scroll是什么意思 scroll的中文翻译、读音、例句

scroll是什么意思 scroll的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:滚动条、卷轴、长卷、滚屏等。

2. 词性:名词、动词。

3. 常用场景:在计算机操作中经常使用滚动条来上下滚动页面、滚动条是网页设计中常用的界面元素、“scroll down”或“scroll up”常用于指示用户如何滚动页面、卷轴常用于古代书籍、绘画、装饰品等。

4. 词组搭配:scroll bar(滚动条)、scroll down(向下滚动)、scroll up(向上滚动)、scroll wheel(滚轮)、scroll lock(滚屏锁定)、scroll through(浏览、查看)等。

5. 相关短语:scroll down to(滚动到)、scroll through(浏览、查看)、scroll up to(滚动到)、scroll in/out(放大/缩小页面)、scroll by(按固定距离滚动)等。

6. 发音拼写:[skrohl],其中's'发音为/s/,'c'发音为/k/。





1. She scrolled through her phone to find the contact she needed.(她滑动手机屏幕找到了她需要的联系人。)

2. The ancient scroll contained a secret message.(古代卷轴包含了一个秘密信息。)

3. He scrolled down the page to read the rest of the article.(他往下滚动页面,读完了这篇文章的剩余部分。)




例句:He took out his sycamore scroll and placed it by the candle. (他拿出梧桐树皮,放在蜡烛旁边。)


例句:Now, we can scroll through our data offline. (现在,我们可以在我们的离线数据中滚动了。)


例句:Select BankAccount in the bean list, and then scroll down the panel. (在bean列表中选择BankAccount,然后向下滚动面板。)


例句:New zoom workwise: Centered zoom or based on old scroll position (翻译:新增智能缩放:中心缩放或者基于上一个滑动位置的缩放)


scroll一般作为名词、动词使用,如在diffusing scroll(扩散涡管)、Grolier scroll(格罗列厄式装饰(一种由弧线和角构成的图案装饰))、hand scroll((书画)手轴)等常见短语中出现较多。

diffusing scroll扩散涡管
Grolier scroll格罗列厄式装饰(一种由弧线和角构成的图案装饰)
hand scroll(书画)手轴
handrail scroll扶手涡卷端
hanging scroll(书画)立轴
horizontal scroll[计] 水平移动
inlet scroll进口涡管
Key Scroll按键速度
linen scroll【建筑学】布褶纹式雕饰
meander scroll1.曲流内测坝;2.曲流湖, 河曲沙洲, 曲流卷


1. Select BankAccount in the bean list, and then scroll down the panel. (翻译:在bean列表中选择BankAccount,然后向下滚动面板。)

2. New zoom workwise: Centered zoom or based on old scroll position (翻译:新增智能缩放:中心缩放或者基于上一个滑动位置的缩放)

3. In 2006, the scroll wheel was replaced with a trackball on the front of the device . (翻译:xx年滚轮被一个置于手机正面的轨迹球取代。)

4. Now, good Peter Quince, call forth your actors by the scroll. (翻译:海伦娜,再会! 希望狄米崔爱上你, 就如你爱他那样!)

5. And you're the hero and you can scroll through all the trouble. (翻译:而你的英雄\的Nand你可以通过所有的麻烦滚动。)

6. Recently Peter was integral to the engineering and testing of the latest generation of Copeland Scroll compressors. (翻译:现在,彼得是最新生产的轮涡旋压缩机工程和测试不可或缺的一部分。)

7. You were prom queen, quill and scroll, cheerleader and chess champion? (翻译:你是舞会皇后 荣誉会员 啦啦队长和象棋冠军吧?)

8. Reclaim your PgUp and PgDn keys from the Flash player to scroll the entire page, or add the cnee — record — mouse option to re-enable your scroll wheel. (翻译:从Flash播放器取回PgUp和pgdn键来滚动整个页面,或添加cnee——record——mouse选项重新支持滚轮。)

9. and near the King was the White Rabbit, with a trumpet in one hand, and a scroll of parchment in the other. (翻译:国王旁边站着白兔,一手拿着喇叭,一手拿着一卷羊皮纸。)

10. Scroll to where you will find the happy, sad, and disappointed emoticon symbols. (翻译:滚动到包含高兴、伤心和失望图释符号的位置。)

11. That scroll is my property. I bought it from a dealer. (翻译:那个卷轴是我的财产 我从一个商人手里买的)

12. Do you think it conceivable that the mummy was not stolen, but given a semblance of life by the spell of the scroll? (翻译:你是否相信那个木乃伊不是被盗了 而是用卷轴上的咒语为其注入了生命.)

13. Obviously the overall performance of scroll compressor with AAL profile is improved. (翻译:可见,采用AAL型线有助于进一步提高涡旋压缩机的性能。)

14. The sky will vanish like a scroll that is rolled up and every mountain and island was removed from its place and the stars of the sky fell to the earth. (翻译:天就挪移 The sky will vanish like a scroll 好像书卷被卷起来 that is rolled up and every mountain 山岭海岛都被挪移 离开本位 and island was removed from its place)

15. {\fnHobo Std\fs48}According to the scroll (翻译:{\fnHobo Std\fs48}根据这个卷轴)



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