salma hayek是什么意思 salma hayek的中文翻译、读音、例句

salma hayek是什么意思 salma hayek的中文翻译、读音、例句

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Salma Hayek是好莱坞电影明星,她曾经在许多著名电影中担任主角,比如《疯狂的石头》、《爱情万岁》等。她还曾经获得过奥斯卡最佳女配角提名,并且拥有着许多影迷。


1. Salma Hayek的个人生平和经历。她出生于墨西哥,并且在好莱坞发展了她的演艺事业。

2. Salma Hayek在电影界的成就。她已经出演了许多著名的电影,并且获得了许多奖项。

3. Salma Hayek的影响力。作为一位知名的演员,她对电影行业的发展和文化传播产生了巨大的影响。

4. Salma Hayek的个人风格和时尚品味。她的时尚品味受到了观众的好评,并且成为了时尚界的风向标。

5. Salma Hayek的社会活动。她积极参加各种慈善活动,并且致力于推动社会公益事业。


1. Salma Hayek was born in Mexico and became a Hollywood star at a young age.


2. Salma Hayek is known for her outstanding performances in many famous films.


3. Salma Hayek has a huge impact on the film industry and cultural communication.


4. Salma Hayek always shows her personal style and fashion taste on the red carpet.


5. Salma Hayek actively participates in various charity activities and promotes social welfare.


Salma Hayek 的中文翻译为“萨尔玛·海耶克”,读音为“sà ěr mǎ · hǎi yē kè”。


1. 萨尔玛·海耶克是一位有才华的演员,她在许多经典电影中都有出色的表现。

2. 我非常喜欢萨尔玛·海耶克的电影,她的演技非常真实自然。

3. 萨尔玛·海耶克曾经参演过《绝命毒师》等知名电视剧,赢得了观众的喜爱。


Salma Hayek is a talented actress, and she has performed excellently in many classic films.

I really like Salma Hayek's movies. Her acting is very real and natural.

Salma Hayek has appeared in well-known television dramas such as Breaking Bad and has won the love of the audience.

salma hayek的中文解释是"塞尔玛·海耶克、莎玛海雅克",其次还有"萨尔玛·海耶克"的意思,发音是[salmahayek],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到54个与salma hayek相关的句子。

Salma hayek的翻译


例句:The Tea Party would have found a kindred spirit in Hayek -- and indeed , its more erudite members refer to him often . (茶党或许会在哈耶克的观点中找到类似的精神——事实上,那些博学的茶党成员也经常提及哈耶克。)


例句:Salma and Sabiha look like they could be sisters, both tall and heavy, with deep, bellowing laughs. (萨尔玛和萨毗哈看起来像是姐妹,都是又高又胖,笑起来大着嗓门。)


例句:Hayek returned gushing , and wrote Thatcher, urging her to follow Chile's aggressive model more faithfully. (他还写信给撒切尔夫人,敦促她更加忠实地遵循智利这个敢作敢为的模式。)、萨尔玛·海耶克

例句:If you are aiming to win you must recite as Salma. (翻译:如果你想的目标是赢得比赛 你必须要像萨尔玛那样读)


salma hayek一般作为名词使用,如在salma(意大利重量单位(=217.728公斤))等常见短语中出现较多。



1. Hayek returned gushing , and wrote Thatcher, urging her to follow Chile's aggressive model more faithfully. (翻译:他还写信给撒切尔夫人,敦促她更加忠实地遵循智利这个敢作敢为的模式。)

2. If you are aiming to win you must recite as Salma. (翻译:如果你想的目标是赢得比赛 你必须要像萨尔玛那样读)

3. There are many economic writers, like Hayek, Hanes . . . This is the economic and financial center. (翻译:还有许多经济作家,想哈耶克、迈吉、黑尼斯……这里是经济与金融的中心。)

4. The film introduced [[Salma Hayek]] to American audiences. (翻译:这部电影将[[SalmaHayek|萨尔玛·海耶克]]介绍给了美国观众。)

5. Councillor Salma Khatun: 'As long as I live, no underage girl is getting married in this district! ' (翻译:女议员萨尔玛卡顿说:“只要我还活着,我决不让这一带的未成年少女嫁人!”)

6. But so is Hayek, that's why I'm a libertarian Marxist, and so is Keynes, so that's why I'm totally confused. (翻译:但同时哈耶克, 这就是为什么 我是一个自由派马克思主义者, 还有凯恩斯, 这也就是为什么 我自己都感到不清醒了。)

7. There are many economic writers, like Hayek, Hanes... This is the economic and financial center. (翻译:还有许多经济作家,想哈耶克、迈吉、黑尼斯……这里是经济与金融的中心。)

8. McAfee's Avert Labs Blog has a list of other known subject lines, including ones claiming that Madonna and Salma Hayek have been infected. (翻译:McAfee’sAvertLabs的博客上罗列了一系列其他人们已经知道的邮件主题名,包括那些声称圣母玛利亚和萨尔玛海耶克已经被感染的邮件名。)

9. As well as beating all other sportswomen, the 20-year-old finished ahead of the likes of Charlize Theron, Natalie Portman and Salma Hayek. (翻译:她打败了其他所有的女运动员,xx岁出头的安娜排在了查理兹塞隆,娜塔莉波特曼和塞尔玛海耶克之前。)

10. You won’t be able to take your eyes off the next four presenters: Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz. (翻译:接下来的四位主持人保证让你们挪不开视线,她们是萨尔曼.海耶克和佩尼洛普.克鲁兹。)

11. Noura Saleh, Salma Abdul Aziz and Wadjda Al Saffan. (翻译:诺拉 萨利赫 萨尔玛 阿不都 阿齐兹和瓦嘉达 萨夫兰)

12. You won't be able to take your eyes off the next four presenters: Salma Hayek and Penelope Cruz. (翻译:接下来的四位主持人你们移不开视线,她们是萨尔曼.海耶克和佩尼洛普.克鲁兹。)

13. Salma Hayek: Life is tough, but if you have the ability to laugh at it, you have the ability to enjoy it. (翻译:萨尔玛·海耶克:人生艰难,但是如果你有笑对人生的能力,你就有享受人生的能力。)

14. In any event, after discovering the writings of Hayek, I discovered Mises and Rothbard with the same sort of enthusiasm. (翻译:不管怎么说,在发现了哈耶克的著作之后,我怀着同样的热情发现了米塞斯和罗斯巴德。)

15. But between them, Von Hayek and Von Mises never seem to have held a single academic appointment that didn't involve a corporate sponsor. (翻译:但在他们自己看来,米塞斯和哈耶克在没有企业赞助的情况下似乎从没得到过一项学业任命。)

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