usance是什么意思 usance的中文翻译、读音、例句

usance是什么意思 usance的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:usance是一个名词,意思是商业交易中的时间期限或习惯性行为,通常指支付期限或接受货物的期限。

2. 词性:usance是一个名词,没有变化。

3. 常用场景:usance通常用于国际贸易、银行业务及金融领域,表示习惯上的支付期限、承兑期限、货物运输期限等。

4. 词组搭配:常见的usance搭配有:usance bill、usance period、usance letter of credit等。

5. 相关短语:与usance相关的短语有:at usance、beyond usance、usance charges等。

6. 发音拼写:usance的发音为 [ˈjuːzəns],拼写为u-s-a-n-c-e。



1. The usance period for this shipment is 60 days.(这批货物的信用期限是60天。)

2. We offer a 90-day usance for this transaction.(我们为这笔交易提供90天的信用期限。)

3. The buyer has requested a longer usance period than what we initially offered.(买方要求比我们最初提供的信用期限更长。)

4. We will only release the documents against payment or acceptance under usance terms.(我们只会在信用期限下支付或承兑后交付单据。)

5. The usance period begins from the date of shipment.(信用期限从装运日期开始计算。)

6. We cannot accept a usance exceeding 180 days.(我们不能接受超过180天的信用期限。)

7. The usance period can be extended upon mutual agreement.(在双方协商一致的情况下,信用期限可以延长。)

8. We require a letter of credit with a 60-day usance period.(我们需要一份信用证,并且信用期限为60天。)

9. The usance period is an important aspect of international trade finance.(信用期限是国际贸易金融中的一个重要方面。)



1. The usance of the payment term is 60 days.


2. The letter of credit states that payment will be made at 30 days' usance.





例句:please advise us the date of acceptance and maturity by returned authenticated swift or tested telex in case of the usance bill (如存在远期汇票,请以退回有效转接或电传方式将其承兑日期和到期日期通知我们。)


例句:Payment will be made when the usance period is due. (进口人在汇票到期时才履行付款义务。)


例句:Good. Payment by sight draft or usance draft? (好,是即期支付还是远期支付? )


例句:Party A shall bear the interest on the usance L/C and the down payment of Party B. (翻译:甲方负担远期信用证及乙方预付款的利息。)


usance一般作为名词使用,如在dollar usance(美元票据的支付期限)、payable at usance([经] 远期付款)、usance bill([经] 习用期票)等常见短语中出现较多。

dollar usance美元票据的支付期限
payable at usance[经] 远期付款
usance bill[经] 习用期票
usance credit[经] 远期信用状
usance draft[经] 远期汇票
usance of payment[金融] 支付习惯期限
export usance bill出口远期汇票
seller's usance[经] 卖方远期票据
shipper's usance[经] 托运人远期票据


1. Good. Payment by sight draft or usance draft? (翻译:好,是即期支付还是远期支付? )

2. Party A shall bear the interest on the usance L/C and the down payment of Party B. (翻译:甲方负担远期信用证及乙方预付款的利息。)

3. wont; custom; usage; usance; habit; practice; tradition; lore; traditional knowledge. (翻译:习惯;习性;惯例,习惯;习惯;习性;惯例,习惯;学问;知识;学问;知识。)

4. Usance drafts drawn under this credit are to be negotiated at sight basis. (翻译:本信用证项下开立的远期汇票可按即期议付。)



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