1. He is lucid and can communicate verbally, but became more violent. (翻译:不过他还保持意识,能与我们沟通 但症状越来越激烈)

2. to enhance your OOBE's and lucid dreams, at a very early stage in your development. (翻译:在你开发的开始阶段,可以促使你的脱体经验和清醒的梦。)

3. Not straight answers, unfortunately, for Clio, the muse of history and the only guide we've got, is about as lucid as the Delphic oracle. (翻译:遗憾的是,这些问题不会得到直截了当的回答。因为克莱奥,这位司职历史的女神,已经在特尔菲神谕之中为我们清晰的做出了指引。)

4. They are lucid enough so that I feel like sympathizing with them. (翻译:他们很清楚,这样我可以很容易地同情他们。)

5. Lucid dreaming is a completely learnable skill. (翻译:清醒梦完全是门可以学会的技能。)

6. I stopped by in person to make sure she was lucid and she was. (翻译:为确保她神志清醒,我亲自顺道去看了她,她很清醒。)

7. She's delirious, but has lucid intervals. (翻译:她神志昏乱,但有时清醒。)

8. I don't know if I can make that call. He hasn't been very lucid lately. (翻译:我不知道这个愿望能不能实现 他最近神志一直不太清楚)

9. Maybe I'm just having a nightmare... an incredibly vivid lucid nightmare. (翻译:也许我只是在做噩梦... 但这个噩梦却如此的栩栩如生 如此的清晰)

10. Once upon a long ago, in the midst of a lucid deciduous wood descending to the warm sea, there lived four magicians. (翻译:一旦经前不久,我们在复杂多变的清晰落叶木材降,以温暖的大海,有住四魔术师。)

11. I fancy myself a social lubricator of the dream world helping people get lucid easier. (翻译:我想像自己是梦境中的社会润滑剂 帮助人们变得更加清醒)

12. Agents, we need Warden Green and his C.O.s lucid if we're gonna retake this place. (翻译:特工 我们想夺回这里 就需要格林典狱长和他的狱警恢复神智)

13. He wasn't very lucid, he didn't quite know where he was. (翻译:他神志不太清醒,不大清楚自己在哪儿。)

14. As literary remnants of the ancient past, the Upanishads -both lucid and elegant - have great literary value. (翻译:远古的过去留下的文字残迹——奥义书,既明晰又文雅,拥有极大的文学价值。)

15. Let's be lucid and death to sucide. (翻译:本应有自知之明 却死于自我了结 Soyons lucides et mort au suicide)

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