atoll是什么意思 atoll的中文翻译、读音、例句

atoll是什么意思 atoll的中文翻译、读音、例句



词组搭配:atoll reef(珊瑚环礁)、coral atoll(珊瑚岛)、pacific atoll(太平洋环形珊瑚岛)



1. The Maldives is a famous tropical paradise that is well-known for its beautiful atolls.


2. The atoll in the South Pacific was formed by volcanic activity millions of years ago.


3. I want to go on a diving tour to explore the underwater world of the Great Barrier Reef's atolls.


4. The inhabitants of the atoll rely on fishing for their livelihood.


5. The atoll was devastated by a powerful hurricane last year, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.




1. The Maldives is famous for its picturesque atolls and crystal clear waters.(马尔代夫以其如画的环礁和清澈的海水而闻名。)

2. The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands are home to the world’s largest atoll.(西北夏威夷群岛是世界上最大的环礁所在地。)

3. The atoll ecosystem is highly vulnerable to climate change and rising sea levels.(环礁生态系统极其脆弱,容易受到气候变化和海平面上升的影响。)

4. The sailors were marooned on a deserted atoll for several weeks.(水手们被困在一个荒凉的环礁上几周。)

5. The atoll’s coral reefs provide habitats for a diverse range of marine species.(环礁的珊瑚礁为多样化的海洋物种提供了栖息地。)

6. The island of Tuvalu is composed of nine small atolls.(图瓦卢岛由九个小环礁组成。)

7. The atoll’s lagoon is a popular spot for snorkeling and diving.(环礁的拉戈恩是浮潜和潜水的热门地点。)

8. The atoll’s unique geography has inspired many artists and writers.(环礁独特的地理环境激发了许多艺术家和作家的灵感。)

9. The atoll’s isolated location makes it difficult for researchers to study its ecology.(环礁孤立的位置使得研究人员很难研究其生态学。)

atoll的中文翻译为“环礁”,读音为 [ˈætɒl]。


1. The Maldives is a famous tourist destination with many beautiful atolls.


2. The atoll was formed by the buildup of coral reefs over time.





例句:The turquoise lagoon of French Polynesia's Mataiva atoll stands out against the dark blue of the surrounding Pacific Ocean in an image taken by an astronaut on August 13. (这个绿松色的礁湖,位于法国波利尼西亚群岛的萨摩亚环礁,于周围深蓝色的太平洋形成了强烈的对比,这幅图片是xx月13号由航天员拍摄。)


例句:It retains important strategic interests on Kwajalein, the country's largest atoll. (它在这个国家最大的岛屿Kwajalein上保持着重要的战略利益。)


例句:My dad would be back from Zander's Atoll... if he was still alive. (我爸爸能从桑德尔珊瑚礁回来 只要他还活着)


例句:Contents of dead Laysan albatross chick's stomach, mostly bottle caps, Kure Atoll, 2002 (翻译:死了的Laysan信天翁胃里的东西,塑料瓶盖。)


atoll一般作为名词使用,如在drowned atoll(【地质学】潜环礁,水下环礁)、Eauripik Atoll([地名] 欧里皮克环礁 ( 密 ))、Ebon Atoll([地名] 埃邦环礁 ( 马绍尔 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

drowned atoll【地质学】潜环礁,水下环礁
Eauripik Atoll[地名] 欧里皮克环礁 ( 密 )
Ebon Atoll[地名] 埃邦环礁 ( 马绍尔 )
Erikub Atoll[地名] 埃里库布环礁 ( 马绍尔 )
Egum Atoll[地名] 埃古姆环礁 ( 巴布 )
Enewetak Atoll[地名] 埃内韦塔克环礁 ( 马绍尔 )
Fakaofo Atoll[地名] 法考福环礁 ( 托 )
Fakarava Atoll[地名] 法卡拉瓦环礁 ( 波利 )
Fangahina Atoll[地名] 方阿希纳环礁 ( 波利 )


1. My dad would be back from Zander's Atoll... if he was still alive. (翻译:我爸爸能从桑德尔珊瑚礁回来 只要他还活着)

2. Contents of dead Laysan albatross chick's stomach, mostly bottle caps, Kure Atoll, 2002 (翻译:死了的Laysan信天翁胃里的东西,塑料瓶盖。)

3. The 1 997-98 ENSO event caused extensive coral bleaching in the atoll of Tungsha Island (Pratas Is. ). (翻译:例如 1997 至 98 年圣婴现象曾 造成东沙环礁珊瑚大量白化死亡。)

4. A scene from the original "Godzilla" , a film inspired by the testing of an American hydrogen bomb at Bikini Atoll. (翻译:电影《哥斯拉》的一幕。该片灵感来自于美国在比基尼岛进行的核试验。)

5. This was the first time a seaborne attack had been launched against a heavily defended atoll protected by a coral reef. (翻译:这是第一次 对一个被珊瑚礁保护 起来的守卫森严的环礁发起海上进攻)

6. The first was opened in South Miladhunmadulu Atoll in March 1979. (翻译:于是xx年xx月,第一所学校在南米拉杜卢岛成立。)

7. The site of the test is the Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands, deep inside the territory of the Japanese Empire. (翻译:试爆地点是马绍尔群岛的 比基尼环礁 位于日本帝国领土腹地)

8. Black-footed albatross on Kure Atoll, 2002. (翻译:在Kure A toll岛上,塑料垃圾中的黑脚信天翁,xx年。)

9. MORE than 100 Australians and New Zealanders of Cook Island descent are stranded on the remote Pacific atoll of Pukapuka in the northern Cook Islands. (翻译:100多名澳大利亚人和新西兰籍的库克群岛后裔被困北库克群岛一个偏远的太平洋环礁,名为普卡普卡岛。)

10. Pukapuka - also known as Danger Island - is the most isolated atoll in the Cooks group, and comprises three islets and a sandbank 1150km northwest of Rarotonga. (翻译:也叫危险岛——是库克群岛中最孤立的一个岛屿,由三个小岛和一座沙丘组成,距离拉罗汤加岛1150公里。)

11. Reefs, islands, and the ocean around the Mariana Islands, Palmyra Atoll and Rose Atoll will be covered. (翻译:保护区将覆盖玛丽安娜岛、巴尔米拉环礁和罗斯环礁周边的珊瑚礁、岛屿和海洋。)

12. The test was conducted at the Mururoa Atoll on Wednesday. (翻译:该试验于周三在穆罗拉环礁进行。)

13. France has carried out an underground nuclear explosion on Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific. (翻译:法国已经在南太平洋的穆鲁罗瓦环礁进行了地下核爆。)

14. Taiwan's Coast Guard wasn't involved, but it occasionally chases off foreign fishing boats that come near the atoll. (翻译:台湾的海湾警卫队并未卷入,但偶尔会驱赶靠近群岛的外国渔船。)

15. And during the stormy southwest monsoon, manta rays from all across the archipelago travel to a tiny speck in Baa Atoll called Hanifaru. (翻译:在暴风雨不断的西南季风季节里, 生活在群岛海域的魔鬼鱼 都会聚集到巴阿环礁 一个叫哈尼法鲁的小岛附近。)

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