baoxue是什么意思 baoxue的中文翻译、读音、例句

baoxue是什么意思 baoxue的中文翻译、读音、例句





发音拼写:bào xuě。


1. 因为暴雪的缘故,我们的飞机无法起飞。Because of the snowstorm, our plane cannot take off.

2. 暴雪天气已经持续了三天。The snowstorm has lasted for three days.

3. 市政府发布了暴雪警报,提醒市民注意安全。The municipal government issued a snowstorm warning, reminding citizens to be careful.

4. 许多人在暴雪袭击后被困在家里。Many people were trapped in their homes after the snowstorm struck.

5. 在暴雪中行进是一件很危险的事情。 Walking in a snowstorm is very dangerous.

6. 暴雪季节是人们最需要注意安全的时候。The snowstorm season is the time when people need to be most careful.

7. 暴雪造成的灾害给人们的生活带来了很大影响。The disasters caused by the snowstorm have had a great impact on people's lives.


【读音】bào xuě


1. 昨天晚上下了一场大暴雪,今天早上到处都是白茫茫的一片。

2. 在极地地区,雪和冰是永恒存在的,每年都有数月时间都是baoxue的天气。

3. 小心别滑倒,路上的baoxue很容易让人摔跤。

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