agility是什么意思 agility的中文翻译、读音、例句

agility是什么意思 agility的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:agility training(身体敏捷训练),mental agility(头脑敏捷),agility ladder(敏捷度训练梯)

短语:have agility(具有敏捷性),improve agility(提高敏捷性)



1. He demonstrated impressive agility in the obstacle course. 他在障碍训练中表现出令人印象深刻的灵敏度。

2. The agile little monkey quickly jumped from tree to tree with ease. 这只灵活的小猴子轻松地跳从一棵树到另一棵树。

3. Mental agility is just as important as physical agility in certain sports. 在某些运动中,头脑敏捷和身体敏捷同样重要。

4. The agility training helped the soccer team become faster and more coordinated on the field. 敏捷度训练帮助足球队在场上变得更快、更协调。

5. The gymnast's agility and strength were on full display during her performance. 体操选手的敏捷和力量在她的表演中得到充分展现。



1. The team's agility helped them quickly adapt to changing market conditions. (团队的敏捷性使他们能够快速适应不断变化的市场条件。)

2. Improved agility is essential for businesses to stay competitive in today's fast-paced marketplace. (提高敏捷性对于企业在当今快节奏的市场竞争中保持竞争力至关重要。)

3. The athlete's agility and speed made him a top contender in the upcoming race. (运动员的敏捷性和速度使他成为即将到来的比赛的顶级竞争者。)




例句:We need greater levels of emotional agility for true resilience and thriving. (我们需要提高情绪的敏锐度, 以此来真正的适应与成长。)


例句:His intellect and mental agility have never been in doubt. (他的才智和头脑的敏锐从未被受到怀疑。)


例句:Unconfined agility, fast and fancy, sparks of ingenuity rise: fire. (无拘无束的跳动, 快速而神奇, 有创造力的火花升起: 这是火焰。)


例句:BPM is all about creating agility, so lengthy technology implementations run counter to the BPM mission. (翻译:BPM就是要建立敏捷性,因此漫长的技术实施与BPM的任务是背道而驰的。)


agility一般作为名词使用,如在frequency agility([电] 频率机敏)、functional agility(机能灵活性)、physical agility(行动敏捷; 体能)等常见短语中出现较多。

frequency agility[电] 频率机敏
functional agility机能灵活性
physical agility行动敏捷; 体能
speed agility run变速跑


1. Unconfined agility, fast and fancy, sparks of ingenuity rise: fire. (翻译:无拘无束的跳动, 快速而神奇, 有创造力的火花升起: 这是火焰。)

2. BPM is all about creating agility, so lengthy technology implementations run counter to the BPM mission. (翻译:BPM就是要建立敏捷性,因此漫长的技术实施与BPM的任务是背道而驰的。)

3. Since agility and a keen sense of balance are skills essential to the sport, women climb just as well as, or better than, men. (翻译:既然矫捷的身手和敏锐的平衡感是这项运动必备的技能,女性攀岩绝对不让须眉,甚至比男人更好。)

4. Their incredible speed and agility underwater allow them to catch even fast-moving prey such as squid. (翻译:你要关注生态系统不能只关注一种动物 并且试图保护它 因为这样是不行的)

5. kipping calls for the coordination of feet, hands and brain which helps to exercise the limbs and improve body agility. (翻译:跳绳通过肢体锻炼和提高身体的敏捷性可以使人的脚、手和大脑达到协调。)

6. It earned $40. 8bn during the decade, while Agility and DynCorp earned $9bn and $7. 4bn, respectively. (翻译:该公司这xx年赚了408亿美元,而另外两家公司Agility和DynCorp分别赚了90亿美元和74亿美元。)

7. This results in declines in memory in cognition, and in postural ability and agility. (翻译:造成记忆,认知, 控制身体与灵活性都会下滑。)

8. Advanced agile missiles possess maneuverability, agility and precise guidance performance by adopting thruster vector control. (翻译:为了使导弹获得更高的机动性、敏捷性和导引精度,大多采用推力矢量控制方案。)

9. Creative agility is about being able to test and refine that portfolio of ideas through quick pursuit, reflection and adjustment. (翻译:创造的灵活性是关于通过快速 追寻,反应和调整, 来检验并提炼这些点子。)

10. Men have traveled from all four corners of this great country to compete in feats of strength and agility. (翻译:来自四面八方的勇士... 到此证明他们的力量和勇气.)

11. Okay, come on, Russ. All right. What you lack in size, you make up for with quickness and agility. (翻译:Russ. you make up for with quickness and agility.)

12. This solution framework enables increased agility and adaptability of IT solutions through a more simplified loosely-coupled approach. (翻译:此解决方案框架通过更简单的松耦合方法为IT解决方案提供增强的灵活性和适应性。)

13. The incredible agility of the stoat, practised since it was a kit, was just enough to swing the balance. (翻译:白鼬自小锻炼得来的惊人敏捷性 足以让它扭转乾坤)

14. He lacked agility to righten himself at once. (翻译:他缺乏立即恢复正常的机敏性。)

15. Muggli also is a dog trainer and has seen significant growth in interest in agility training. (翻译:马格利还是一名驯狗师,她发现宠物狗主人在训练狗狗的机敏性方面兴趣大增。)

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