fortune 500是什么意思 fortune 500的中文翻译、读音、例句

fortune 500是什么意思 fortune 500的中文翻译、读音、例句

fortune 500意为“财富500强”,是指美国《财富》杂志每年评选的全球500家最具有影响力的公司名单。


读音:[fɔrtʃun faɪv ˈhʌndrəd]


1. Many companies strive to be included in the Fortune 500 list.


2. Our company has been steadily climbing up the ranks, and we hope to make it into the Fortune 500 someday.


fortune 500在中文中有"指《财富》杂志每年评出的全美国500家最大的工业公司、《财富》500强"的意思,还经常被翻译为全美500家大公司名单,在线读音是[fortune500],fortune 500在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到89个与fortune 500相关的句子。

Fortune 500的中文翻译


例句:85% of fortune 500 executives are fraternity men. (85%的财富500强 管理人员 博爱是男人。)


例句:Our clients here at Truman-Mann are primarily fortune 500 companies. (我们图门曼公司的客户主要是财富五百强的公司)


例句:Back there at that plantation, Candyland, there was an $11,500 fortune, just sittin' there. (在刚才的糖果园庄园 有11500元的巨款)


fortune 500一般作为名词使用,如在fortune(①财富②命运 )、x.500(X.500 通信协定)、500Miles(500英里 歌曲名称)等常见短语中出现较多。

x.500X.500 通信协定
500Miles500英里 歌曲名称
extreme of fortune盛衰荣枯
extremes of fortunen. 盛衰荣枯
fame and fortune功名富贵
Fortune Bank[地名] 福琼浅滩 ( 印度洋 )
fortune cookien. 运气饼干, 签饼(内有预测运势的小纸条, 经常见于中餐馆); 福饼
fortune cookiesna. 占卜饼\n[网络] 幸运饼;幸运饼干;幸运签饼
fortune harbour福群哈伯


1. Back there at that plantation, Candyland, there was an $11,500 fortune, just sittin' there. (翻译:在刚才的糖果园庄园 有11500元的巨款)

2. Magicians do kids' parties. I do Fortune 500 companies. (翻译:戏法是表演给小孩子看的 我为世界500强公司服务)

3. Even in your salubrious world, and even in New York, £500 is not exactly a fortune. (翻译:这不是一大笔钱码 在纽约500镑 算不上什么大钱)

4. I think my mother would rather I intern at some Fortune 500 company or something like that. (翻译:很愚蠢,我妈更愿意我去一家世界500强企业实习 或者什么别的)

5. And yet, here we are in 2018, and there are only three black CEOs in the Fortune 500. (翻译:然而现在是 2018 年, 财富世界 500 强之内 只有三名黑人 CEO。)

6. Welcome to The Lodge at Fallen Leaves, where Fortune 500 companies send their employees to build teamwork skills. (翻译:欢迎来到落叶小屋 Welcome to The Lodge at Fallen Leaves, 这是500强企业让他们的员工 where Fortune 500 companies send 建立团队合作技能的地方 their employees to build teamwork skills.)

7. After the fortune is written to the user buffer, I increment the next_fortune index by the length of the last fortune written. (翻译:在将这个fortune写入用户缓冲区之后,在next_fortune索引上增加刚才写入的fortune的长度。)

8. She knows that if the federal government can be hacked, if the Fortune 500 can be hacked, so can her doctor. (翻译:她知道如果 联邦政府系统都可以被黑, 如果“财富”500强企业 都可以被黑, 她医生的系统也可能被黑。)

9. 500 for grandma, 500 for My sister's studies... 500 for her Marriage, and 500... (翻译:500给奶奶,500给妹妹读书 500给她的婚事,还有500)

10. You inherited a privately held Fortune 500 company, one with a revolutionary partnership with the police department. (翻译:你继承了一家五百强公司 一家和警察部门有创新性伙伴关系的公司)

11. Fame and fortune comes and goes. (翻译:Fame and fortune comes and goes.)

12. Cavallo knew in the Fortune 500 world that people would not get a job answering the way Faith and Cheval did. (翻译:卡瓦洛知道世界500强里面的人不会像费思和雪娃那样回答问题而被聘用的。)

13. Fame and fortune waits for no one. (翻译:Fame and fortune waits for no one.)

14. A major Fortune 500 furniture maker uses these corner blocks to protect their tables in shipment. (翻译:一个财富500强的家具商 用这些角块来保护装运过程中的桌子。)

15. The top 10 pharma companies make more money than all 490 of the other Fortune 500 companies combined. (翻译:头十间生意最好药厂的收入 比财富500强内 490间公司加起来的收入还要多)

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