fumo是什么意思 fumo的中文翻译、读音、例句

fumo是什么意思 fumo的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词汇含义方面:'fumo'是意大利语中的“烟雾”一词,也可以作为缩写词表示“烟草”,在英语中通常写作“smoke”,或者“tobacco”。


- The city was covered in fumo due to the factory emissions.

- She's been trying to quit fumo for years now.

- The fumo from the cigarette filled the room.

2. 文化背景方面:'fumo'在意大利文化中具有重要地位,因为意大利的香烟和烟草在全球范围内都有着很高的知名度和影响力,与意式咖啡、意大利披萨和面食一样都是意式生活方式的重要组成部分。


- Italians love to enjoy a cup of coffee and a cigarette after a meal.

- The Italian government is planning to increase the tax on fumo to reduce smoking rates.

- In Italy, you can find a tobacco shop on almost every street corner.

3. 健康影响方面:'fumo'是一种有害物质,长期吸烟会导致各种健康问题,包括肺癌、心脏病和呼吸系统疾病等。


- Smoking fumo can cause serious damage to your health.

- She was diagnosed with lung cancer after years of smoking fumo.

- Governments around the world have launched anti-fumo campaigns to encourage people to quit smoking.


1. The fumo from the factory was so thick that it was difficult to see the road ahead.(工厂冒出的烟雾太浓了,前方道路都看不清了。)

2. You should quit smoking fumo if you want to live a long and healthy life.(如果想要长寿健康的话,你应该戒掉吸烟。)

3. He lit a fumo and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.(他点着一支香烟深呼吸,试图平静下来。)

4. The fumo industry is one of the biggest in the world, with millions of people employed in production and sales.(烟草工业是世界上最大的产业之一,成千上万的人从事生产和销售。)

5. You can't smoke fumo in this building, it's against the law.(在这栋建筑物里不能吸烟,这是违法的。)



1. Fumo troppo = 我吸烟太多了。

2. Non mi piace il fumo = 我不喜欢烟。

3. Fumo una sigaretta dopo pranzo = 我午饭后吸一支烟。

4. Il fumo mi fa male agli occhi = 烟让我的眼睛不舒服。

5. Fumo di sigaretta = 香烟的烟雾。

6. Non posso entrare in questo locale a causa del fumo = 我不能进入这个场所因为有烟雾。

7. Quel fumo fa male al mio petto = 那些烟雾对我的胸部不好。

8. Il fumo di queste candele ha un profumo meraviglioso = 这些蜡烛的烟雾有美妙的香味。

9. Il fumo delle torri gemelle era visibile anche dall'altra parte dell'oceano = 双子塔的烟雾甚至在大洋彼岸都可见。





1. Non fumo. (我不吸烟。)

2. Il fumo di sigaretta può causare danni alla salute. (香烟的烟味会对健康造成伤害。)




例句:Fumo plastic, white latex, pressure, urine aldehyde plastic, ethanol diluted materials, construction plastic, strong plastic, Shuangzufen plastic, furan resins such as plastic manufacturing. (复膜胶、白乳胶、压敏胶、尿醛胶、乙醇稀料、建筑胶、大力胶、双组份胶、呋喃树脂胶等类制造。)


例句:The company is Fumo and printing as one of the company. (本公司是复膜与印刷为一体的公司。)




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