floruit是什么意思 floruit的中文翻译、读音、例句

floruit是什么意思 floruit的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:floruit + 某个人名或事物名称




1. The Renaissance floruit in Italy from the 14th to the 16th century.(文艺复兴时期在意大利如日中天,从14世纪到16世纪。)

2. The 1920s and 1930s was the floruit of jazz music.(二十世纪xx年代是爵士乐的鼎盛时期。)

3. The Tang dynasty is considered to be a floruit period of Chinese poetry.(唐朝被认为是中国诗歌的黄金时期。)

4. The 19th century was the floruit of British colonialism.(十九世纪是英国殖民主义的巅峰时期。)

5. The 1960s is known as the floruit of the American civil rights movement.(xx年代是美国民权运动的全盛时期。)



1. Caesar floruit in the first century BC.(凯撒在公元前一世纪繁荣昌盛)

2. The Renaissance floruit in Italy during the 14th to 17th centuries.(文艺复兴在意大利14-17世纪繁荣昌盛)

3. The Tang Dynasty floruit from the 7th to 10th centuries.(唐朝在7-10世纪繁荣昌盛)

4. Mozart floruit in the 18th century.(莫扎特在18世纪繁荣昌盛)

5. The medieval period floruit from the 5th to the 15th centuries.(中世纪在5-15世纪繁荣昌盛)

6. Shakespeare floruit during the Elizabethan era.(莎士比亚在伊丽莎白时代繁荣昌盛)

7. The Qing Dynasty floruit from the 17th to 19th centuries.(清朝在17-19世纪繁荣昌盛)

8. The Romantic period floruit from the late 18th to the mid-19th century.(浪漫主义时期在18世纪晚期到19世纪中期繁荣昌盛)

9. The Baroque era floruit during the 17th and early 18th centuries.(巴洛克时期在17世纪和18世纪初期繁荣昌盛)



1. 在那个时代,文学与艺术盛行,它是所有文明的象征。

In that era, literature and art flourished, and it was a symbol of all civilizations.

2. 鲜花盛开,沐浴在阳光下,为这个城市增添了无限的美丽。

The flowers flourished, bathed in sunlight, adding infinite beauty to this city.




例句:No time flor make-believing (No time flor make -believing)


例句:Video forensics company sent back your U-matic tape. (视频取证公司 发回你的U -MATIC磁带。)


例句:Collecting for the Unlucky Fisherman's Association? (科尔电视机针对U nlucky 渔民协会?)


floruit一般作为名词使用,如在floruit date((作者)在世期)等常见短语中出现较多。

floruit date(作者)在世期


1. Collecting for the Unlucky Fisherman's Association? (翻译:科尔电视机针对U nlucky 渔民协会?)

2. A blue team represents the U.S. (翻译:蓝队代表美国 A blue team represents the U.)

3. Jaime Flor Cruz is CNN's Beijing Bureau Chief and correspondent. (翻译:海梅弗洛尔克鲁斯是CNN驻北京分社社长和记者。)

4. U like Unicorn. P like Paradise. (翻译:Unicorn[独角兽]的U Paradise[天堂]的P)

5. I'm gonna be singing "como la flor" by Selena. (翻译:我要唱的是Selena的《Como La Flor》)

6. But Herta Flor of the University of Heidelberg in Germany, thinks she might have cracked it. (翻译:但德国海德堡大学的赫塔福罗却认为她可能已经破解了其中奥秘。)

7. Hey, listen, Flor, if you're tired… (翻译:听着,弗洛,要是你累了… )

8. I let it go and gave Flor the room to let it go, which I'm sure she has. (翻译:我都把它忘却了,也给了弗洛忘却的空间,她很快就会忘掉这事的。)

9. but hertz flor of the university of heidelberg in germany , thinks she might have cracked it. (翻译:但德国海德堡大学的赫塔福罗却认为她可能已经破解了其中奥秘。)

10. U like Uterus. P like Penis. (翻译:Uterus[阴道]的U Penis[鸡巴]的P)

11. The U.S. military waited until the friendly Cheyenne Braves had all gone hunting. (翻译:美军趁着 The U. S. Military waited until)

12. Divina Flor knew she would suffer the droit de seigneur de Santiago Nasar. (翻译:迪维娜・弗洛尔知道 这会让这个封建领主受到惩罚)

13. Tompkins Square U. Plenty of guys. (翻译:Tompkins Square U. 男生很多)

14. You know that twelve U2 pilots incurred brain damage? (翻译:你知道那12名U -2飞行员脑损伤的事吗 You know that twelve U -2 pilots incurred brain damage?)

15. - So am I. Humerus. H-U-M-E-R-U-S. (翻译:humerus,H U M E R U S)

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