waiver是什么意思 waiver的中文翻译、读音、例句

waiver是什么意思 waiver的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:Waiver通常指的是放弃某项权利或责任的行为,也指同意允许某项行为发生的文件。

2. 运用领域:Waiver常常在合同、保险、法律文书、体育比赛等场合中使用。在体育比赛中,某队可能需要用Waiver来免除参赛选手在比赛中发生伤害时的法律责任。

3. 法律效力:Waiver往往具有法律效力,比如,在签署某份合同时,如果当事人签署了Waiver,那么他/她将不能就相关问题提出索赔或者起诉。


1. She signed a waiver of her rights to sue the company for any injuries she sustained during the experiment. (她签署了一份免除她在实验过程中因伤害而诉讼公司权利的文件。)

2. The athlete signed a waiver releasing the race organizers from any liability in case of injury. (该运动员签署了一份放弃比赛组织者对于伤害事件的任何法律责任的文件。)

3. The insurance company refused to pay the claim because the waiver signed by the policyholder excluded coverage for that type of damage. (由于投保人签署的条款排除了这种类型的损害赔偿,保险公司拒绝赔款。)

4. The university requires students to sign a waiver before participating in any risky activities. (该大学要求学生在参加任何危险活动前签署豁免文件。)

5. The waiver of extradition was granted by the judge, allowing the suspect to be moved to another state to stand trial. (法官授予了引渡免除权,允许犯罪嫌疑人被移送到另一个州接受审判。)





1. He signed a waiver before participating in the dangerous activity.


2. The company agreed to waive the late fee for the customer.


3. The government granted a visa waiver to citizens of certain countries.





例句:Did the client sign a conflict-of-interest waiver? (- 谢谢 客户有没有签署利益冲突让渡书?)


例句:- "NonexcIusive waiver to intellectual property rights..." (- 等一下... - 豁免... 知识产权)


例句:If it'II make you feel better, have them sign a nonexclusive waiver, just in case. (如果Satmink让他们签署一份弃权声明 是没有问题的。)


例句:I signed the waiver, so feel free to stick things in my slot. (翻译:我签过免签收同意书 把东西从洞里塞进来就好)


waiver一般作为名词使用,如在doctrine of waiver(弃权原则)、express waiver([法] 明示放弃, 明示弃权书)、grant a waiver(除义务)等常见短语中出现较多。

doctrine of waiver弃权原则
express waiver[法] 明示放弃, 明示弃权书
grant a waiver除义务
implied waiver[法] 默示放弃, 暗示放弃
landlord waiver业主弃权声明书
tuition waiver学费减免
waiver agreement[网络] 弃权协议;放弃追诉权同意书
waiver clause[经] 弃权条款
waiver of communication放弃传达


1. If it'II make you feel better, have them sign a nonexclusive waiver, just in case. (翻译:如果Satmink让他们签署一份弃权声明 是没有问题的。)

2. I signed the waiver, so feel free to stick things in my slot. (翻译:我签过免签收同意书 把东西从洞里塞进来就好)

3. What does your waiver say ? (翻译:What does your waiver say?)

4. Uh, the city, uh, rezoned and said He had to get all the residents within a block to sign a waiver, (翻译:城市重新分区 他得让这街区所有居民签署弃权书)

5. The Smiths now have to decide whether to apply for a waiver from the decision on grounds of "extreme hardship," or abandon the business and uproot Shayna from her life in Michigan. (翻译:史密斯夫妇现在不得不在“极端艰难”做出决定的处境下,决定是否申请赦免。或者放弃生意,谢娜从她生活的密歇根迁离。)

6. There are special requirement on both parties: truth disclosure and performance warranty for insurant, while waiver and estopple for insurer. (翻译:最大诚信原则对投保人的要求主要是如实告知与履行保证。)

7. Because of the establishment of estoppels by waiver, the precedent and doctrine do an important contribution to the progress of law. (翻译:权利失效理论的确立,可谓学说与判例为促进法律进步的一项重大贡献。)

8. Any change in or waiver of this Code shall be promptly disclosed through a filing with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. (翻译:撤销或放弃使用此准则应通过与美国证券交易委员会编档立即公布。)

9. Ray Fiske had snuck in a medical release waiver. (翻译:雷·弗斯克隐蔽地写上了 医疗记录弃权协议)

10. Furthermore, the Landlord's acceptance of any such payment shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights available to the Landlord. (翻译:此外,业主的该等款项的接受,不得解释为任何权利提供给业主放弃。)

11. It says China would need a special waiver from the group's 46 member states to go ahead with the multibillion-dollar sale. (翻译:它说,中国需要NSG的46个成员国给予其特殊的豁免才能继续这项数十亿美元的交易。)

12. But they signed the waiver once I explained to them That this is a family restaurant. (翻译:但是他们都签了字 我向他们解释 这是家庭餐馆)

13. These comments as well as persistent rumors of a surprise Chinese rate hike coming this weekend was a supple recipe for risk to waiver. (翻译:这些评论加上有关中国本周末加息的传言甚嚣尘上,令风险难以承受。)

14. Acceptance by the Seller of less than full payment shall not be a waiver of any of his rights. (翻译:卖方接受非全额付款,并不意味着卖方自动放弃自身的任何权利。)

15. No waiver of any breach shall be deemed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach. (翻译:对任一违约行为放弃行使权利不应当被认为是对其后发的所有违约行为均放弃追究。)



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