1. 词性:'cour'可以作为名词、动词或者缩写词出现,具体使用方式取决于上下文。
- The courier delivered the package to my house this morning. ('courier'作为名词)
- She coursed through the woods, trying to escape from the wild animals. ('course'作为动词)
- He was selected to participate in the C.O.U.R. program, which focuses on community outreach and engagement. ('C.O.U.R.'作为缩写词)
2. 意义:'cour'和相关的词汇通常与传递、交流、运输等相关,有时也涉及到教育和行动。
- The university offers a course on business communication. ('course'指课程)
- The government is taking immediate action to address the crisis. ('action'表示行动)
- The court ruled in favor of the plaintiff. ('court'指法院)
- The courier company promises to deliver your package by tomorrow morning. ('courier'指快递员)
- The soldier completed a grueling obstacle course training. ('course'指障碍训练)
3. 同音词:'cour'的同音词很多,需要根据上下文来判断具体含义,避免混淆。
- That girl has a lot of core values that align with our organization. ('core'指核心)
- My coworker was promoted to a higher level in the company's hierarchy. ('career'指职业)
- The chef used a lot of herbs in the dish to enhance the flavor. ('herbs'指草本植物)
- The criminal was sentenced to ten years in jail for his heinous crime. ('heinous'意为卑劣的)
- The corporation filed for bankruptcy due to financial difficulties. ('corporation'指公司)
4. 衍生词:'cour'的词源可以产生很多相关的词汇,如'courtesy'、'encourage'、'discourage'等。
- We appreciate the courtesy extended to us during our visit to your company. ('courtesy'指礼貌)
- The teacher's encouragement helped the student to do better in school. ('encouragement'指鼓励)
- The bad news discouraged the investors from supporting the project. ('discouraged'表示失去信心)
- The cyclist had a course map to help him navigate the unfamiliar terrain. ('course map'指路线图)
5. 用法:'cour'的使用需要注意词性和语境,避免出现不恰当的用法和混淆。
- He was charged with contempt of court for disrupting the proceedings. ('contempt of court'是法律术语)
- The company hired a courier to deliver the documents to the client's office. ('courier'指快递员)
- The coach designed a training course to help the athletes improve their performance. ('training course'指训练课程)
- The politician's remarks coursed controversy and criticism from the public. ('coursed'表示引起)
- The agency has a strict code of conduct that all employees must abide by. ('code of conduct'指行为准则)
1. Le procès aura lieu dans la cour supérieure. (这个审判将在最高法院进行。)
2. Les gens se rassemblent devant la cour d'appel pour soutenir leur ami. (人们聚集在上诉法院前支持他们的朋友。)
3. Le juge présidera la cour pendant le procès. (法官将主持审判。)
4. Le procureur a présenté des preuves convaincantes devant la cour. (检察官在法庭上提出了有力的证据。)
5. La cour a rendu un verdict de culpabilité. (法庭作出了有罪的裁决。)
6. Le palais de justice abrite de nombreuses cours et tribunaux. (司法宫有许多法院和法庭。)
7. La cour d'honneur était remplie de dignitaires et de VIPs. (荣誉法庭里挤满了高级官员和名人。)
8. Les avocats de la défense ont plaidé leur cause devant la cour. (辩护律师在法庭上为他们辩护。)
9. Les témoins ont témoigné sous serment dans la cour de justice. (证人在法庭上作证。)
1. Nous avons une petite cour à l'arrière de la maison. (我们房子后面有一个小院子。)
2. Les sportifs se sont retrouvés sur le cour de tennis pour une compétition amicale. (运动员们在网球场上为友谊赛相聚。)
3. Le juge a pris sa décision après avoir écouté attentivement les témoignages présentés au cour. (法官在认真听取了法庭上呈现的证言后做出了自己的决定。)
4. Les enfants jouaient calmement dans la cour de l'école pendant la récréation. (孩子们在课间休息时在学校的操场上安静地玩耍。)
例句:This year, three-quarters of the effort to curb the deficit consists of higher taxes, says the Cour des Comptes, the national auditor. (据国家审计员cour髧des Comptes表示,今年控制赤字的努力有四分之三都用于征收高额税。)
例句:First of all, a warm welcome to cour company. (首先,诚挚地欢迎你加入我们公司。)
例句:Clay cour. ts slow t. he ball down and make it bounce higher. (红土球场具有减缓球速、使球弹得更高的特性。)
cour一般作为名词使用,如在Supreme Cour(高级法院)、la cour wheel(拉苦轮)等常见短语中出现较多。
Supreme Cour | 高级法院 |
la cour wheel | 拉苦轮 |
1. Clay cour. ts slow t. he ball down and make it bounce higher. (翻译:红土球场具有减缓球速、使球弹得更高的特性。)