gregor mendel是什么意思 gregor mendel的中文翻译、读音、例句

gregor mendel是什么意思 gregor mendel的中文翻译、读音、例句

Gregor Mendel是一个人名,他是一位奥地利生物学家,是遗传学的开创者之一,通过对豌豆杂交繁殖的实验,发现了基因遗传规律,被称为“遗传学之父”。


发音拼写:/ˈɡreɡər ˈmɛndəl/

词组搭配:Mendelian genetics(孟德尔遗传学)、Mendelian trait(孟德尔遗传性状)


以下是7个关于Gregor Mendel的中英文翻译例句:

1. Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics.(格雷戈尔·孟德尔被誉为遗传学之父。)

2. Mendel's laws of inheritance play a fundamental role in the study of genetics today.(孟德尔的遗传定律在现代遗传学研究中发挥着基础性作用。)

3. The experiments that Mendel conducted with pea plants established the fundamental principles of inheritance.(孟德尔用豌豆植物进行的实验确立了遗传的基本原理。)

4. Mendel's work laid the foundation for modern genetics.(孟德尔的工作为现代遗传学奠定了基础。)

5. The Mendelian trait for flower color is determined by a single gene.(花色的孟德尔遗传特征由单一基因决定。)

6. The study of Mendelian genetics is essential to understanding the inheritance of traits in living organisms.(研究孟德尔遗传学对于理解生物体性状遗传至关重要。)

7. Many scientists have built upon Mendel's discoveries to advance our understanding of genetics.(许多科学家在孟德尔的发现基础上不断推进遗传学的研究。)

'Gregor Mendel'是德国的词语,中文翻译为格雷戈尔·孟德尔。他是一位奥地利籍的天主教修士、植物学家和遗传学家,被誉为现代遗传学的奠基人。孟德尔以豌豆为研究对象,通过对豌豆的杂交和后代表型的观察和统计,提出了遗传因子和遗传规律的概念,启发了人们对遗传学的研究。

以下是9个含有'Gregor Mendel'的例句:

1. Gregor Mendel hat den Grundstein für die moderne Genetik gelegt.


2. Gregor Mendel's experiments with pea plants laid the foundation for the study of genetics.


3. Gregor Mendel is een belangrijke naam in de geschiedenis van de genetica.


4. Gregor Mendel é considerado o pai da genética moderna.


5. Gregor Mendel é um dos grandes nomes da genética.


6. Le expériences de Gregor Mendel avec les pois ont changé notre compréhension de la génétique.


7. Gregor Mendelin kokeilut herneiden kanssa muuttivat käsitystämme genetiikasta.


8. Las experimentaciones de Gregor Mendel con guisantes cambiaron nuestra comprensión de la genética.


9. Gregor Mendel'in bezelyeler üzerindeki deneyleri genetiğimiz hakkındaki anlayışımızı değiştirdi.



读音:gé léi gé ěr · mén dé ěr



Chinese Translation: 格雷戈尔·门德尔

Pronunciation: gé léi gé ěr · mén dé ěr

Example sentence: Gregor Mendel was an Austrian biologist who discovered the laws of genetic inheritance and made great contributions to the development of genetics.

gregor mendel在英语中代表"孟德尔、网络"的意思,在英美地区还有"格里格·孟德尔"的意思,发音是[gregormendel],gregor mendel来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到75个与gregor mendel相关的句子。

Gregor Mendel的词典翻译


例句:It's fundamental to Darwin and Mendel and so on. (它是达尔文学说的基础, 也是孟德尔学说和后续理论的基础。)

例句:In a moment of anger, Gregor 's father throws an apple and hits Gregor on the back. (一时气愤之下,葛瑞格的父亲向他丢了一颗苹果,砸到他的背。)


例句:I might wake up as Gregor Samsa and can't go to work because I've turned into a beetle. (一觉醒来变成格里高尔·萨姆莎,没法去上班 格里高尔·萨姆莎 《变形记》主人公 因为我变成了甲壳虫)


例句:ROBIN MARANTZ HENIG has written seven books, most recently The Monk in the Garden: The Lost and Found Genius of Gregor Mendel . (翻译:赫尼格已写作了七本书,最近的一本是《花园里的僧侣:失落及重现的天才孟德尔》。)


gregor mendel一般作为名词使用,如在Gregor Mendel([网络] 孟德尔;格雷戈·门德尔;格里格·孟德尔)、gregor johann mendel(孟德尔)、Mendel(孟德尔 )等常见短语中出现较多。

Gregor Mendel[网络] 孟德尔;格雷戈·门德尔;格里格·孟德尔
gregor johann mendel孟德尔
Mendel'[地名] 缅杰利河 ( 俄 )
Gregorn. 格雷戈尔(德语姓名)
Johann Mendel[网络] 约翰
Mendel reaction[医] 孟德尔氏反应(结核菌素皮内试验)
Gregor Johann[网络] 克里克
gregor mendels[网络] 孟德尔;格雷戈·门德尔;格里格·孟德尔\n(gregor mendel 的复数)
Mendel's law[医] 孟德尔氏定律(遗传律)


1. I might wake up as Gregor Samsa and can't go to work because I've turned into a beetle. (翻译:一觉醒来变成格里高尔·萨姆莎,没法去上班 格里高尔·萨姆莎 《变形记》主人公 因为我变成了甲壳虫)

2. ROBIN MARANTZ HENIG has written seven books, most recently The Monk in the Garden: The Lost and Found Genius of Gregor Mendel . (翻译:赫尼格已写作了七本书,最近的一本是《花园里的僧侣:失落及重现的天才孟德尔》。)

3. Hello, Clarissa and Gregor. (翻译:你们好, Clarissa 和 Gregor.)

4. Gregor Mendel is known as the father of genetics. Yet he would not have called genetics by that name. (翻译:GregorMendel被称作是遗传学之父。然而,他从不把这个定义的名字称为遗传学。)

5. When Gregor left Matt's body, it took him a while to wake up, too. (翻译:那会Gregor离开Matt身体时 他过了很久才醒来)

6. Give it a rest. Matt will be fine. Gregor on the other hand, not so much. (翻译:得了吧 Matt没事 Gregor就说不准了)

7. Of course, there was Old Gregor and his son, Young Gregor. (翻译:当然,还有老格雷戈和 他的儿子小格雷戈。)

8. One evening Gregor found his little brother playing with a toy by the fire-- (翻译:一天晚上格雷果发现他弟弟 One evening Gregor found his little brother 正在火盆边玩玩具 -- playing with a toy by the fire)

9. Why Mr. Gregor these things makes you David? (翻译:为什么先生。格雷戈尔 大卫让你这些事?)

10. Winners of the Gold Medal at the Olympic Games in Vancouver 2010: Super-Gchampion Andrea Fischbacher and ski flyer Gregor Schlierenzauer. (翻译:xx年温哥华冬季奥运会金牌得主:山地滑雪运动员安德丽阿费舍巴赫和跳雪运动员格里高尔施里恩曹尔。)

11. A few other important things for a fashion mendel are clear skin, healthy hair, straight teeth, and a well-shaped body. (翻译:其他一些重要的事情的一个时尚梅德尔是明确的,健康的头发,直齿,和男人一样的。)

12. A graduate of the University of Richmond and Samford University, Mendel has always been interested in global connections. (翻译:明戴尔毕业于里士满和三福大学,她一直都对国际交流非常感兴趣。)

13. Mendel said they had to break the lock to get in here anyway. (翻译:孟德尔说,他们 有绺裂 甚至在这里得到。)

14. But Mendel's work received little notice and was cited a mere three times over the next 35 years. (翻译:但是,孟德尔的工作得到很少的注意,在接下来的xx年里,只被引用3次。)

15. Says Gregor: "Two aspects of this chart surprised me." (翻译:Gregor说:“这个图的两方面是我震惊。” )


gregor mendel作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、gregor、mendels等。

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