rotoscope是什么意思 rotoscope的中文翻译、读音、例句

rotoscope是什么意思 rotoscope的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义: Rotoscope是一种数字动画技术,用于在电影或动画中实现逼真的动画效果。它将真实世界中的影像转换成手绘动画,通常用于创造复杂的动画效果。

2. 起源:单词“Rotoscope”源于希腊词汇“roto”,意为转动,词根“scope”是一个希腊词汇,意为观察;历史上,这个单词首次出现在xx年代初期,由马克·埃文斯发明,用于将真实影像与手绘动画结合使用。

3. 应用场景:这种技术通常用于电影工业,特别是动画电影中。常见的应用包括制作动画电影,特效以及虚拟现实和增强现实的应用中。此外,它还在游戏行业中被广泛使用。

4. 工作原理:Rotoscope的工作原理是利用数字技术将真实世界的影像转换成手绘动画。通过将视频图像与图纸放在一起比较,逐帧逐像素地制作手绘动画,以此获得更真实的效果。


1. Rotoscoping is widely used in the film industry to create realistic animation effects. (Rotoscoping经常被用于电影工业中以创造逼真的动画效果。)

2. The rotoscoping process requires a lot of time and effort, but it is worth it for the end result. (Rotoscoping制作过程需要大量时间和精力,但最终的结果是值得的。)

3. Many animation studios rely on rotoscoping to create complex visual effects in their films. (许多动画工作室依靠Rotoscoping在他们的电影中创造出复杂的视觉效果。)

4. The use of rotoscoping in video games has become increasingly popular in recent years. (近年来,Rotoscoping的应用在游戏中越来越受欢迎。)

5. The rotoscoping technique can bring a more realistic and vivid feel to animated characters. (Rotoscoping技术可以为动画角色带来更真实和生动的感觉。)




1. The film was created using rotoscope animation.


2. The technique of rotoscoping was invented in the early 1900s.


3. The rotoscope process involves tracing over live-action footage frame by frame.





例句:Hey, Ro, it's Miles, again. I've been calling for like a week. (小萝 , 又是我 ,迈尔斯 我打给你一个礼拜了)


1. To suppress this behavior, you can use the -fno-for-scope flag during compilation. (翻译:要想禁止这个行为,您可以在编译期间使用-fno-for-scope标志。)

2. We haven't seen you lately, but I'm so busy and Ro 's pregnant so we haven't seen anyone. (翻译:我们近来没有见到你, 但是我如此忙碌,而且 Ro 是怀孕的, 因此我们没有见到任何人。)

3. Prinsepia veilis Ro Yie has long history in use for medicine by Yunnan people. (翻译:青刺果在云南地方民间具有悠久的药用历史。)

4. But the real goal of this work isn't tiny maps. Rothemund says that in the future, tiny DNA shapes could serve as scaffolds for quickly building nanostructures made of metals or other materials. (翻译:但Ro themund的目的不是做微型地图,Ro themund说,将来在使用金属或其他材料构造纳米结构时,微小的DNA结构可以作为支架使用。)

5. - I can't get away for a week, carm. - I could go with ro. (翻译:我不能离开一星期那么久 carm 我可以和ro一起去)

6. There's Ro-Tech, Anderson Seeds. (翻译:Ro -Tech啊 Anderson种子公司啊)

7. I bow to the most beautiful queen of all and to the Egyptian people that after the Ro... (翻译:我承认她是最美丽的女王... ...而埃及人民则在罗马人民之...)

8. You can change it to Catalina Spanish Bitch-re. (翻译:您可以将其更改为卡特琳娜西班牙母狗 -RO。)

9. I know you, Ro, I can see it. (翻译:我了解你 小萝 我能看出来的 I know you, Ro, I can see it.)

10. So Phil tells me that Ro-Ro and the Barnstormer have been fighting... a lot. (翻译:Phil告诉我Ro -Ro和Barnstormer)

11. However, with increasing the scope of nuclear radiation, the public began to question the scope of this evacuation is not enough. (翻译:但随着核辐射影响范围越来越大,公众开始质疑这一疏散范围还不够。)

12. Ro pointed it out to me, but if she saw it, that means other people did. (翻译:Rosalie告诉我的 她能看出来,其它人也能)

13. One of the starff, wearing a strange hat, told us not ro worry about it. (翻译:一个带着奇特帽子的店员告诉我们不用担心。)

14. IM: Do you have a problem looking cute? RO: Of course I want to look cute. (翻译:你不想看起来很可爱吗?你希望看起来很可爱吧。ROD:当然,我希望看起来可爱啊。)

15. There's still plenty of scope for improvement. (翻译:还有很大的改进余地。)



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