yes we can是什么意思 yes we can的中文翻译、读音、例句

yes we can是什么意思 yes we can的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Yes we can是一个口号式的简短句子,表达了自信、敢于挑战和勇气的意义。它可以被解释为“是的,我们能够做到”的意思。

2. 词性:Yes为副词,表示肯定,we为代词,表示我们,can为情态动词,表示能够。

3. 词组搭配:yes we can可以搭配很多词组,比如:yes we can do it(是的,我们能做到)、yes we can change(是的,我们可以改变)、yes we can achieve(是的,我们可以实现)等等。

4. 短语:yes we can中没有特定的短语。

5. 发音拼写:yes [jes],we [wi],can [kæn]。

6. 五个中英例句:

- Yes we can achieve our goals if we work hard.(是的,如果我们努力工作,我们可以实现我们的目标。)

- When the team works together, yes we can win the game.(当团队一起合作时,我们就可以赢得比赛。)

- Yes we can make a difference in the world by volunteering.(通过志愿工作,我们可以改变世界。)

- If we believe in ourselves, yes we can overcome any obstacle.(如果我们相信自己,我们就可以克服任何障碍。)

- Yes we can change the world by starting with small steps.(通过从小事做起,我们可以改变世界。)

'yes we can'意为“是的,我们能做到”。读音为/yɛs wi:kæn/。


1. "Do you think we can finish this project on time?" "Yes we can, if we work together and focus."


2. Barack Obama famously used the slogan 'yes we can' during his presidential campaign in 2008.

巴拉克·奥巴马在xx年总统竞选中著名地使用了“yes we can”的口号。

yes we can的意思是"是的、网络",还经常被翻译为是我们能够做到,读音为[yeswecan],yes we can在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到97个与yes we can相关的句子。

Yes we can的词典翻译


例句:Which was extremely funny. (由我们自己来编写提案 As long as we can formulateourown proposals, we can)

例句:- Yes, of course we understand, but it is essential that we speak with him. (- Yes, of course we understand, 们有话必须跟他谈谈 but it is essential that we speak with him.)


例句:If we can just get the exact location, we can set up on them. (If we can just get the exact location, we can set up on them.)


例句:So please, oh please, R.S.V.P. And come and be our guest (翻译:So we hope that you say yes)


yes we can一般作为名词使用,如在yes(是 )、if yes(如果是)、not yes(还没有)等常见短语中出现较多。

if yes如果是
not yes还没有
yes and[加强后随语气]而且;甚至还
yes and no(对问题的一种两可回答)既肯定又否定;既是又不是;既好又不好
yes or[加强后随语气]而且;甚至还
yes or no是不是
we and they我们和他们;自己人和非自己人


1. If we can just get the exact location, we can set up on them. (翻译:If we can just get the exact location, we can set up on them.)

2. So please, oh please, R.S.V.P. And come and be our guest (翻译:So we hope that you say yes)

3. Yes, well, we are gong abroad. (翻译:Yes, well, we are gong abroad.)

4. Well, we suffered a setback, yes, but -- (翻译:Well, we suffered a setback, yes, but...)

5. Actually, we have seen an advanced copy... (翻译:Well, yes... Actually, we have seen an advanced copy...)

6. Well, yes, you can quote me on that. (翻译:Well, yes, you can quote me on that.)

7. Many questions can be answered yes or no only by a moron or a slave. (翻译:Many questions can be answered yes or no 的很多问题都可以回答yes或no only by a moron or a slave.)

8. ♪ We can dance until we die ♪ (翻译:♪We can dance until we die♪)

9. ♪ well, i know this little chapel on the boulevard ♪ ♪ we can go ♪ (翻译:♪On the boulevard we can go♪)

10. Yes, I can see the headlines now. (翻译:对 我能预见头条 Yes, I can see the headlines now.)

11. - and, yes, it can take time, but ... (翻译:这的确很花时间 但是... and, yes, it can take time, but...)

12. How about our world? Isn't this better than never seeing each other again? (翻译:why would we not be together if we can?)

13. We can still study him, yes, but... make the bank charges disappear. (翻译:我们还是可以研究他 但... We can still study him, yes, but... 撤销银行劫案的控诉吧 make the bank charges disappear.)

14. Yes, yes, we are, aren抰 we? (翻译:对对 确实是 噢 伯纳 失礼 Yes, yes, we are, aren抰 we?)

15. - We can fight to the end. (翻译:- We can fight to the end.)

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