keep pace with是什么意思 keep pace with的中文翻译、读音、例句

keep pace with是什么意思 keep pace with的中文翻译、读音、例句


'keep pace with'是一个表示跟上节奏、跟上步伐的词组,它可以从以下五个方面进行说明:

1. 意义:'keep pace with'的含义是保持步伐一致,跟上进程。

2. 用法:该词组通常与几个语法结构一起使用,如动词+宾语、形容词或副词+介词+宾语等。

3. 同义词:与'keep pace with'意思相近的词汇有'keep up with'、'stay abreast of'等。

4. 反义词:与'keep pace with'意思相反的词汇有'fall behind'、'lag behind'等。

5. 应用领域:'keep pace with'的应用领域非常广泛,可以用于各种领域的文章、新闻、科技报道、商业营销等等。


1. The company needs to keep pace with the market trends to stay competitive.


2. It's important to keep pace with the latest technology to remain relevant in your field.


3. She tried to keep pace with the fast-moving crowd, but eventually fell behind.


4. The school has implemented new strategies to help students keep pace with their studies.


5. The government must keep pace with the changing needs of society and adapt its policies accordingly.



读音:kēep pāce with


1. In today's fast-paced world, it's important to keep pace with the latest technology.(在今天这个快节奏的世界,跟上最新的技术是很重要的。)

2. As a student, it's crucial to keep pace with your classmates and stay motivated.(作为一名学生,跟上同学们的步伐并保持动力非常关键。)

3. Our company has to keep pace with the changing market trends in order to stay competitive.(我们公司必须跟上不断变化的市场趋势,以保持竞争力。)

keep pace with在中文中有"并驾齐驱"的意思,其次还有"并驾齐驱"的意思,在线读音是[keeppacewith],keep pace with常被用作名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到91个与keep pace with相关的句子。

Keep pace with的翻译


例句:Bit of a change of pace from my regular duties. (跟我以往的工作内容有点不同 Bit of a change of pace from my regular duties.)


keep pace with一般作为名词使用,如在keep pace(并列:与其他人并驾齐驱, 如在比赛中)、to keep pace(齐步前进;并驾齐驱)、pace(一步 )等常见短语中出现较多。

keep pace并列:与其他人并驾齐驱, 如在比赛中
to keep pace齐步前进;并驾齐驱
in pace[网络] 平静之中;和平;在平安里
pace in走在…的前面
for keep[网络] 值得保存
in keep with与…一致,和…协调
keep ... atna. 纠缠;坚持地做\n[网络] 继续做;坚持做;使不停地做


1. Trying to keep pace with them is doomed to inglorious failure, especially as the pace has quickened so much. (翻译:任何试图赶上他们步伐的努力都注定要黯然失败,尤其当他们加快步伐的时候。)

2. cityforcesme feverish pace to follow ... feverishpace. (翻译:City forces me feverish pace to follow feverish pace)

3. (Woman) Make sure you keep your teeth guarded behind your lips, and don't be afraid to set the pace. (翻译:确保你的牙齿不要咬到嘴唇 不必担心进行的速度)

4. But as the institute has strengthened its ratings, Acura hasn't been able to keep pace. (翻译:但是当机构提高了他的检测标准时,讴歌却没办法跟上脚步。)

5. Well, men, we've mde a good start; let's see if we can keep up the pace. (翻译:好啦,伙计们,我们一开始就很顺利,让我们看是否能保持这个速度。)

6. And at the same time period, the human population has quadrupled, and the land is being fragmented at such a pace that it's really hard to keep up with. (翻译:在同样的时间段中, 人口增长了 3 倍, 土地分裂的速度是如此之快, 真的很难跟上。)

7. ♪ And a chain and a keep are nothing ♪ (翻译:♪ And a chain and a keep are nothing ♪)

8. Maybe my leisurely pace is just a little faster than yours. (翻译:也可能我慢慢来也比你快 Maybe my leisurely pace is just a little faster than yours.)

9. Come on, mate, keep it on, keep it on. (翻译:加油 继续 继续 Come on, mate, keep it on, keep it on.)

10. HUDA and other state agencies could not keep up with the pace of construction. (翻译:HUDA和其他的邦政府机构不能跟上城市建设的速度。)

11. If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is becausehehears a different drumer. (翻译:让他和着自己的音乐走吧,无论那乐声是何种节奏,多么遥远。)

12. Yeah, well, we keep walking at this pace, quitting isn't gonna be the problem. (翻译:好吧,我们保持这样的行走速度... ... 就用不着中途退出了)

13. Summing up, we see that their industry is forging head at a rate with which at the moment we are unable to keep pace. (翻译:总而言之,我们看到他们的工业正以我们目前赶不上的速度飞速发展。)

14. Well. it's what the district thinks is necessary for the children to keep pace with the curriculum. (翻译:主管部门觉得为了让孩子们 跟上课程必须这么做)

15. Parry's grave overlooks slopes where supply can now barely keep pace with demand. (翻译:Parry的坟墓俯瞰着那个山坡,山坡上面,现在供应几乎都赶不上需求的步伐了。)

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