hash hash是什么意思 hash hash的中文翻译、读音、例句

hash hash是什么意思 hash hash的中文翻译、读音、例句

'hash hash' 不是单词,它是一种重复快速说出的咕哝声,类似于“嘀嘀嘀”、“嗡嗡嗡”等。通常用于表示急促、紧张、焦虑等情绪。它可以作为动词、名词、形容词、副词等词性使用。





发音拼写:/'hæʃ 'hæʃ/


1. She was so nervous that all she could do was to mutter hash hash under her breath.(她非常紧张,只能嘀嘀嘀的小声咕哝。)

2. The teacher asked the students to stop making hash hash noises in class.(老师要求学生不要在课堂上嘟哝咕哝。)

3. He had too much coffee and his hands were shaking while he was muttering hash hash.(他喝了太多的咖啡,嘀嘀嘀的咕哝着,手都在颤抖。)

4. The children were playing a game and hash hash sounds could be heard all over the room.(孩子们在玩游戏,嗡嗡嗡的声音在屋子里响彻。)

5. The man was angry and kept muttering hash hash to himself.(这个人很生气,一直自言自语嘀嘀嘀。)

6. The sound of hash hash echoed in the empty room, making her feel more scared.(空荡荡的房间里嗡嗡嗡的声音回荡着,让她更加害怕。)

7. The woman kept making hash hash sounds while waiting for her phone to be repaired.(女士在等手机维修时一直嘀嘀嘀的发出声音。)

'hash hash'的意思并不明确,可能是一种语气词或口头禅,用以表达惊讶、疑惑、困惑等情绪,类似于英语中的“huh”、“what”等。它通常用于口语交流中,不太常用于正式场合。


读音:[hæʃ hæʃ]


1. A: "我刚听到他辞职了,又去了哪里?" (I just heard he resigned. Where did he go?)

B: "Hash hash?我也不知道啊。" (Hash hash? I don't know either.)


2. 当他听到自己的名字被叫到时,他说了一声“hash hash”,示意自己在听。

(When he heard his name called, he said "hash hash" to indicate that he was listening.)

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