ether是什么意思 ether的中文翻译、读音、例句

ether是什么意思 ether的中文翻译、读音、例句



常用场景:在化学和医学领域,ether是一种具有麻醉作用的含氧有机化合物,常用于手术前麻醉等程序,同时也用于药物的合成和研究;在文学和宗教等领域,ether常常被用来描述精神世界或者超自然领域的存在和现象,例如:"in the ether"可以指在虚拟或抽象的世界中。

词组搭配:ether dome(乙醚帐篷,即手术室);etherize(给...用乙醚麻醉);in the ether(在虚拟或抽象的世界中)。

相关短语:ether addiction(对乙醚的依赖和成瘾);etheric body(指人体的"灵气"或者说是"精神体")。

发音拼写:[ˈiːθər] 或者 [ˈɛθər],前者更常见。



1. Ether是一种常用的溶剂,可以溶解许多不同的化合物。 (英语)

2. 短时间内使用过多的麻醉乙醚会导致严重的不良反应。 (日语)

3. 香草味的气味就像是从乙醚的瓶子里飘出来的。 (德语)

4. 许多化妆品中都含有微量的苯酚乙醚。 (法语)

5. ether的熔点非常低,只有-116℃。 (俄语)

6. 乙醚是一种无色、透明、易燃的液体。 (西班牙语)

7. 要用合适的防护措施才能安全地使用乙醚。 (意大利语)

8. 无水乙醚可以被用作开发显影照片的溶剂。 (荷兰语)

9. 乙醚常常被加入到饮料中以增强其香味。 (葡萄牙语)




1. He invested heavily in ether last year and made a huge profit.


2. Ether is becoming more widely accepted as a means of payment for goods and services.





例句:Molecular Hologram QSAR Study of 3-Pyridyl Ether Analogues (3-吡啶基醚类化合物的分子全息QSAR研究)


例句:Ether is the perfect drug for Las Vegas. (对拉斯维加斯来说 情感催化剂是最好的毒品)


例句:For the determination of organochlorine and pyrethroid pesticide residues, the sample was extract with petroleum ether. (有机氯和拟除虫菊酯类农药残留测定中,利用石油醚对样品进行提取。)


例句:Long ago, people believed the Ether filled the universe as a medium for the propagation of light. (翻译:以太曾经是 用来作为光线的媒介物质 相信这个世界)


ether一般作为名词使用,如在the ether([网络] 以太;以太网路)、dichloromethyl ether([医] 二氯甲醚)、didodecyl ether(xx月桂基醚)等常见短语中出现较多。

the ether[网络] 以太;以太网路
dichloromethyl ether[医] 二氯甲醚
didodecyl etherxx月桂基醚
didymium ether[机] xx月桂基醚
diethylene ether= 1,4-dioxane
difluoro ether二氟醚
dihalogenated ether二卤代醚
diiodoethyl ether二(碘乙基)醚
diisoamyl ether二异戊醚
dilaury ether[机] xx月桂基醚


1. For the determination of organochlorine and pyrethroid pesticide residues, the sample was extract with petroleum ether. (翻译:有机氯和拟除虫菊酯类农药残留测定中,利用石油醚对样品进行提取。)

2. Long ago, people believed the Ether filled the universe as a medium for the propagation of light. (翻译:以太曾经是 用来作为光线的媒介物质 相信这个世界)

3. Purposes: With ethanol, ethyl ether, chloroform, benzene, ether and other immiscible oil, and with some solvents can be formed azeotrope. (翻译:用途:与乙醇,乙醚,氯仿,苯,石油醚等混溶,并与可其中一些溶剂形成共沸物。)

4. Effect of the polymerization degree of polyoxyethylene nonyl phenyl ether on the properties of coal water slurry (翻译:壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚聚合度对水煤浆浆体性质的影响)

5. ConclusionPetroleum ether, Ethyl acetate parts of Rhizoma Cyperi are the effective par... (翻译:结论香附的石油醚、乙酸乙酯部位是治疗痛经的有效部位。)

6. Diglycerin is a polyol consisting of two molecules of glycerol bonded by an ether linkage. (翻译:双甘油是两分子甘油由一个醚键联接构成的多羟基化合物。)

7. The same properties that make Ether a powerful anesthetic also makes it extremely flammable. (翻译:让乙醚具有强烈麻醉效果的成分 同样也使其极其易燃)

8. It is a constitutional isomer of dimethyl ether. (翻译:这是二甲醚的结构异构体。)

9. Ten of them were identified. They are ethylene, propylene, isobutane, cyclobutane, three isomeric butenes, methyl ethyl ether, ethyl isopropyl ether, and ethyl acetate. (翻译:它们是乙烯,丙烯,异丁烷,环丁烷,丁烯类化合物三个,甲基乙基醚,乙基异丙基醚,乙酸乙酯。)

10. Inertial frames... what is stationary? The ether (aether)? (翻译:惯性系…什么是静止?以太吗? )

11. Lily was high on the Ether before she ever heard Debussy. (翻译:早在接触德布西之前 莉莉就对以太很有研究)

12. They can be linked to the bulky side group by ester, amide, ether, and imine group. (翻译:它们与大体积侧基相联的桥键可以是酯键、酰胺键、醚键,也可以是亚胺键。)

13. It is soluble in such organic solvents as acetone, ethylether or petroleum ether instead of water. (翻译:易溶于丙酮、 或石油醚等有机溶剂,不溶于水。)

14. Synthesis of Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether with Novel Alkaline catalyst is developed and manufactured. (翻译:研制开发了新型碱性催化剂制备丙二醇单甲醚。)

15. The cultural fruiting bodies of the Gymnopilus spectabilis were phytochemical investigated using layer extracts with petroleum ether, diethyl ether, methanol and water and silica gel chromatography. (翻译:本研究采用石油醚、乙醚、甲醇、水溶剂梯度提取法和多种柱层析法,对栽培橘黄裸伞子实体进行了化学研究。)



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