overgrown是什么意思 overgrown的中文翻译、读音、例句

overgrown是什么意思 overgrown的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义解析:overgrown是一个形容词,意思是“过度生长的”,形容植物、草地、建筑物等长得过高、过茂盛的状态。

2. 用法说明:overgrown常常用来描述某个地方或者某件物品因为长期无人打理,而变得荒芜、杂乱或者陈旧等。在语境中,overgrown经常和长草、杂草、灌木丛等植物有关,可以用来描述旧园林、荒废的建筑、弃置的车辆等等。

3. 同义词辨析:与overgrown类似的单词有grown-up,grown-over和overdeveloped。其中,grown-up表示某件事物已经变得成熟或者成年;grown-over则表示某个地方被覆盖或者淹没了;overdeveloped则指某个地区或者国家的发展过度。


1. 这座城市的郊区除了几条主路,很多地方都长满了杂草。

2. 这座废弃的旧宅已经被草木覆盖,变得十分荒芜。

3. 他的车库里停着几辆废弃的车,都已经长出了草来。


1. The old house was abandoned for so long that it became overgrown with vines and weeds.

2. The garden was so overgrown that we couldn't even see where the path used to be.

3. The abandoned factory was overgrown with bushes and small trees.

4. The abandoned railroad was overgrown with grass and weeds, making it difficult to navigate.

5. The old playground had become overgrown with weeds and was no longer safe for children to play.




1. The garden was overgrown with weeds and the trees had grown so tall that they blocked out the sun.


2. The abandoned building was overgrown with vines and looked like it had been forgotten for years.


3. The path through the forest was overgrown and it was difficult to walk through.





例句:Only an overgrown mophead like you would be stupid enough... (只有你这种畸形生长的扫把头才会这么蠢...)


例句:I wouldn't trust this overgrown pile of microchips further than I could throw it. (我不相信发育过度微集成电路, 如果能够放弃它的话。)


例句:As the sun was gilding the distant spires of Dragonstone, Dany stumbled onto a low stone wall, overgrown and broken. (随着金色余晖浮现于遥远的龙石山尖顶上,丹妮绊倒在一座低矮的石墙旁,周围杂草丛生,残破不堪。)


例句:Helen, don't you feel hemmed in, what with all these trees overgrown? (翻译:海伦,你不觉得包围, 所有这些树是什么杂草丛生?)


overgrown一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在overgrown child(过度生长儿童)、overgrown farmland(草荒)、overgrown soil(过度成长)等常见短语中出现较多。

overgrown child过度生长儿童
overgrown farmland草荒
overgrown soil过度成长
overgrown tree徒长树
overgrown wool过长棉羊毛


1. As the sun was gilding the distant spires of Dragonstone, Dany stumbled onto a low stone wall, overgrown and broken. (翻译:随着金色余晖浮现于遥远的龙石山尖顶上,丹妮绊倒在一座低矮的石墙旁,周围杂草丛生,残破不堪。)

2. Helen, don't you feel hemmed in, what with all these trees overgrown? (翻译:海伦,你不觉得包围, 所有这些树是什么杂草丛生?)

3. You'll soon forget your old dad for some overgrown jerk. (翻译:将来你就会为了这种发育过剩的混小子 把你的老爸给忘在一边了)

4. Here he would spend the early summer months before moving along some 35 miles to this densely overgrown area which he called "The Grizzly Maze" (翻译:在这里他将会在初夏的月份 在前往35公里之前 到达这片茂盛的土地上)

5. When Lars first arrived in the late sixties, nothing but two tattered crosses marked the graves, overgrown with vines. (翻译:当时第一次在xx年代来这里,这里什么也没有,只是一对破烂的十字架,标记着那些墓穴,边上长满了爬滕。)

6. This is key, because many reefs are overgrown with algae due to nutrient pollution from sewage and fertilizer that runs off of land. (翻译:这就很妙了。因为地面上 的污水和肥料流入海中, 会导致水体的富营养化, 藻类的过量生长, 从而引起珊瑚礁的退化。)

7. Whereas spears' apartment looks Like an overgrown frat boy's man cave. (翻译:而Spears的公寓看上去就像个 幼稚的小年轻的房间)

8. The yards are overgrown and cluttered with trash. (翻译:院子杂草丛生,堆满了垃圾。)

9. You want some of this, you overgrown can opener? (翻译:想尝尝我厉害是吧? 你这个大号的开瓶器!)

10. Most of the reefs are dead, most of the corals are dead -- overgrown by algae -- and most of the fish are smaller than the pencils we use to count them. (翻译:这里大多数的珊瑚礁都死掉了 大多数珊瑚在藻类的排挤下都死了 而大多数鱼类比那些 我们用来给鱼计数的铅笔还要小)

11. Charlie is like an overgrown child... (翻译:Charlie就像是个长不大的孩子...)

12. At such a time I found out for certain that this bleak place, overgrown with nettles, was the churchyard.' (翻译:就在那时我才弄清楚 这一片长满荨麻的荒凉之地)

13. And they lived on this land that's all overgrown, like you couldn't even tell what they farmed, so overgrown. (翻译:他们生活在这片土地上 这一切杂草丛生, 像你甚至不能告诉什么 他们养殖的,所以杂草丛生。)

14. I know not where upon this overgrown planet you are but hear this! (翻译:我不知道你在这个杂草丛生的星球上的哪个地方 但听我说)

15. One of the most remarkable of nature's living clocks belongs to the fiddler crab, that familiar beach-dweller with the overgrown claw. (翻译:大自然中最非凡的“活钟”之一就属招潮蟹,是人们熟悉的沙滩居民。)



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