3.变体方面:Hydrant也常常作为缩写词出现,通常缩写成FH(fire hydrant)来表示消防栓,也可以用HMA(hydrant meter assembly)来指代消防水表。
1. It is important to know the location of the nearest fire hydrant in case of an emergency. 在紧急情况下,知道最近的消防栓位置是很重要的。
2. Please park your car at least 15 feet away from the fire hydrant. 请将车辆停在离消防栓至少15英尺的地方。
3. The firefighters quickly connected the hose to the hydrant and sprayed water on the burning building. 消防员迅速将软管连接到消防栓上,并用水喷洒在燃烧的建筑物上。
4. The city council decided to install fire hydrants on every street corner for better fire protection. 市议会决定在每个街角安装消防栓,以获得更好的防火保护。
5. The hydrant meter assembly is used to measure the amount of water used by the fire department during firefighting operations. 消防水表(HMA)用于测量消防部门在灭火作业中使用的水量。
'hydrant'是英语单词,中文翻译为“消防栓”。它是指提供水源的设施,用于消防或紧急情况下的灭火。常见的用法是“fire hydrant”(消防栓)。
1. The fire hydrant on the street corner saved the building from burning down.(街角的消防栓挽救了这栋建筑)
2. The city is installing new hydrants throughout the downtown area.(城市正在市中心安装新的消防栓)
3. The fire department uses hydrants to fill their trucks with water.(消防部门使用消防栓给他们的卡车加水)
4. The hydrant was damaged in the accident and had to be replaced.(消防栓在事故中受损,必须更换)
5. The city has regulations that prohibit people from parking in front of fire hydrants.(城市有规定禁止人们在消防栓前停车)
6. The firefighters quickly connected their hoses to the hydrant and began to fight the fire.(消防员迅速将他们的软管接到消防栓上,开始扑灭火势)
7. The hydrant was frozen solid during the winter months, making it unusable.(消防栓在冬季结冰,无法使用)
8. There was a leak in the hydrant, causing water to spray everywhere.(消防栓漏水,导致水喷洒到四处)
9. The hydrant was covered in graffiti, making it difficult to spot in an emergency.(消防栓被涂鸦,很难在紧急情况下发现)
1. We found the fire hydrant on the corner and used it to put out the fire. (我们在路口找到了消防栓,用它来扑灭火情。)
2. Please turn off the hydrant after you finish washing your car. (洗车后请关闭水龙头。)
3. The park has several hydrants where visitors can refill their water bottles. (公园里有几处取水口,游客可以在那里加满水瓶。)
例句:Huh. Well, fire hydrant, street curb, graffiti... (消防栓 街道缘石 涂鸦 Well, fire hydrant, street curb, graffiti)
例句:For two weeks I had to fetch water from a hydrant, and the toilets didn't work. (替我问候亨里克和孩子们 出门了星期一才回来)
例句:When asked about it, I said Quayle's claim would strike terror into the heart of every fire hydrant in America. (被人问起时,我说奎尔的言语会使全美国的消防栓胆战心惊。)
例句:We gotta move the vehicle off the hydrant. (翻译:- 我们得把车从消防栓上移开 - 赶紧去)
hydrant一般作为名词使用,如在fire hydrant(消防栓\n[电] 消防栓)、flush hydrant(路面消防栓)、foam hydrant(灭火器泡沫的给水栓)等常见短语中出现较多。
fire hydrant | 消防栓\n[电] 消防栓 |
flush hydrant | 路面消防栓 |
foam hydrant | 灭火器泡沫的给水栓 |
hook the hydrant | 把水龙带接到消防栓上 |
hydrant cart | 油泵车 |
hydrant dispenser | 加油车 |
hydrant hose | 龙带 |
hydrant pipe | 消防管\n消火栓管道 |
hydrant pit | 地下油槽 |
1. When asked about it, I said Quayle's claim would strike terror into the heart of every fire hydrant in America. (翻译:被人问起时,我说奎尔的言语会使全美国的消防栓胆战心惊。)
2. We gotta move the vehicle off the hydrant. (翻译:- 我们得把车从消防栓上移开 - 赶紧去)
3. No law against parking your car unless it's in front of a hydrant. (翻译:法律没禁止不能停车 只要别停在消防栓前就好了)
4. Jackson backed 12-17 into a hydrant on Halsted last night. (翻译:史蒂夫 {\3cH202020}Steve?)
5. outdoor fire hydrant As the name suggests is a disaster in the event of fire departments, a device used for fire-fighting water. (翻译:室外消火栓顾名思义就是在出现火情灾害时消防部门用于取水灭火的一种装置。)
6. And so these cars came along, and the hydrant -- "It's all the way over there, I'm fine," and there was actually a parking spot painted there beautifully for them. (翻译:司机将车开过来,心想 “ 还离得挺远,没问题的,“ 何况地上还有一个画得美美的停车位。)
7. - Citations for parking in a red zone more than 18 inches from the curb, blocking a fire hydrant expired registration, no front plate, littering, attempt to extort an officer and willfully destroying a court summons. (翻译:-罪证 泊车在红色区域 离路边距离超过18英寸挡住消防栓 驾照过期 无保险杠)
8. There's a hydrant over there. Give me one supply line to Engine 1 . (翻译:这儿已经有根水管了 我还要根1号车的水管)
9. It's a cute little app where you can adopt a fire hydrant. (翻译:这是一个可以让你领养一个消防栓的可爱简易的程序。)
10. Dawson, stay back, get yourself a supply line over to the hydrant before the engine's reserve runs out. (翻译:Dawson 退后 拿条供水管接到消防栓)
11. It's a little bit like designing a fire hydrant, and it has to be easily serviceable: you have to know where it is and what it does. (翻译:有点像是设计消防栓, 它要方便好用: 我们要知道它在哪、能做什么。)
12. Last week at the apartment fire, I pulled off two attack lines laid my own supply line and caught a hydrant in two minutes. (翻译:上周的公寓火灾 我拽着两条灭火水带线 接上我的供水线 并在两分钟内接上了一个消防栓)
13. When maintenance is required, it can be performed easily at the hydrant or at any other convenient location. (翻译:如果需要进行维护,则很容易在消防栓或任何其他方便的位置进行。)
14. It's a little bit like designing a fire hydrant, and it has to be easily serviceable: you have to know where it is and what it does. (翻译:有点像是设计消防栓, 它要方便好用: 我们要知道它在哪、能做什么。)
15. But if we did this in every single -- every fire hydrant we could redefine the emergency. (翻译:但如果我们这么做了 在每一个 每隔一个消防栓 我们可以重新定义紧急事件。)