stumbling是什么意思 stumbling的中文翻译、读音、例句

stumbling是什么意思 stumbling的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. He was stumbling after the night of heavy drinking. (他在重喝之夜之后蹒跚而行。)

2. Sales of the company were stumbling due to the global economic crisis. (公司的销售因全球经济危机而陷入困境。)

3. She made the stumbling mistake of sending the confidential email to the wrong recipient. (她犯了一个致命的错,将机密邮件发送给了错误的收件人。)

4. The video playback was stumbling due to poor internet connectivity. (由于网络连接不佳,视频播放出现了卡顿。)

5. Despite the stumbling blocks, the team eventually managed to complete the project on time. (尽管遇到了许多阻碍,但团队最终成功地在规定时间内完成了项目。)



1. The stumbling steps of the drunk man caught the attention of the passersby.(醉酒男子踉跄的步伐引起了路人的注意。)

2. Despite some stumbling blocks, we managed to complete the project on time.(尽管遇到了一些阻碍,我们还是成功地按时完成了这个项目。)

3. She felt a stumbling sensation in her chest as she tried to speak about the traumatic event.(当她试图说起那个创伤事件时,她感觉胸口有一种绊倒的感觉。)




例句:This injury is the result of someone stumbling over a plantar-flexed foot, an injury often sustained by women in high heels. (硂端琌パ埕Ρì蔡硑Θ - 蔼蛤绫┦盽穦硂妓)


stumbling一般作为名词使用,如在stumbling into(un. 跌跌冲冲地从…走到…;跌进)、stumbling on(无意中发现;偶然遇到,碰巧找到)、stumbling across(un. 踌躇地转着;偶然发现;踌躇地转着;碰上)等常见短语中出现较多。

stumbling intoun. 跌跌冲冲地从…走到…;跌进
stumbling on无意中发现;偶然遇到,碰巧找到
stumbling acrossun. 踌躇地转着;偶然发现;踌躇地转着;碰上
stumbling block障碍物, 绊脚石
stumbling blocksn. 绊脚石;障碍\n[网络] 化者
stumbling gait蹒跚步态
stumbling upon偶然发现


1. And so he's stumbling around, and it was pitiful. (翻译:然后,他就瘸拐着走了几圈。那场景是如此的悲催。)

2. Bonfires cast a glow down darkened streets, where protesters retreated from tear gas, stumbling over the debris of their days of melees. (翻译:篝火点亮了暗黑的街道,在那里,示威者们再次受到催泪瓦斯的攻击,在混乱中跌跌撞撞。)

3. He read 30 years of Harvard Business Review before stumbling upon an article in 1986 called "The New New Product Development Game." (翻译:他翻阅了xx年的《哈佛商业评论》杂志 发现了在xx年发表的一篇文章 叫做“新新产品开发游戏”。)

4. One common stumbling block is the difference between relative risks like these and what are called absolute risks. (翻译:使人摸不着头脑的是 相对风险与绝对风险之间的区别。)

5. I meant nothing by it, but I'm so used to stumbling over that fella. (翻译:我不是在针对他 只是习惯了 噎这家伙两句而已)

6. And in the process, we're stumbling upon some surprises. (翻译:在这个过程之中, 一些发现让我们感到很惊喜。)

7. until he'd come stumbling back in the middle of the second feature, smelling of beer or perfume, (翻译:直到第二部中间的时候他趔趄着回来 浑身啤酒味或者是香水味)

8. The major stumbling block in the talks has been money. (翻译:谈判的主要绊脚石一直是钱。)

9. Stumbling aroun in three feet of slime for some peas an carrots, that's living. (翻译:在三尺深的污水中举步维艰地寻找食物 这才叫生活)

10. "One of the biggest and most difficult stumbling blocks at this point is Russia, frankly, " says Harvard's Matthew Bunn. (翻译:“坦率地说,在这一点上,最大和最困难的障碍之一就是俄罗斯,”哈佛的马修-邦恩说。)

11. Stumbling about the Waltzes by Strauss. I can't even remember. (翻译:泡在香槟里,踉踉跄跄地跳着斯特劳斯的华尔兹,我都记不清了。)

12. Conflicts between the Israelis and Palestinians have been called a major stumbling block to Middle East peace. (翻译:以色列和巴勒斯坦之间的冲突被称为中东和平的主要绊脚石。)

13. The more output you churn out, the more variety you get and the better your chances of stumbling on something truly original. (翻译:你产生的输出越大, 你的作品种类越多, 你就越有可能做出 一些真正原创的东西。)

14. Talk cheerily to the young and anxious enquirer, lovingly try to remove stumbling blocks out of his way. (翻译:愉快地和年轻人和渴慕的发问者谈话。以爱心试著除去他路上的绊脚石。)

15. He prepares long and obscure sermons which he's unable to memorize... and has to read like a stumbling and inarticulate child. (翻译:他写的布道词长而晦涩,连自己都记不住... 不得不照本宣科 而且像是一个结结巴巴、口齿不清的孩子)



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